Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians


Chronicles itself later goes on to refer to the Dragonmaw “breeding” red dragons.

I would have to assume this is alluring to Alexstraza being forced to lay more eggs with her consort.

Elves haven’t had an easy time. They copped a lot of racism from both the Alliance and Horde over the years.

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How did we get from Jaina to Alexstrasa laying eggs?

Cause she took the wrong way?

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so instead of killing them, she arrests them without charge, and locks them in a prison where she knows a bunch of dangerous creatures and individuals are locked-away?

that’s not much better OP. ‘i did’nt punish your child, i just put him in the yard with my angry guard-dog!’

It really, really does not matter whether she personally kills them or not. She sends a militant anti-blood elf hate group after them and they do murder civilians. She’s responsible for those deaths regardless of if she personally committed the murders or not.


ah yes
i fired my gun nearby a civilian…
they got antsy and came towards me…

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On Horde-side she attacks every NPC, this is where the problem comes from.

For anyone, who does not know this: Jaina goes in a circle around Dalaran during the Sunreaver-quests, killing every NPC in her way.

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That’s a steep hill and Zerde is gonna die upon it!


You know that Writ of Habeas Corpus can be suspended in many countries when threats of rebellion/invasion occurs. Well, I would say helping steal a WMD can count for that.

They are not being lock WITH THEM. We see the Voilet Hold, there are different cells for different prisoners.

fantasy setting. i don’t think that really applies here. also, i’m not saying it’s illegal, i’m just saying it’s unethical.
…though my wording was bad, i can see why you thought i meant it was illegal…

yeah, i would’nt trust that. that place was broken-out of by a bunch of prisoners back it wotlk and later-on in legion. sure, they had help from the outside, but c’mon… those creatures/criminals could totally break out if given enough time.

The literal switch is an off centered candle holder. All it takes is Tyler the Janitor to bump it once or think it is crooked and straighten it and it begins to release prisoners one by one. Not really a fail safe system the VH has there.


Anyway, what do you all think Aethas should gift Jaina to apologize for the Sunreavers’ misconduct? Those little elves have A LOT to apologize for, but thankfully Lady Jaina is forgiving. :slight_smile:

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Jaina, is that you?!


Actually it isnt genocide. “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”

Jaina was not trying to wipe out the Sunreavers. Imprisonment was her goal.

You never proved anything, you just told us what you think it means.

It seems like everyone is telling you the exact same thing i am. Youre just putting your fingers in your ears.

The information still exists, as its all been catalogued by the wowpedia. And again, the information that we know remains canon unless retconned according to metzen himself. I, and others are not interested in your otherwise interpretation.

Have fun in fantasy land on your hill. lol

Its the same people… and guess what? the new domain uses the wording from the lore encyclopedia as well. Im not sure how you thought this would help your argument when, if anything, it tells us even now the developers of the new domain support and see the encyclopedia as canon.

They’re not supporting you bud, its the same people, which has always been the point, just a different web domain. The wiki still uses the warcraft encyclopedia.

See? so desperate to be correct that you cant even see how it still proves you wrong.

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This thread reads like “Waifu Jaina would never do anything wrong!”


h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL2psG7ivcA

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Those that surrendered are being taken to the Violet Hold. I make no guarantees about those who chose to fight.

Again, she only kill those she had to. It wasn’t the blood bath you make it out to be.

Sure, that is definitely something someone from a certain country would say about a certain group of people back in 1940.