Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Actually it should be 10 minutes of Jaina “killing”(ie teleporting) the Sunreavers(cant edit the post now for whatever reason). So no, Jaina is not suppose to normally kill any Sunreaver(messed the last part up by me aggroing some guards)

They definitely changed this from when I did it, jeez lol.

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Years later i’m still annoyed by how how the entire time they throw Aethas under the bus instead of giving him any plausible deniability, just so Jaina can have a justifiable reprisal against the sunreavers.

They made him culpable so jaina wouldn’t look bad. Because the Alliance has to be justified in faction conflict expansions.

Instead of having a rogue sunreaver agent organizing a portal relay through dalaran into Darnassus. Which would have given Aethas plausible deniability, and made Jaina’s reaction way more unreasonable.


Regardless, there proof Jaina didn’t go on some mass killing spree.

Like what is the serious deal? Originally she did so what. get over it.


Well she did, just not in the remix I guess.

My point is it was a bug that is now(mostly) fixed.

That it was a bug that Jaina was killing civilians and what Blizzard wanted to show was her imprisoning them.

She does in remix too. The Twitter thread is from people’s experiences with remix.



You keep posting that still picture. I literally posted you a video of Jaina not doing that for 10 minutes straight(the still picture does not show what happens to that BE after she gets hit with the fireball)

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You posted a video of the Alliance version, which she never did. It was the Horde version that had her killing everyone. That discrepancy was part of the reason there were so many shenanigans the first time around.


If I remember right, that came from a behind the scenes thing where they talked about making it, and how originally Jaina was supposed to just teleport people, but there was a bug with aggro on ptr and she was killing them.

Which they decided they liked and made it part of the scenario.


Here is the Horde version. Jaina again doesn’t kill.

Look, if they ever had an interview like it I would have know/someone would have posted it.

From what I can tell the only time Jaina ever has troubles teleporting is if too many mobs attack her at once and her aoe kills things before she can teleport them.

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Lol this guy :joy:

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What’s your game here man? Jaina running for office or something? You on her PR campaign?


So she kills stuff.

I mean, seriously, your argument here has been like “Yeah, she shoots people, but that’s just so they’re easier to capture”


It simply could be a bug or the scaling that devs do with old content and might’ve affected her.
It is not a retcon.
She kills.

Accept it.
Grow up.
Move on.


Why else would anyone do anything. Boredom and personally think has been a pet peeve of mine for 10 years of people saying Jaina was some mass murdering psychopath during the Purge when based on what is actually shown ingame she actually avoids killing them.

Again she does not. Even when your player character attacks her she just teleports them. Accept that this was always what Blizzard always wanted to show Jaina do. Further more:

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Those that surrendered are being taken to the Violet Hold. I make no guarantees about those who chose to fight.

That was always the lore, Jaina ordered them to surrender. Any who did willingly were not killed. Only those who resisted were.(any Silver Covenant who did otherwise was not following her order)

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His argument is:
“look, 10 years later I’m trying the content and she is not killing anymore!!! maybe she is not that bad guys!!!”

And he is not even ashamed of typing that on the internet.


He’s trying to convince us that his faction is all do gooders so he can sleep well.


Maybe it didn’t occur to you but since she was killing the npcs for the past 10 years, these people were, in fact, right.
And seriously if your boredom leads you to do dumb crap like this, maybe find a better outlet.