Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

because that is exactly what this thread is.


where did u get this idea that orcs rampaged quel’thalas? orcs had never been to quel’thalas in canon until TBC

Coping with what? Someone was proving you wrong, and you thought it helped your argument. That is hilarious indeed.

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Blizz screwed themselves on canon when they showed 2 separate realities to alliance and horde in the scenario.

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 so I guess there was never a second war in WoW? Jeez

Because that makes it better. “Do what I tell you to do or I’ll kill you!” indeed

And before you say something silly like she had no choice but to kill in self defence, Jaina once stopped Thrall and Varian, along with a couple dozen soldiers of each faction, from slaughtering each other by freezing both sides and teleporting the Alliance away. She can very easily do non-lethal. Any time she does kill, it’s deliberate.


I re read the lore on this topic and I was correct, they never indaded Quel’thalas, they sieged the city but then withdrew because the main goal was taking Lordaeron and not some elven city.

Which is in Quel’thalas


you know Quel’Thalas is the Kingdom, and not the City

The City that they Sieged is inside the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas. So by definition, they did invade Quel’Thalas in order to Siege the City of Silvermoon.

what you meant to argue is that they did not invade Silvermoon.

So to bury down this once and for all, I have researched when the Purge of Dalaran “changed” and why it was changed.

It was not a retcon or a fix of a bug.

With the release of Shadowlands, there was a level squish which changed also Jaina’s level, reducing drastically the damage she used to do, which causes her to cast like 5 fireballs before she’s able to kill the sunreavers.

More details can be found in this Article: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/275327

Thank you and have a great day.

Source? The Level squish affected the mobs as well, and reduced their health. So your statement isn’t even logically consistent.

This is just a link to the Q&A that says “We did a level squish” this says nothing about the Jaina quest no longer working correctly or doing what you says it does with her damage.

It must be convenient being able to blame literally random bs for you being factually wrong.

“Look just because the Encyclopedia doesn’t exist doesn’t mean anything- the- the solar flares of 2024 knocked the servers offline and Blizzard can’t recover the data! Look here’s a link all about the details!”
Links a site saying a solar flare happened, but says nothing about it affecting the website in question

Super convenient.

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It is linked in the post.

Cope harder


To ACTUALLY bury the hatchet on this.

By [Reignac] (95,338 – 50·214·633) [on 2012/12/13] (Patch 5.1.0)

"Going to Dalaran on your own won’t work. This is an instanced version, not the real Dalaran in Northrend, and you need to take the portal from Teldrassil.

After you turn in this quest, Jaina goes badass. She starts walking around Dalaran flanked by two elementals, teleporting blood elves to the Violet Hold or attacking any who resist. During this part she has unique voice quotes when you click on her which she doesn’t usually have, such as “For the Alliance!” or “You Sunreavers brought this on yourselves!”"

From 2012, before this whole debate started, the game was updated and patched in ways that broke the quest repeatedly, and when it was in it’s original, intended state, it is confirmed the ALLIANCE SIDE OF THE QUEST specifically has Jaina teleporting sunreavers who surrender, and only attacking those who resist.

If you want to argue that Jaina can’t claim to defend herself because of how much stronger she is that’s a different debate, but she did not kill any Sunreavers who did not attack her.

Maybe DON’T outright lie to people’s faces?

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And this person is?

She does. But that’s how Blizzard use to make Faction propaganda using these little details. Which is why once upon a time players would be cut throat at each other based on the faction.

Yes, those scared seeing she walking around with 2 water elementals, dropping blizzard and fireballs in everyone and blasting them all.

She does kill.
She still kills.

She killed even more, before the level squish.

A user that commented.

Clown, isn’t it.


You missed the important part of that sentence, and the rest of my post.

Who is the guy who maintains Wowpedia? (no one because it’s dead but that’s besides the point)

Says the guy using a unrelated article to prove his points.

She literally doesn’t do that but keep being delusional.


That we need to take some rando’s word on what happened, since we know they might not have missed anything while doing the quest back then. Especially since there’s been plenty of evidence, even from Zerde’s videos that she’s attacking the ones who run as well.

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Around and around we go! Horde players doing the horde scenario and Alliance players doing the alliance scenario, accusing each other of their reality being false because Blizzard released a quest with two different versions and later patches bugged the crap out of it!