Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Frog farmers make my queues go faster, they can stay.

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Nothing in live has Aethas aware of anything. Generally people take info from something that didn’t make it into live due to it not working well and treat it as canon, despite Blizzard writers lamenting that it didn’t make it in and thus not part of the story.

Ok. More of you making up story based on your headcanon and using a vague thing that doesn’t say what you say it says as proof.


My point exactly. They had over a decade to fix this and yet fumbled anyway. Which means the Purge being bugged for years on end is par for the course.

And that is why I am hoping in a month and half we finally get our answers from Chronicles.

You mean that them not fixing an old story scenario working slightly differently but still working when they made a big change means something?

I don’t know if we should expect anything from that, or at least not at that level of detail.

Hey, Chronicles answer a few of my old questions(like for example why Deathwing didn’t just burn Stormwind to the ground) so there is always a chance

I mean - I agree, but if Blizzard has openly said this was supposed to happen but due to technical issues isnt shown, is implied in Isle of Thunder questing, and then implied in DF with the Trading post
I think Blizzard is trying to say he knew and is regretful whether he had an active or passive role.

I dont think it matters in the end - if Aethas didnt know then someone having access to Sunreaver portals means either the arcanic items were either given in part of their sworn fidelity to the Horde OR there were independent agents within the Sunreavers acting on behalf of the Horde war effort.

It would just make Aethas just incompetent or having knowledge (both of which can go either way because its Aethas). But again its speculation, and further proof that Rommath is the better mage.


And even if it had made it in, he only had knowledge after it happened and had his people threatened.

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It is a fact, not a matter of discussion.

Nothing he could’ve done as he discovered after the fact.

The alliance was in fact moving their troops via Dalaran portals.

“one sunreaver which was Garrosh’s spy in the organization did that, so now I’ll kill shoopkeepers in Dalaran to prove my point” seems a bit of stretch of justice, innit mate??

I’m not sure about that tbh. Theramore used to be more of a fisherman city, the military target for me always used to be Northwatch, but the alliance did use Theramore to move their troops towards southern barrens, and then there was the massacre of Camp Taurajo.

If we are speaking of dominance, Both Darnassus and Theramore were military targets for a Kalimdor dominance perspective.

Again, it was not a fix, it is the result of the level squish, which reduced Jaina’s damage.
If you make another character to do the Purge, you’ll see that she casts many fireballs until she can kill a sunreaver. Before she would 1 shot.

Let’s see what is more reasonable:

-Blizzard revisited this event, post-BFA, and changed Jaina to not kill the elves, thus killing the development she had in BFA where she admits her wrongdoing.
In addition, that also invalidates the reason why Lor’themar withdrew from the negotiations to join the aliance and leave the horde.

(this is your theory, by the way).

-The level squish introduced with Shadowlands pre-patch ended up reducing drastically the damage of Jaina’s spells to the point she no longer kill elves.
Blizzard never bothered to fix that because it doesn’t matter at this point and it is not expected players to go through that, in special that probably no one bothered to report as a bug to them or they didn’t bother to fix it because they did not expect players to go through that campaign again or would notice/care about that detail.
(my simple explanation to what happens).

What story is more far-fetched now? Your invisible, never needed, incoherent and inconsistent bug fix? Or simply the result of the level squish?


The Fall of Shan Bu scenario. If you stick around and watch the RP with Taran Zhu after quest completion.

Lor’themar: The Sunreavers knew nothing of Garrosh’s raid on Darnassus!
Aethas Sunreaver shifts uncomfortably.

Yeah, he knew, it’s just implied in not so many words.


The important part is not whether he knew or not, but when he found it and whether he could do something about it.

Also, very important to highlight.

Jaina snapped and killed sunreavers for nothing.
Garrosh couldn’t weaponize the divine bell and it ended up being destroyed.

If they had, indeed, used the Divine Bell to destroy an alliance city or something, I would agree that Jaina snapping was justified.

 a bit too much, but yeah, for her it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Again, I think this is the problem with Aethas himself - the Horde threatening the Sunreavers is kind of dumb because they are still Dalaran citizens and Aethas is a Council of Six member. Which
is kind of omega stupid, especially with with a grieving Jaina and hungry for murder Silver Covenant.

But this is just Aethas being caught in the middle of his loyalties and being naive to try to ride it through.

I meant in the way that Jaina was aiding Darnassus in the hiding of the Divine Bell, the whole thing about troops is the Theramore one.

Do remember, Varian already called for the Sunreavers to removed from Dalaran be prior to the Divine Bell Incident - which Jaina declined especially after internal investigations of the Sunreavers being unknowledgeable of Thalen AND Aethas voting for Jaina being leader of the Kirin Tor.

