Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

… How do you think eggs are made and fertilized.

Even if it’s magic and Alexstrasa doesn’t need a male to make new dragons- which mind you, would make the role of “consort” she has for one of her “mates” deeply confusing.

She’s still being made a broodslave for orcs. Nothing changes from what I said.

They never condemned it either. That is your interpretation, which is merely conjecture. No one is obligated to take that stance, not me, not everyone here, and not wowpedia.

You’re alone on a hill holding hands with yourself.

According to who? You? And why? because? That isn’t a valid or convincing argument. Metzen stated that it is canon until it is retconned, and until Blizzard comes out and states “yeah the Warcraft Encyclopedia is not canon” you cannot run around the forums telling people it is.

That’s not evidence.

Unless it’s specifically retconned, it’s canon. Which is exactly what Metzen said.

Don’t self-proclaim what is, and isn’t common sense. Clearly it is not common considering that wowpedia does not agree, and wowpedia is considered the most reliable source of wow lore. So if you’re going to imply that it is common sense, you’re gonna have to prove it.

Except it was referring to High elves overall, not just in Silvermoon. There were High elves in Silvermoon, but that was not the implication of that quote. Not only did wowpedia not agree, but it isn’t even sensical to argue that they rationalized not making them a race due to their lack of numbers, and then made Blood elves playable. The Encyclopedia even continues by saying there so little of them they no longer even have a culture, but we’re to believe they’re the majority of survivors.

How you’ve convinced yourself of this is a question for amore temperate mind than my own.

No, you can’t, because the moment it no longer works in your favor you cry out that it isn’t canon, but if it favors your narrative you cling to it verbatim. That just outlines your bias.

Everyone is screaming that it’s real, you’re the only one crying that it isnt. With absolutely no proof besides “becuz i think so” lol

Where is this said? Because Metzen didn’t say that, he said if its retconned it’s no longer canon. Unless you can show me a statement from a dev or from Blizzard officially condemning it, its canon. I’m not taking your word on it.

Considering that reddit pages like r/warcraftlore literally condemn the use of any other wiki besides wowpedia, and why it’s cited here over and over again. Even now, you’re in several arguments trying to argue that it isn’t canon.

Read the room.

Likes? Not the one like, and from a person who knows better than get involved. Talk about a fallacy. Haha

Right, says the person getting offended by a metaphor. You’ll cling to any reason, despite how desperate to prove you’re right, even when it makes you look this foolish.

I mean, I’d imagine someone would have shown up and agreed with you at this point. Yet all I’m seeing is the opposite.

Imagine the mental olympics have trying to convince people to take your word over a wiki. Especially with an argument like “it’s common sense” like your version of common sense is compelling at all.

Or just keep embarrassing yourself lol


Anything deleted is still canon guys as long as new lore doesn’t come in directly contradicting it -Wowpedia

What a stupid way to interpret canon. It’s obviously a desperate attempt to make all the “cool and classic” lore still relevant despite the fact Blizzard has never done anything with it other than continue to remove it. “The tabletop is still canon guys! The deleted webpages are still canon! PLEASE. PLEASE COME BACK AND THEORIZE WITH US ABOUT WOW LORE.”

The way I see it, anything’s explicitly canon that’s not A. been deleted before it hits live (Alexstrasza Quest), B. Blizzard themselves have gone on record stating it’s non-canonicity (for instance, the RPG until specific parts of it become canon i.e: Tandred Proudmoore) C. retconned it (shoving Zovaal into everything when he wasn’t there before). In the instance of the Alexstrasza quest, claiming it’s canon despite it being removed and replaced with something else in live is silly.

Anything else, no matter how well founded or not is simply headcanon.

Haven’t you read? Their interpretations are canon, everything and everyone including Metzen is wrong.

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Did it say anything about fertilized? It’s not exactly out of the ordinary for egg laying creatures to lay unfertilized eggs at certain times, but chronicles had the orcs not expecting it.

And I’m just saying what is in the book.

Should tell Wowpedia about that one and get them to update their canon page.

The way I see it, anything deleted and no longer supported by Blizzard is not canon.

There is NO way the writers are keeping track of lore that literally isn’t even hosted on their infrastructure anymore.

No one cares how you see it.

No one agrees with you, no one is going to show up and take your side because you sound ridiculous.

Have fun on your hill.


Should tell Wowpedia about that one and get them to update their canon page.

WoWPedia is no longer even used to my knowledge, funnily enough. S’all Warcraft Wiki now. Same people, different domain or w.e. Forgot why they switched.

https ://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Warcraft_Wiki

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Please shut up. You lost the argument. Get over it.

