Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Once in a blue moon? It seems random, it can happen once, it may not happen at all, it can happen a bunch of times. You’re trying to make excuses for something we’ve all seen.

Sometimes she will throw multiple fireballs and kill her targets, sometimes she will throw one and teleport them. But it’s clearly coded for her to target and attack innocent Sunreavers. Back then those Fireballs would one-shot those NPCs.

Except she was called a murderer directly, not the Silver Covenant. The Sunreavers sought her out, not the Silver Covenant. Again, that was the whole point of having the Magister show up before they had that conversation. Thrall directly mentions Garrosh to clarify where his guilt was, Jaina just then points out that they both have blood on their hands.

It’s clear from the context of the quest, the magister’s dialogue and her conversation here with Thrall that she’s referring to the guilt of having the blood of the innocent on her hands. The fact that we literally see her kill elves during the purge just confirms this.


I mean, even your video shows her fireballing cowering civilians while shouting out some pretty extreme statements.


Actually the purge of the sunreavers was not in fact purely because of the mana bomb…she snaps when they’re forced to help Garrosh move the Divine Bell from the Night elf capital to Silvermoon using Dalaran as a middle ground. Not all the blood elves are guilty as well as Lor’themar had no clue about it and snaps seeing that bell pop up in his city. Then we go to Dalaran and Jaina’s lost her temper and either teleports sunreavers or is painting the ground red with their blood, water elementals for sure slaughtering folk. Anyone who says the only reason for her purge was the mana bomb are missing a big part of the mists story.


and the mana bomb was 75% her fault on taking the bait that Cairne told jaina about hellscreams false planes in that area

It doesn’t happen “a bunch of times” unless you the player intervened. What you have “seen” doesn’t seem to have much of a proof.

And now it doesn’t and that seems to be the intent. That she was never suppose to one shot them and actually teleport them to VH.

We would call Garrosh the murderer of Theramore even if he didn’t directly kill everyone and it was the Mana bomb. She sought her out not because she personally killed her friend(he didn’t even imply she directly killed them!) but because her actions of using SC/Alliance did.

This being the SECOND time the Sunreavers betrayed her is a big reason why she chose what she did.

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Even if she does not kill civillians herself, the Silver Covenant gleefully do so which makes her responsible since she gave the order for the purge.

On the Alliance side, you are sent to kill shopkeepers and a guy trying to withdraw his money from the bank. On the Horde, you see the Silver Covenant dangling a Sunreaver NPC over a shark.


I’m more disturbed by the fact that you’re a Vulpera player wearing a Warden set atm… but well, it’s the forum, and the lore has been a dumpster fire for a long time anyway. So, whatever. :sweat_smile:

This is a contradictory statement. Acting in favor towards one faction is bias and compromises the integrity of a neutral organization.

SMUGGLING WEAPONS to one side by STEALING them from the other and funneling them THROUGH a neutral city is so beyond the pale of “compromising neutrality” that the fact you said this baffles me.

What? Of course it’s her concern, if I snuck a nuke through US customs you bet your money I’d be the presidents concern.

This is disingenuous at best.

“Threatening the status quo”

Wow, so heartless of them to maintain a city that has been there the whole time and not abandoning it to orcish invaders. They really shouldn’t have “forced” garrosh to nuke them /s

No it isn’t. How you got your yellow text is beyond me given you’re deliberately trolling with this statement.

Yes it does. Are you insane? Would you bring a nuke through NYC? Horde players will defend literally anything lmao.

The entire warcraft universe is actually the fart of a cosmic titan and will actually cease to exist in a few seconds from now. There’s no source that confirms the universe is real! /s

You and I must have played different games.

Someone didn’t play WC3

We have real life examples of this being untrue.

Between 1935 and 1937 Congress passed three “Neutrality Acts” that tried to keep the United States out of war, by making it illegal for Americans to sell or transport arms, or other war materials to belligerent nations.

Preventing sale and transportation of weapons to either side is key in being considered a neutral faction.

Not to mention Dalaran wasn’t just used to smuggle the weapons- it was used as a way to escape enemy territory WITH THEM. They STOLE it.

