Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

And she didn’t. Some Silver Covenant probably did however.

Probably? No. They most certainly did. And Jaina has killed civilians, whether or not they were fighting back is irrelevant; it’s not anyone’s fault but hers if she can’t control her emotions and overall power.


Then let me clarify. She also fights actual mages/guards. And she might kill them, but those are not civilians.

Again, a contradiction, unfortunately.

She threw fireballs at civilians and killed them. Their corpses fall in the streets, as per all recordings of the events.


She throws fireballs and civilians but doesn’t kill them and teleports them away.

Maybe some, but not all. The recordings show them falling in the streets, dead.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL2psG7ivcA

Time stamp 4:33 shows her killing Sunreaver mages, and time stamp 4:38 shows her killing civilians who didn’t attack her first.


Not if you kill them fast enough.
I know this from experience.

This thread in general for those trying to stay up to date.

Post Claims = X
Retorts Show = Y

Thread results = Z

Z = Noooo! Not that type of Proof!

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I told everyone, Zerde is gonna die on that hill!


Probs. It’s honestly a little too contradictory for me to keep up with the zig-zagging argument so I’m gonna bounce.

Im glad Remix happened so we can have 10 more years of if Theramore was a legitimate military target or if Jaina was right in her actions.


Head Canons appears to be extremely powerful in this day and age. Like a hidden gem of pure willpower to prove to others (even if they didn’t ask for it) their reality, perception is the one and only way, to a point of being so deep in they are lost in the thickness of their own mind.

So thick, it can almost compete with a Disney/Pixar Mom.


Look, I would consider the possibility if this was changed BEFORE BFA.
The actual change we see happens between BFA and Shadowlands.

It is not a retcon, because the whole BFA development was based on this event being canonical.

It changes nothing.
We already knew the Silver Covenant were involved.
The in-game dialog still says the Silver Covenant took opportunity to take also assassinate Sunreavers.

Why are you assuming this text supports that she doesn’t kill Sunreavers? Or that Silver Covenant also doesn’t?

This text is not a retcon nor does rewrite the events that took place during Pandaria.


Garry never personally killed anyone in Theramore. The mana bomb did.


I feel that the Goblins laying down the absolutely insane barrage of air strikes from the Zeps and Airships caused more casualties than the Manabomb. The MB probably took out the rest of the soldiers/whoever seeking cover, but was more structural damage in the end.

This is honestly hilarious and worth the time spent.

You keep coping bro.

yeah, I dunno why they went all fluffy mode in DF when we still have three more expansion to fill before everyone will inevitable joins forces to beat the final boss.

Palette cleanser so they can put back on track.

DF is literally the “We are so sorry for shadowlands” expansion

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To push away the player base so there’s no one left to complain bar the people that just don’t care.

I thought back them you said you had ignored me because my profile is private, but yours is also private so you’re a hypocrite, isn’t it childish behavior?