Technically, she just followed the order of the High King of the Alliance at that point (though killing and mass imprisonment was not EXACTLY exile but no one is exactly arguing that Jaina didnt go super overboard by the end of Mists either).

Yes, he wanted the Kirin Tor to the Alliance and Jaina said that after she reconvened with him after the purge.

Yeah he kinda pointed that out, she should’ve talked to him before doing anything because Quel’thalas was about to leave the Horde (due to Garrosh’s actions being very similar to Garithos) and join the alliance.

With those murders they decided to stay in the Horde and join Vol’jin’s revolution.

My head canon for Jaina during the Dalaran Purge is simple, and catchy.

As well, those involved to kick start it

Blacksmiths exist, I take it to them and say “Hey I found this armor I wanna wear but it’s too big and smells like dead elf
can you help?” and they’d resize it for me and get rid of the odor. The corpse lays exposed int he woods, I get a nice set of armor, and everyone except the warden I slaughtered is happy.
As for the spite thing I’m not typically a spiteful person I’m just sick and tired of people getting their undies in a wad demanding that the armor that takes a full year to obtain be racially locked because they can’t imagine warden armor not on an NE, more so the fact they’d already crammed so much NE and BE love down our throats for what two expansions and the idea of making the warden armor NE only was so insanely stupid. I’m for one glad it’s free to use by everyone like the matching mount, however I still got trolled and attacked for wanting the armor to be fair like it ended up rather than NE only waste of time like people were demanding. So
in this case I wear it as a way of me showing those trolls I got it and proudly wearing it. They hate that then their problem and they can seethe all they want, it doesn’t come off till I say so as they don’t pay for my account so they get no say. It’s supposedly spiteful but that’s fine with me
 I’d of quit the game if they’d made something that takes a year only usable for one race last minute as that’s so rude
so I feel justified.

In game, solely because they didn’t exactly have other city centers to Mage-float away to hang above Northrend. It was a predominantly human citystate, ruled by a council of Human and High Elf mages, that lent its direct and indirect aid against the Horde prior to the events of WoW. It had traditionally been clearly on the side of the Alliance.

And even if it had always been a neutral or mediating party, does it make sense to do nothing about a group who used that city’s neutrality to enable (or better enable, depending on how deep one goes into the creation and use of the mana bomb) the mass-murder of civilians?

  • And that’s ignoring the context of that mass-murder being a novel escalation in a race war of conquest requiring the enslavement or genocide of prior populations that, like each time prior, the Horde had also started


I’m sorry, where in BFA is this?

Which was the Horde, not the Sunreavers.

The Baine rescue quests.

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The Sunreavers are Horde:

Not if they renounced the Horde.

<Jaina brushes her hair from her eyes, deep in thought.>
You’re so passionate for your cause and clear in your convictions. Believe me when I say that the Sunreavers are the same. The Horde is their family.

And even ignoring that, it was specifically mention Sunreavers helped steal the bell.

Magister Hathorel says: Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer? Today, the Sunreavers will be avenged.
Jaina Proudmoore says: Then your vendetta is with me, and me alone!
Magister Hathorel says: No! You will watch your friends die–just as I did!

That is not an admission of guilt. Only that whatever beef he had was with her and no one else.

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By who?

The organization is shown to have absolutely nothing to do with Garrosh’s plans, which included basically framing them for the theft to get them basically out of Dalaran.

Or are we saying any infiltrated organization is responsible for the actions of those that infiltrated?

Yes, and when she says she has blood on her hands she just wants something to wipe them off with.


Go play Mists again. Throne of Thunder.

This is embarassing.

So Jaina is a ruthless murderer who wanted to kill all the sunreavers and Aethas should hate her.

But him getting her a present as an apology isn’t at all contradictory to the above narrative you’ve invented.


You’re lying. Straight up. This is just incorrect.

You’re just trolling at this point.

For one thing, that was what they were going to have the quest originally portray, the bell being used to attack Dalaran with Sha. But regardless.

What you’re telling me, is that it’s ONLY justified. IF something happens AFTERWARDS.

So like if Jaina killed all the sunreavers it’s okay if Garrosh goes on to use the bell they helped him steal? But if a third party comes in and stops Garrosh, it’s now wrong? This is just incredibly silly. Garrosh intended to use the Bell to attack the Alliance.

If you help smuggle a nuke through a city into enemy hands, it doesn’t matter if the enemy gets to use it or not- you still committed a crime and would be treated the same by said city.

You’re just inventing excuses.

You guys conflate them when it’s convenient.

It was also a Sunreaver who did this.

You people are deeply unserious.