Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Considering the Horde has done worse, I think they are the group of people you are referring to.

And here I was thinking that you had found your rock bottom, but you proved me wrong again, you show that you can still go below rock bottom.

I’d call it Zerde Bottom.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


You wanted to call Jaina a certain party from the 1940 and yet the Horde has literally committed genocide according to the lore. Yeah don’t throw insults until you look at a mirror.

Yes and pretty sure we remember who started, what 3-4 world wars attempting genocide(and succeeding in some cases!) already. Its not the Alliance.

I didn’t but you got there REALLY FAST.
That was YOUR excuse for what she did.

In fact, that is on YOU. And I’m glad you got there, because now you know what you are, and what you have been accusing others is nothing more of what you do.

This topic is a joke, and I’m here to always remember everyone that you have the very same thread in the Lore forums and you got SCOLDED, you got literally ratio’d in every single post until you had nothing left to do if not coming here, to GD to repost it and continue your collective delusional party to which you want us to believe that you want to convince us that suddenly, almost 10 years later they changed the event to show that Jaina wasn’t a cold blood genocidal murderer, all because you, running the event 10 years later for when it was released.

I get that you have nothing else good to do with your time, the only question left is: which forum are you going to post it again after you get also scolded and mocked here? Are you going to wait until MoP Classic? Post it on reddit?

I’m curious to which level of Zerde bottom you’ll reach.



I really don’t care if people like or hate me. Some people have literally turned me into their boogyman which is just so funny. I never have and I will continue to post what I want. As for getting “scolded” look, the echo chamber will keep on echoing for all I care.

You know I did this event when MoP was current. And that is why I never subscribe to the idea that Jaina was going around killing people because 1) she did what she is doing in Remix when MoP was live 2) it was an actual bug that apparently got fixed. 3) as a character, Jaina isn’t exactly one for going full genocide mode(well at least when she hasn’t had her actual city destroyed)

Except I have seen support this. Again, I don’t particularly care what you think, but I say what I want and saw how some people do know their own lore and will ignore the lore to fit their prespective of the story. Two months, lets see what Chronicles has to say about all this.

I just did the questline and the first thing that happened was she killed 5 people


Your alts?

Please, you already had a topic about this and then you come with a new one.
Because people who discuss Lore for SERIOUS already dismissed your ill conceived theory.

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I’m not paying for alts.

People keep saying this without proof. Kinda funny really.

Im sorry for not recording my playthrough? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would you? When there are already hundreds of videos already made 10years ago to recent of the event that the OP can view themselves

Unless, OP is just been doing engagement bait like others from the Lore/RP Forums been saying.

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Like the unarmored citizens running through the streets.


And there is a video showing what she does now, which is teleport the Sunreavers.

More like civilians fighting back and casting their own fireballs at Jaina. Yeah, amazing that a mage group would be composed, of well mages.

It’s a bug.

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The bug is her killing Sunreavers.

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Glad you set your bed.
Prove that it was a bug.
Where is the blue post?
Where is the dev tweet confirming?

Where is the patch note?


Not everyone gets reported as a bug and some just get hotfixed. But lore does get update and this is the lore from Exploring Northrend:

“They(Silver Covenant) helped expel the Sunreavers when Jaina Proudmore became head of the Kirin tor. and I imagine were less then happy to see them come back, but that is mage politics and not my concern. They did support the Alliance during the Fourth War, when we took the battle to Ogrimmar itself.”

So yeah, at least this telling of the event doesn’t blame Jaina/consider it some sort of blood bath.

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Your original post claims that Jaina didn’t kill any civilians. Now you are claiming that she only killed civilians who were trying to protect their homes and shops while being displaced. Why would they surrender to Jaina when she was roaming the streets in such a violent rage that even Varian disagreed with her?

Anyways, I posted the video. It’s all the proof anybody needs. It’s there in a recorded video, as well as the lore I posted earlier in this thread. It’s merely semantics at this point that borderline ignorance, so it is what it is.

I’ll end with saying that I play both factions equally and truly love Jaina as a character, but she did this. And she was wrong for it.


I see people have had an incredibly normal one since last night, good grief.


And she didn’t. Some Silver Covenant probably did however.

And I posted mine. Again, Chronicles is 2 months, lets see how it all plays out.

You are contradicting yourself, Zerde.