Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Well, I mean, from all the latest lore happenings from BFA and such, Blizz has shown what version they’re going with.


The article is exactly what happened, with the level squish which affected the whole game, including that event Purge of Dalaran.

But I get you’re not smart enough to understand that… or too much dishonest to public admit it.

She literally does do that but keep being delusional.
She has been doing that for the better part of the past 12 years.

All the sources were already given.
You don’t accept any.
Even on Blizzard’s web site you even find the slightest reason to not trust it.

No source will ever satisfy you, because you’re not being honest in this discussion.
The amount of intellectual dishonest we can observe every time you post can’t be measured and perhaps can only be surpassed by your weak ego and poor attempt to convince others that you’re right when even you, deep down, know you’re wrong.

And God, nothing that you post here has any value, at all.
You never prove your claims, you never provide sources, and you doubt every single post of everyone else, and when given you simply chose to ignore it.

You had enough of my attention.
Now, BEGONE. Ignored, forever!


Both sides apologize which is weird. You can’t say they’re going with the “Jaina was evil and unjustified” because she apologizes, she might have meant by “Blood on her hands” as in those who attacked her first.

Meanwhile Aethes says he knew about the bell and should have stopped it from being transported through Dalaran. Which we were supposed to believe he was completely unaware of.

Either way BFA-Shadowlands is garbage lore anyway that completely misinterpreted characters and forces them to contrary to their personalities so I’m not personally moved by this argument.

The same storyline they revealed Zoval was behind everything in the warcraft universe ever they had Jaina say something that doesn’t make sense with reality?

Yeah no.

also weren’t the people writing BFA replaced and Metzen made head of lore development afterwards?

I dont get the point of the whole “Did Jaina kill people” argument - when it really should be the argument of “Was Jaina justified”.

Its so weird to die on the hill argument of if the Purge of Dalaran had Jaina killing and not was the Alliance (Jaina - with Kirin Tor by extent - and the Silver Covenent) justified in their response to the seen betrayal.

They won’t argue that because everyone and their mother knows Jaina was beyond Justified given Aethis knowingly let Garrosh obtain ANOTHER WMD through Dalaran after helping him get the Focusing Iris from Dalaran itself, and he and his sunreavers were told that such a thing ever happening again was tantamount to treason and would cause their removal from Dalaran.

If she hadn’t done the Purge they would have thought her warnings held no threat to them and done it a third time and we’d be living in Garrosh’s world.

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Where’s that from?

Because the “high moral” faction members can’t accept the fact Jaina did what she did.
And admitting she did what she did, will nullify whatever comes after, just like “was it justified?” because at this point we can always find a justification for the acts.

The act itself was a mistake. Jaina snapped, really hard, and we understand how deep it was in BFA, because deep down she was still haunted by the guilt of what she did to he father.

And to answer your question: no, it wasn’t justified.


Well it was a good thing then that it was Garrosh loyalists who were in the Sunreavers (or pretending to be them) who did all that, and that the Sunreavers as an organization had nothing to do with Garrosh’s actions.


They literally burned like half Quel’Thalas to the ground on their way to siege SMC.

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Because it seems like if you believe that Jaina did not kill people, it would make it seems like you do not agree with Jaina actions if you believe that the leader of the Kirin Tor would act in a hevay hand that resulted in the death of a member of the Council of Six and other Kirin Tor members.

So either:
A) Jaina is justified due to the circumstance
B) She isnt, regardless if she killed people or not.

The whole “Jaina didnt kill no one” doesnt mean anything but a moral grandstand to everything else that happened. Because no is going to argue that the high elves (the Silver Covenant) did not attempt to kill Sunreavers and entrap them - which if you believe it was by Vereesa acting alone in her own hatred or by order of the Kirin Tor.

It was not Aethas nor the sunreavers.
It was one elf that was Garrosh’s spy that did that, Thalen Songweaver.


Im pretty sure the Divine Bell incident involved using Kirin Tor portals which Aethas was aware of (even if threatened). But then again, it is heavily implied Jaina aided the night elves in concealing the Bell.

