Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Again, they’re similar but not mutually exclusive. A murderer is the person who committed the killing, a butcher can be someone who ordered the killing, and has it done in a barbaric or cruel way. While similar, they are no the same.

Jaina being called a murderer implies she was the one who did the killing.

That’s what you’re going with? Why would he lie? What purpose would the writers have for making him lie? That is so desperate of you to resort to. lol


Yeah, Hathorel lying in this context is silly. There’s no reason in-universe or out of it for him to do so.

Not lie so much as exaggerate. He is likely blaming Jaina not because she directly killed them and because she ordered the events of Purge.

Not to get too political but a certain leader/s are caller “murderers” right now because they ordered the killing/war again certain population but they themselves did not kill anyone personally.

Except again, the phrase “murderer” refers to the person who actually killed, not to the person who orders it.

Are you talking about in real life or in game? Because I’m not interested what words random people decide to use, I’m interested in it’s use by the official writers who write for Blizzard.


Actually our modern parlance does use “murderer” to refer to people who ordered murderers and not just those who actually killed.

This is how the english language works. That people use the term “murderer” to refer to people who order murders and not just those who actually execute them.

“Who are you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?”

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Didn’t Sunreavers lie at least three times now about their loyalties? Why couldn’t they lie about accusing someone of murder.

No, they don’t, and especially not by writers with actual knowledge of the meaning of these words while telling a story. Maybe to those ignorant to their meaning.

Except not when used by writers telling a story to the players, especially during exposition. The Magister was explaining why he was coming after Jaina, and called her a murderer. The meaning of is clear, and trying to suggest otherwise is just purposely ignorant.



Alliance, once again, ran off half cocked and accused an innocent party for someone else’s crimes.


What I think is funny is that he tried to argue the word’s meaning until it no longer worked, and now is trying to argue that it’s being used incorrectly. Eye roll.

If that didn’t outline his bias, and motive in this thread, I cannot fathom would else could.

“mAyBe hE LIeD”


I mean, I have seen him justify the slaughter of the Stonespire tribe as justified because some of the journals you get from dwarves complain about how they’re being a problem just because they don’t want the dwarves digging up their sacred land.


I like how the argument is just “She didn’t kill them, she just brutally beat them up and then threw them in jail” or “TECHNICALLY she didn’t get blood on her hands, the people directly under her command did and she didn’t reprimand them but she didn’t kill anyone.”


The logic doesn’t even make sense.

Like, why would she throw a fireball at an innocent Sunreaver and then teleport them? In live, the damage from the fireball just kills them, but in remix their healths are skewed from the scaling.

Its just funny that he thought he was being smart bringing it up, but all it does is just clarify that she was attacking the innocent civilians, and they did die.

When the remix is over, and only the live version remains guess what? She’ll be killing every single one she throws a fireball at again.


Garrosh Hellscream led the Horde against our people and slaughtered them like a butcher.-Genn Graymane

So there, buther is used in the context of actually killing people.

Nope. You’re missing the 3 to 5 year time skip between SL and DF. That’s not counting the year and a half of DF. So it’s between 17 and 19 years since Theramore.

I was amused a bit watching his video, where a few times Jaina’s all " FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIREBALL! Awww the teleport went off, where’s the next one" and then yells out some action movie villain line like “You brought this on yourselves!”

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Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Jaina: Whoops my bad accidentally shooting ice bolts at random Blood Elves. /giggle


Do you know what mutually exclusive means? A butcher can be a murderer, but a murderer isn’t always a butcher.

A butcher is someone who kills in a barbaric, or savage way, be it first hand, or by order of his men.

A murderer is always the person who commits the crime themselves.

Dragonflight occurs in year 40. Catacylsm occured in year 28. Ergo, as of Dragonflight, the destruction of Theramore was 12 years ago. In Warcrimes Wrathion was said to be 2 years old. So Mists end year 30.