Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

the post you link has Mists starting in 30, so wouldn’t Theramore be closer to 10 years?

(line is “or that we rediscovered Pandaria in year 30”)

At least they stopped using their shadow muppet to agree with themselves and liking their own posts, so there is a plus there for the thread, that is about a topic that was tooth and nail combed over, it would make Spaceballs facepalm and then eventually put to rest over a decade ago. In a time before the old forums Imploded on itself.

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haha… teleport corpse a to your prison, It is not justifiable to forgive him his bloodlust and revenge so that she can later redeem herself.

And it was not in Dalaran, it was in Dazar’lor sent to the alliance to kill civilians when the Zandalari trolls were not our ally, they only hosted us to explore Zandalar and stop the threats of the old gods and Zul.

Cata happened year 28. One could assume Theramore happened at the tail end of Cata, so it could still be end of year 28-29. Suffice to say your helping me against said poster. Her claim is Theramore was 20 years ago. If its 10 years ago it means Theramore as an even more recent event then 12 years ago.

Depends on whether you count it as connected to mists as the prepatch, or cata.

We won’t know until July. So yeah, with Chronicles 4 covering two faction wars and, sigh, shadowlands, it will be a hell of a ride.

And it was the Sunreavers who knowingly enabled that, no?

Granted, that’s a more hierarchical action, but even among rank and file, it’s pretty hard to get a warmonger a nuke without that as of then had no counter… without having some idea what it’d be used for, even if not where.


The Sunreavers as an organization had no role whatsoever in that plan.


Her kill count was only 7 sunreaver guards. Rest of the work was done by the Alliance Player that has more of a kill count than Jaina and Vereesa altogether.

It’s because she was coded to attack the Sunreavers, because they are a military force that is now unlawfully occupying the city she controls, and are actively attacking her in retaliation.

The civilians were never meant to be attacked and it is not canon.

I am genuinely flabbergasted there are people who say the Sunreavers were innocent when they built the bomb to nuke theramore and actively gave garrosh a second weapon of mass destruction.


The Sunreavers were never a military force. They were a civilian group with the primary goal of getting blood elves who were former Dalaran citizens back into city to continue living their lives.


Imaging bombing AN ENTIRE CITY and then be angry, that you aren’t treated as a guest anymore. Some players are really… :rofl:

On the other hand Blizzard is doing just that with Worgen and Night elves, who welcome their murderers now in their own home and holding tea parties. So no wonder WoW players have a weird way of thinking.

Destroy a bunch of cities and zones, murder thousands upon thousands and be rewarded by your victims by being welcomed in 5 of their homes. Like… wtf is wrong with those writers at Blizzard? xD

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I am genuinely flabbergasted there are people who say the Sunreavers were innocent when they built the bomb to nuke theramore and actively gave garrosh a second weapon of mass destruction.

The Sunreavers as a whole did not make the mana bomb – only Thalen Songweaver did.


They quite literally are? Lmao. Have you not done Isle of Thunder?

They got recruited into the Silvermoon military following the purge of Dalaran. It’s literally part of the Horde quest.


And Jaina gave ample warning to Aethas that if even a single Sunreaver stepped out of line again, all of them would be punished.

Aethas admits in Legion he knew about the Divine Bell plan and didn’t stop it - meaning Aethas is at fault for the Sunreavers who died, not Jaina - he even actively admits this.


Fanlyr Silverthorn wasn’t even a Sunreaver.


And Jaina gave ample warning to Aethas that if even a single Sunreaver stepped out of line again, all of them would be punished.

I’ve never heard of Jaina giving Aethas any form of warning, let alone ample warning. Even still, collective punishment instead of simply finding the individual(s) responsible and punishing them is childish.

Aethas admits in Legion he knew about the Divine Bell plan and didn’t stop it - meaning Aethas is at fault for the Sunreavers who died, not Jaina - he even actively admits this.

I have also never heard of Aethas actively claiming he was the one at fault for the Sunreavers that died. And insofar as his knowing of the Divine Bell plan and him not stopping it; the account we have from the Devs is that Aethas only found out about it after it was already done, but was threatened into silence. He couldn’t have stopped it because he was unaware of the theft as it was happening. After a search, the only thing I found in Legion was Aethas not regretting the decisions he made, only what they had led to.

Jaina is still the one at fault for the Sunreavers that died. She didn’t have to kill and/or imprison the Sunreavers she came across regardless of their rank or status such as the civilians alongside the Silver Covenant. She didn’t have to give Vereesa Windrunner essentially carte blanche in directing the Alliance Player Character to join in on the Purge (killing people trying to get their money out of the bank, killing and/or disabling their mounts so that they couldn’t escape Dalaran in spite of the Purge’s intended goal being to remove the Horde from Dalaran, etcetera.)


Its literally in living memory for the elves who were there unless you want to assume they live short lifespans.

Watching a nation burn half your country and murder civilians because its entertaining to them as they make their objective to use/destroy the foundation of your society doesn’t just go away because a different guy is in charge. A different guy who, incidentally, hero worshipped the first genocidal guy so much he named a capitol city after him.

Do we get credit for all the civilians we saved? I wanted to kill, but no we could only save them.