You won’t believe this… You’re right, but you wouldn’t know because…

IT’S BUGGED :smiley:

" * It was initially believed that the purge would be sparked by the Divine Bell being sounded in [Darnassus] after its theft, unleashing the sha to cause damage to the city; early sound files suggested this would be what compelled Jaina to purge the Sunreavers. Instead, the Darnassus mission is low-key and covert, the bell is transported immediately, and the player is specifically told not to harm any night elves or let themselves be seen at all. Perplexingly, later interactions between Jaina and Lor’themar actually seem to proceed with the first scenario in mind (Jaina mentions the Sunreavers “orchestrating an attack” on Darnassus and Lor’themar counters that they knew nothing of Garrosh’s “raid on Darnassus”, neither of which occurred), though it could be reconciled as an exaggeration.

  • Aethas Sunreaver was intended to have a larger role in the bell’s heist, stumbling across the player after the deed was done, admonishing the Horde for using Kirin Tor resources in the war effort, then being threatened by an orc into saying nothing about it. With Garrosh’s wrath on one side and Jaina’s on another, Aethas would have to gamble on one of them, ultimately choosing to risk Jaina’s. After a conversation with [Dave Kosak] on the subject, Blizzard writer [Sarah Pine] stated that this scene actually was supposed to play out in the game, but was bugged.[[26]] This, too, is referenced in later content: Aethas shifts uncomfortably when Lor’themar champions his innocence on the [Isle of Thunder]; this casts doubt about his loyalties, when it should have been affirmation to the player of what they would already know (that Aethas discovered the theft, but was not an active participant in it)."

Side note, Jaina actually going to kill innocent Sunreavers because of an ACTUAL attack on Darnasses with Horde unleashing Sha on the populous with the help of the Sunreavers might have actually been a sweet morally grey moment for everyone involved.

Instead we have this weird split scenario where Alliance players see Jaina only attack militants, guards, and those resisting arrest while Horde players see the civilians fighting the silver covenant, then begin using the cower emote after the Horde champion kills the soldiers they’re attacking. Before being one shot by Jaina. Presumably because they’re standing next to the corpse of a silver covenant guard they were just fighting.

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" Aethas visited the [Zen’shiri Trading Post] in [Orgrimmar]) in search of a [Kul Tiran]music box once precious to Jaina; the trinket was unaccounted for upon her raising of the [Proudmoore flagship]. Aethas hoped the box’s return as a peace offering would repair their friendship. [Zen’kala]put his best agents to the task of its recovery and wished Aethas well in his endeavor."

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Man if only Blizzard had over 10 years to rectify it.

Yes, it was Fanlyr Silverthorn who did that.

Aethas Sunreaver did not directly assist the Horde with the Divine Bell. However, he was indirectly involved in the event. Fanlyr Silverthorn, a member of the Sunreavers, conjured a Sunreaver portal at Domination Point, allowing members of the Horde to circumvent Jaina’s wards around Darnassus and steal the Divine Bell. Aethas, upon discovering the portal, admonished Horde adventurers for using Kirin Tor resources for the war effort and was threatened into backing down.

Jaina snapped and accused him of doing that, which she was wrong, but you know how the saying goes?

"A charging bull always looks at the red cape, not at the man with the sword.’

They didn’t rectify Frog Farming! What makes you think they would care about lore more then the gameplay which is bread and butter to WoW!

This isn’t content available to play btw. It’s bugged and been bugged and is “speculation” because it has never been viewed by any player.

So yaknow. Gotta love it. Also he should have you know… Told Jaina that people were smuggling weapons though Dalaran- or the rest of the Kirin Tor?

Again, its just a forever argument.

“You killed and imprisoned innocent Sunreavers”
“Well you were complicit in the Horde stealing a weapon of destruction from an Alliance City”
“Well you directly in aiding the Alliance effort”
“Well your Sunreaver agent bombed Theramore and killed Kirin Tor”
“Well Theramore was a legitimate military target”

Etc etc etc forever.

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Most people play WoW because it’s WoW, and don’t give a dime about the story lmao.