Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

I have a thousand more interesting things to do than repeat this ad nauseam and never actually get a link so I’ma head out.

I provided my sources with quotes.

You have not.

You can cope all you like but only one of us can provide evidence for our statements.

We can settle this by simply waiting for the next Chronicles which will answer both debates most likely, with the Purge of Dalaran being fleshed out to answer if Jaina only killed those who resisted, and likely at least SOMETHING about High Elves in the alliance or not. I expect to be right on both accounts.

Then Ner’Zhul is the fault of the Horde.

So both factions are equally responsible for the Lich King.

Also Anduin would blame the alliance for everything dude’s such a Horde simp, literally forgiving them all and trying to redeem GARROSH. Might as well be a Horde faction leader.

Golden’s perfect little golden boy. :roll_eyes:

This article is a copy of “The Warcraft Encyclopedia,” an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It presented information about a variety of things in the Warcraft universe. The original article, formerly located at `http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/encyclopedia/index.xml, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.


Trying to strawman huh?

Indeed, those innocent civillians who had nothing to do with Garrosh or his actions totally deserved to be killed.


Then Ner’Zhul is the fault of the Horde. So both factions are equally responsible for the Lich King.

It’s actually never been stated that Ner’zhul was the fault of the Horde. You’d know this if you actually played the game, but I know that’s an impossibility for Alliance players.

I have a thousand more interesting things to do than repeat this ad nauseam and never actually get a link so I’ma head out.

Heading out after spouting bull$hit and being proven wrong on said bull$hit… Classic Alliance player!

Also Anduin would blame the alliance for everything dude’s such a Horde simp, literally forgiving them all and trying to redeem GARROSH. Might as well be a Horde faction leader.

Doesn’t change the fact he considered Arthas a fault of the Alliance, and has yet to be challenged.

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I’ma need an official link.

Dead link.

funny way for the wiki to subjectively interpret the word “Removed”

“Though compliant Sunreavers were imprisoned, many proved defiant in the face of exile from Dalaran and took up arms against Jaina, the Alliance forces, and the Silver Covenant”

Attacking people sure makes you innocent.

Wow what a absurd take. You didn’t read at all and I’m not going to deal with someone being so obviously biased.

“Wahh it wasn’t said in gameeee” Okay cool you deserved arthas for the actions of the Old Horde which were way worse.

Inb4: “Well aktually, WoW never has WCI-III content so it didn’t happen” :nerd_face:

If the alliance is responsible for Arthas, than Ner’zhul, THE HORDE WARCHIEF, IS THE FAULT OF THE HORDE. Even if the game does not spoon feed you this by having a character stare at the camera and direct say “Horde did bad with Ner’zhul.” What a absurd and inane argument.

after that insane take you just posted I find this insanely ironic. Classic Horde player. “Ner’zhul, the warchief of the horde, has nothing to do with the horde actually. ARthas was the Alliance’s fault because a extremely biased and not objective character said so!”

I cannot even begin with the depths of double think required to act this way. Truly, I am impressed.

and I don’t care.

Anduin isn’t the king of the alliance anymore.

He’s wrong. People can be incorrect.


Find a new hobby, this whole reading comprehension thing isn’t your forte.

ok here then
While the original article did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website, the Warcraft Encyclopedia is still considered canonical by Blizzard, and may be expanded upon in the future.[1]



“900 achievement points”

The Irony.

It specifically states that only some that surrendered were teleported away, which means that the others that weren’t teleported away were… This is even doubled down on in the next line the the others along with those that resisted were put with the sword. others is differentiated from those that resisted, which tell us they were killed.

Except we literally saw her blast them away with fireballs. So incorrect. Even Zerde admits to that much, the fact that you can’t even do that speaks volumes.

Because it’s irrelevant. You asserting that it not being on the website meaning its not canon is entirely conjecture. If you want to argue that, the burden to prove it is on you.

Prove it.

Except in this case the website owner states that its canon unless its contradicted or retconned. So its on you to prove that it being removed from the website means it’s no longer canon. Your interpreting that it means its not canon without any proof, no one is obligated to take that interpretation unless you can prove it.

I think it’s hilarious that in one note you’re trying to argue the wowpedia’s direct wording to your advantage, and in the same breath discredit them as unreliable. Almost like you cherry pick what you do, and don’t want to believe when it suits your narrative.

And again, the fact that you tried using and citing it until it no longer supported your argument is also very telling.

So now your argument is that everything he said before leaving Blizzard is now no-longer canon? Another interpretation of yours that we just have to believe despite having no grounds or proof to back it up. This logic doesn’t even begin to make sense.