The Swiss sold weapons to BOTH sides. Though mostly profited off of Germany. Dalaran was EXPLOITED by the Horde.

If Germany had been using the Swiss, and not the other way around- those enabling Germany would have been dealt with the same way Jaina dealt with the Sunreavers. It’s all self interest at the end of the day.

That’s not neutrality then and should not be in Dalaran in the first place.

It literally is.

You don’t understand history given I have quoted these examples where it was either be corrupt for both sides or refuse to sell weapons for either. As is the case with the US. “Between 1935 and 1937 Congress passed three “Neutrality Acts” that tried to keep the United States out of war, by making it illegal for Americans to sell or transport arms, or other war materials to belligerent nations.”

The above quote literally proves you wrong.

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And again, if this is the case then all the Horde leaders should be blame for the excess of their underlings. Considering a blood elf built the Mana Bomb, can we now blame Lother’mar for it and he was supporting Garrosh’s war?

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So uh…

Sylvanas and the Horde are guilty for the Wrathgate then? They told her to participate in the war. She ordered the plague be manufactured. Jaina ordered the Sun reavers be removed.

The fact they used this order as their chance to kill people makes them responsible according to you.

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Wearing it purely out of spite of all the folk demanding an armor set that requires a whole year be limited to one race. Besides I think it looks nice…although finding weapons for the set is a pain. I’ve seen goblins wearing the set, kul’tirans, orcs, trolls…at one time this outfit was quite fancy. As for Lore…we killed wardens in the battle for Dark Shore…I could of easily peeled the armor from their corpse and told them it’s mine now lol. If only we had a purple variant as god that’d look nice for my priest who wields void

See how Jaina keeps using the Kirin Tor to aid the Alliance before that.

Says the person who didn’t play Cata.


Oh don’t worry. I am wearing it on my Demon Hunter out of pure spite to the Wardens. So I am 100% fine with wearing that armor for spite purposes.

If being spiteful is your thing… good for you, I guess :dracthyr_shrug:
It’s the forums, so I can’t really say I’d be surprised.

Yeah… no, it doesn’t work like that. Way too small.^^

Yes, she will sometimes throw multiple fireballs and kill them. And again, all NPCs are scaled differently due to MoP Remix’s design. It doesn’t even make sense to have her attack them at all if the point was that she was only teleporting them away. Canonically Jaina would one-shot any one of those civilians. This is clearly you trying to exaggerate the meaning of a game mechanic as a story plot.

Because outside of MoP Remix they still die in one shot.

The point is that Thrall feels responsible, and gives context as to why. We are already given context as to why Jaina feels guilty, as the Magister directly refers to her as a murderer and that she would watch her friends die just as he did. So yes, he’s directly referring to her as the perpetrator. You don’t call someone a murderer for following orders and killing during war, you do it when you feel someone has killed an innocent victim.

It could not be written in a clearer context than that unless you were purposely looking for some interpretation to exonerate her. But you cannot expect people to find it believable simply because you would prefer it to be true.


NVM horde are obviously trolling.

Ignore the people whining about Jaina, they aren’t here in good faith for an honest discussion about facts.

theramore was not part of the alliance as soon the 7th show up it was an alliance port and hellscream knew that would happen

Again show proof this is happening and not making wild claims!

That doesn’t even imply it was Jaina who killed her friends. And considering he is a Magister capable of fighting he was likely a Soldier of the Sunreaver and not some nobody civilian.

Weren’t you the one who tried to imply that wowpedia fabricated a whole page, and interview because it didn’t line up with your agenda and narrative? You’re honestly the last person that should be talking lmao


You mean to aid the Alliance AND Horde. And to stop them from killing each other?

Garrosh would have his head on a pike without her stopping him. Varian would have slaughtered him in Wrath and she had no reason to intervene given they both engaged to fight. No to mention the time she stopped him from killing both Garrosh and Sylvanas in undercity. But “oh they’re ONLY helping the Alliance!”

Wow. Impress “Nuh-uh”. Anyway Garrosh is a war criminal in lore and Jaina did nothing wrong.