Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Nope, not an alternate. It’s our timeline, just being reexperienced so that the Infinites can gain a new perspective as they watch us. The only real change is our character, whose treated as being there when Pandaria was first discovered, and the fact we can be any of the current playable races. So you have the likes of Mechagnomes, Nightborne, and Dracthyr about the place with no one questioning it. Unless the infinites did some magic to not have people like Garrosh question who these fox people were helping the Horde.

I mean that’s what happened. Aethas wasn’t involved at all in the theft, the issue is that Blizzard made him found out after the Bell was already stolen and secured by the Horde. Which he then decided between the wrath of Garrosh and Jaina, then Jaina wouldn’t be as severe.

We can randomly lose the trust level 3. It’s dumb and inconsistent, as it’s apparently suppose to happen after a set time of being inactive on the forums. But I’ve lost my trust level, regained it, and then lost it even when being active. For example I regained the ability to post, did a link in a post, and then later that day suddenly wasn’t allowed to include links in my post.


Damn, she teleported all the way to dome depot

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If it’s ours, why is the Vale all jacked up when you enter it for the first time with Anduin? Back in the day, the Vale was pristine until much later when Garrosh did his thing.

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I don’t know. I just know that Eternus tells us that we are merely reexperiencing Mists, so that the Infinites can watch and gain a new perspective. Perhaps it wasn’t a perspective reflection or they were worried they would follow into old habits if the Vale was pre jacked up and try to prevent it?

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I do know they cover and hide themselves within illusions. Like when you’re outside the Bazaar time bubble in some areas they will look like standard pandaren until you enter and then they’re dragons.


Look I showed you what I experienced. Without any major interaction with Jaina from the player she will 99%(with the possibly occassional miss due to being overwhelmed with npc attacking her) just teleport every NPC she crosses. Heck, if you the player are not fast enough killing sa Sunreaver she will teleport it before you kill them.

Yes she has blood on her hands. That doesnt neccesarily mean it has to be due to just going out and massacaring people. There is a difference with “I at least tried to avoid killing but was still forced to do so” and “I went around and killed as many as I could”.

Okay, and we’re telling you what we experienced. It’s like farting in an elevator and then looking at the person next to you and blaming them. We know what happened so trying to convince us by telling us that we’re lying is such a weird take.

Occasionally she would teleport them, and other times she would just stop and aggro a cowering civilian and proceed to blow them up. It seems to be random, but I certainly didn’t engage.

Except that was the whole point of the Magister showing up and confronting her. He referred to her as a murderer and said he had to watch his friends die, this is not the type of language someone would use when referring to someone defending themselves. Her guilt, and conversation with Thrall lines up with this logic as well.

The context of which blood on their hands is being used is referring to the blood of the innocent, and those who died unjustly. Thrall mentions Cairne, Garrosh and Theramore, not just casualties of war. Jaina relates to this by admitting that she too has blood on her hands. (the blood of the innocent) To imply otherwise would make her comment nonsensical.


In technical terms, it’s because Blizzard modified the raw map, which overrode the original version, instead of making it a separate phase. They’re probably not going to put in the effort to remake the map properly until Mists Classic.

In practical terms, it’s because we’re coming into the “content complete” version of Pandaria with all the raids available, and the Vale needs to be cratered for the entrance of Siege of Orgrimmar to exist.

In the Alliance scenario.

Not so much in the Horde scenario.

The Purge of Dalaran was the height of the dishonest, inconsistent, unreliable-narrator storytelling that was done back in the day to keep the artificial faction divide pumped up and each side convinced that they were the good guys fighting evil.

In the Alliance scenario, Jaina, heartbroken and devastated after she tried to encourage Anduin to see the best in the Horde and trust that they’d do the right thing, teleports Sunreavers into prison safely.

In the Horde scenario, they scramble to evacuate their innocent citizens as a crazed Jaina roams the streets, murdering both Sunreavers and innocent, cowering civilians where they stand and those people are definitely not “teleported”, they fall over dead.

I don’t know if they changed it since the old days to blunt the impact of Jaina going cray-cray from the POV of the other faction. The Wikipedia seems to take the middle ground, saying that she “killed some and imprisoned others”.

But to get on the hill of one side or the other being totally blameless is to play into the deliberately disingenuous storytelling.


And I say its more of a mandela effect/people greatly exaggerating what happened to them. Soulbreaker kept linking that one set of pictures from twitter(which incidentally was the reason I made this post) those pictures while ignoring an entire video of how that is not the full picture of what happens(Jaina throws fireballs but will teleport them after)

Amd who killed Cairne? It was not Thrall! Similarly Jaina can feel guilty that maybe the Silver Covenant was not as honorable/tried avoiding killing as much as she wanted while still not being the one killing people!

This will probably be the most reasonable(and likely) take of the Chronicles book. Sure it was bad and maybe Jaina should have done better. But it was ultimately a ploy by Garrosh and if people wanted to blame someone, Garrosh will likely be the person to get the lion’s share of the blame and most people can move on.

I didn’t burn down Darnassus but I get blamed for it still.


Again that is the difference. The Horde player actively takes part in the War. Jaina didn’t actively take part in any abuse.

Yeah Jailing people who may or may not have had any thing to do with what happened always leads to good things right?

Its okay to have characters make mistakes. It makes them more interesting.


Which seems like the only reasonable response for an unreasonable event of weapons of mass destruction being stolen from under your nose. And more importantly, is different that massacring people.

so its ok for the alliance to have a wmd then if i recall jaina use the kirin tor to protect the bell

We’re not recalling what we saw long ago, we’re recounting what we just witnessed. There’s a huge difference.

He also didn’t blow up Theramore, that isn’t the point. He appointed Garrosh as war chief, which led to countless innocent deaths (Including Cairne who was trying to put a stop to it.) That’s what blood on their hands means, the blood of the innocent. Jaina relates because she too killed innocence, it was the whole purpose of having the Magister come and remind us that she was a murderer. He doesn’t mention legitimate warfare where soldiers died, only instances were the good, and innocent were murdered. They’re sharing in their guilt.

You have to be trying really hard to miss the point there.


Yeah because people who are in the right mind to jail people who have a single shared trait of others who did something bad are super chill and will stop at that sort of abuse. Got it.


And I am showing you what I just witness with actual video of what happened. Maybe show your proof she is killing these civilians more often then once in a blue moon?

Or she related because she too appointed the SC to go about and arrest the Sunreavers, which did lead to unnecessary deaths. But she(like Thrall) did not kill them.

The Alliance declared it was never going to use the bell while the Horde was intent on using the bell. And was in fact trying to find a way to destroy the bell once and for all.

Again, there is nothing to even state Jaina was planning on to go overboard. It was a necessary evil. Nothing less nothing more.

we have you just want to ignore it

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You have me what? If anything the reason Jaina has not suffered any major consequence until now is because Blizzard doesn’t think she should be punished for what happened in Dalaran. And that even if she should, she has experience enough suffering from Horde hands(she once nearly died from Zaela) to balance that scale.