Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Dear god, people here are saying Jaina talking about blood on her hands doesn’t mean anything, but Aethas shifting is a novel’s worth of proof of something.

Yes. It is embarassing the way you make stuff up and then think you can shame people who don’t buy it.

He bought a gift, he didn’t make this giant confession you made up for him.

It was an infiltrator that Garrosh put in there. He didn’t just want to steal the bell, he wanted to drive the sunreavers away from Dalaran.

Or is SI:7 the same as the legion who infiltrated them and led everyone into a trap?


There was literally a blizzard designer talking about his role in the bell theft but sure

Glad we agree.

Because we all know you buy gifts for genocidal criminals you hate.

It is embarassing the way you make stuff up and then think you can shame people who don’t buy it.

Now I know you’re trolling.

seeing the thieves after the fact? And the designer complaining about how that didn’t make it into the game?

I mean, it is a habit with Aethas

Says the person who was trying to shame people who don’t agree with your nonsense with some really gross accusations because you don’t understand the difference between content that never got released and things deleted from the game.


Honestly, I really hope they kill Jaina off. I’m so tired of the “I’m helping the Horde” “Grrr I hate the Horde” “teehee we’re friends again with the Horde” “I will literally drown an entire city” “Thrall wanna netflix and chill?” thing she has going on.


Y’all know they were different Orcs back then, right? Just because they go by the same name, doesn’t mean the same people are running things. The Orcs you’re talking about were from the first war. There was a good 20 years between the old Horde and Thrall’s Horde. Hell, it’s almost been 20 years (canonically) since Theramore was destroyed itself. That puts the first war around 40+ years ago, and most, if not all of those Orcs are dead by this point.

Just like real life, you can’t blame every Horde member for every atrocity. Some people are just trying to survive themselves. I mean, you can’t blame people that weren’t old enough or even born yet to have voted on their leadership that ruined everything. It’s like no one learns from real life events… :palestinian_territories:

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Except again, the phrase “murderer” is used in Warcraft to address someone who has been seen killing someone, especially someone considered innocent. Greymane called Sylvanas a murderer for her killing his son, the Magister calls Jaina a murderer for killing his friends. Stop trying to tip-toe around what was said, it’s obvious purpose.

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It has been 12 years since Theramore and 6 years since Teldrassil. As a side note I finally found out Anduin’s and Wrathion’s current age. As of DF Anduin is 25 and Wrathion is 12.

People called Hawthorne “butcher of Taurajo” even though he didnt kill civilian directly. In it might behove you but characters are not Gods and can make false claims.

Again the phrase butcher does not have the same meaning as “murderer” even Sylvanas refers to Arthas as a butcher as he carried his armies across the land.

Sylvanas was called a butcher for ordering the death of the Night elves, but she was called a “murderer” for killing Greymanes son in cold blood.

Jaina is called a murderer by the magister for killing his friends in cold blood.

stop trying to equate the two, because they’re almost always exclusively used to express different things.

I still think Jaina is hot.

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Butcher/murderer are synonimous. And again, characters in WoW make claims that are not true. News at 11.

This ought to be good.

Explain how ordering an attack when anyone who could defend it was away was not directly ordering the killing of civilians?

No, they’re not mutually exclusive at all. “Murderer” is a far more personal term, and used to refer to the person who committed the act. A butcher can be anyone who’s responsible (to any degree) of a group of people’s deaths.

Except writers choose this dialogue on purpose, to convey a point and tell a story to the players. The Magister was given that dialogue and calls her a murderer the fact that this was said and you’re still trying to argue that she never killed anyone is crazy.

Butcher - To kill or have killed (a person or people) indiscriminately or brutally. Example: “they rounded up and butchered 250 people”

Murderer - a person who commits murder; a killer. example: “convicted murderers”

Butcher can be anyone who orders the deaths, or is responsible for the deaths of others, indiscriminately or brutally.

A murderer is the person who commits the murder, a killer.

A butcher could be someone who has never actually laid hands or killed someone personally, but a murderer is the person who has committed the killing themselves. A killer.

life is to be savored


Synonyms & Similar Words



It said only the most dangerous left, not that the all the defenders left, also the story was Hawthrone gave the civilians an avenue to evacuate.

A synonym can be any word that has a similar meaning to it, it does not have to be the same.

Also “murder” refers to the act, “murderer” refers to the person who committed the act. So if Jaina is the “murderer” she is the person that committed the “murder”

At the bottom of the page is a list of how these synonyms are used differently to convey different meanings.

Yes, they attacked when the hunters were gone. Civilians were slaughtered by his troops, and then the quillboars he drove them towards. Yes, I know he didn’t know, but his lack of planning does not excuse him from the consequences of his actions. If he was really interested in letting the civilians survive why not funnel them towards TB and not away from it?



Strong matches


Factful Match

Again, synonyms are words that are similar, they are not the same.

They are used in different context, to refer to different things.

Murderer: a person who kills another person

In this context it is similar in that it denotes culpability for someone killing someone else.

Also, again, the blood elf could be lying. It wouldn’t be the first time.