Considering that the wowpedia uses it as a canon source, and the wowpedia is considered the most reliable and credible source, it’s safe to say the majority agree with their position on what is, and isn’t considered canon. Unless you want to argue that people don’t cute the wowpedia often.

Except it didn’t, since it specifically differentiated two different fates for those who surrendered. Some of those that surrendered were imprisoned, which means the others were not, and we know what happened to the remaining Sunreavers in Dalaran.

It then doubles down on this by stating that others along with those that resisted were killed.

I quite literally linked you to the interview where Metzen announced it as canon unless retconned. You’re just in denial now.

The site isn’t relevant, the devs pointing out that the information within the encyclopedia is canon is what matters. Your interpretation of it being removed from the site isn’t the discussion, as you’ve made no convincing arguments thats its been decononized. Me, and the wowpedia are both in agreeance on this.

If you wanna argue otherwise, have fun.


Which is something that the NPC’s you are sent to kill in these two quests didn’t do.




They cite a deleted tweet…


There is zero evidence from anywhere currently hosted by blizzard, blizzard’s employees, or previous employee’s that this mess of bad writing called an “encyclopedia” is canon.

Pretty sure they’ve deleted it and all reference to it for a reason.

Wow what a absurd take. You didn’t read at all and I’m not going to deal with someone being so obviously biased.

Pot, kettle.

If the alliance is responsible for Arthas, than Ner’zhul, THE HORDE WARCHIEF, IS THE FAULT OF THE HORDE. Even if the game does not spoon feed you this by having a character stare at the camera and direct say “Horde did bad with Ner’zhul.” What a absurd and inane argument.

If we’re still on the topic of Ner’zhul as the Lich King being the fault of the Horde, he was turned into the Lich King by Kil’jaeden. Kil’jaeden, a Man’ari Eredar… Guess what group of demons are currently working with the Draenei; and guess what faction the Draenei are apart of?


Prove it.

It sounds like you want us to take your word, over wowpedia. When it’s clear that your bias, and willing to pick and choose what parts you want to acknowledge as canon.

You quite literally argued the semantics of the encyclopedia until it no longer worked, then immediately tried to argue that it was not canon. but of course you’ll avoid acknowledging this, and glaze passed it

You’re ridiculously transparent :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Kil’Jaeden is dead. He forced those Man’ari that joined the alliance you’re talking about to do his bidding under threat of instant psychic death. According to the quest.

No it doesn’t make sense but the players wanted Red Draenei so they had to invest SOME excuse for them to be “innocent”

I’m not even in FAVOR of interpreting Arthas as the fault of the alliance and Ner’zhul the fault of the horde. That’s stupid insane logic that Anduin came up with because he’s a weird reverse apologist. The Alliance has literally nothing to do with Arthas, they were literally the first to be attacked by him.

A bit more accurately they want us to take their word over Metzen’s

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It’s hilarious. I haven’t seen a single person on here that would agree with their take, even those who would be on her side don’t even get involved.

It’s such a last, desperate resort, and it honestly makes it more amusing, if not a little pitiful.


Can I get a link to Metzen saying this btw.

Your link provides me with a source link to a deleted tweet. That’s way funnier.



An echo chamber is not automatically right just because you all sniff the same farts.

Says the people screaming “IT EXISTS. IT’S REAL. I HAVE SEEEEEN IT” at me like it’s a one piece forum.

Says the people quoting a website that does not exist and the evidence it DID exist and was ever canonical ALSO DOESN’T EXIST. Lmao.

It’s pathetic. People clinging onto old garbage because of nostalgia.

Imagine thinking the person who’s right is whoever has more people in their echo chamber to insult, belittle, and attack people they disagree with.

That’s the real sad thing here.

You know someone’s desperate when they break out the high school insults. “Oh it’s so sad, and pitiful, and funny, and all these other projections of how I feel about myself onto you”.

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I think you’re taking this too personal, you might wanna touch some grass.



They deleted it.

Oh you want me to prove, the intent. Of a company. Deleting something that no longer exists.

Okay. They deleted it. So that it would no longer exist.

If it doesn’t exist it is by definition, not endorsed and therefore not canon.

No I want you take Blizzard’s. Does Blizzard have any official content that matches Wowpedia’s claims?

No, they don’t.

It doesn’t exist. That isn’t semantics.

I said that at the start but you chose not to read that.

Like you do every other word I say to try and weasel a “win”?

Keep talking about yourself.

You didn’t read what I posted at all and it would insult the intelligence of everyone with room temperature IQ and above for me to explain how that is literally not what I did and you immediately tried to argue semantics about it- and now you’re refusing to argue it at all because you know you lost.

You’ve been given it multiple times.


Am I not supposed to take being insulted personally? I figured the intent of belittling and insulting people was to attack them personally, rather than their argument to try and avoid addressing the truth.

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