Blizzard will host official lore.

They literally hatched the eggs into loyal welps. Chronicles did not explicitly mention this? Deathwing specifically wanted that to happen and later had her fertilized eggs experimented on to be born in Cataclysm as a new flight. The Dragon Soul raid has him explicitly state this.

Even Wowpedia, the source you keep using, says this
The adult dragons were used as powerful war mounts, while the eggs would be raised as loyal [whelps](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_whelp).[[6]](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Demon_Soul#cite_note-Chronicle155-156-6)

And people are telling me about how it’s the only source people use and it’s the holy bible of wow lore lmao.

I think I’m done here.

I literally prove you wrong and this is all you can come up with.

I’m having a pleasant conversation here and you’re getting all huffy and whiny and you think the one guy auto liking you means you’re superior or something?

No one this deep into the thread may be liking my posts, but you have ONE guy liking yours. Which is sadder?

“Deleted content is not canon”

And your source is a wiki that isn’t even maintained anymore because they changed domain. Which itself sources… Deleted pages… Then justifies the use of deleted sources with… A deleted tweet.

And I’m the ridiculous one.

Have fun being wrong IG. Chronicles will be a wake up call for sure.

And people are telling me about how it’s the only source people use and it’s the holy bible of wow lore lmao.

I think I’m done here.

Fair enough. I’ll be blunt, haven’t really been keeping track of this side argument because I’m playing a game alt-tabbed; not a clue what you all are arguing about. For what it’s worth, apologies for my earlier toxicity towards you.

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Wowpedia is dead, no longer maintained, outdated, and should not be used as a reference in any WoW Lore discussion.

Everyone who was maintaining it moved to Warcraft Wiki on the Wiki GG system. That is the most up-to-date and consistently maintained Wiki source.


Wowpedia’s legitimacy.


It’s GD.

I have had so much worse on this forum. Apology accepted.

Wowpedia’s legitimacy.

Ah. As I said before, the source material whether that be in live content or books that haven’t been retconned yet are objectively superior to anything the wiki puts out. The wiki can be a great aid provided one uses it reasonably, but Blizzard’s work > player thinking.

By enslaving Alexstrasza, Nekros effectively bound the red dragons to his will. The creatures feared that if they did not obey the Dragonmaw, Alexstrasza would be tortured or even killed.


Nekros and his followers chained Alexstraszaa in Grim Batol's depths. They also forced the other red dragons who had been with the Aspect to accompany them, threatening to hurt  the Life-Binder if they disobeyed. On Draenor, the Dragonmaw had mastered the art of training winged rylaks as battle mounts. They would do the same with their fearsome captives in Grim Batol.

While the orcs set to work crafting harnesses and saddlebags, Nekros kept watch over Alexstrasza. The Life-Binder vowed to destroy the orc for what he was doing, but her threats were hollow. As long as Nekros had the Demon Soul, he was untouchable.

During her imprisonment, Alexstrasza began laying new clutches of eggs. Nekros was quick to see this development as a golden opportunity. If his clan could successfully hatch the eggs, the orcs could raise the dragon whelps as the Horde's loyal servants.`

The novel gives more details on this and is not outright retconned by this statement.

An orc crushes an egg to prove a point when they refuse to breed to make more.

She and her dragons then “Agree” to do as they say.

The fact they got eggs out of her, even if chronicles does not say how is still bad enough.

Also the Warcrimes novel outright has Garrosh charged with “Forced Pregnancy” for allying with the same orcs and has the victim, Alexstraza take the stand. Is this now retconned too?

Even if that is the case, which I am unsure is the intent, they do go on to force other dragons to breed to make new dragons to ride.

Given the original Novel never outright said the word, War Crimes downplayed the act to “Forced pregnancy” and now chronicles doesn’t even mention how she GOT a clutch of eggs while in captivity…

I think it’s more of a publishing issue than a retcon.

Possibly since the newer stuff generally counts more than older.

And I mean, they made Sylvanas lie to herself in one of the books in order to make the hackjob they did on her work.

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I’m going to reasonably assume that each book reduces the amount of writing dedicated to explaining how Alexstraza had a clutch of eggs in orc captivity was due to IP and publishing issues regarding that kind of content.

Not because they for some reason wanted to Retcon the crimes of Deathwing and the Dragonmaw clan.

I mean- Deathwing in universe is kind of a serial SA dragon. His consort got something arguably even more graphic done to her.

I feel like it’s more they want to retcon how it was written. I think they thought of dragons as more animalistic at that time than they do now, and they just want to lessen that aspect of it officially.

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