Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

How about you don’t and we get Aethas finally giving her that gift he is looking for to make amends?

Which video? Again, maybe show me a video from Remix showing this supposed killing spree?

There is no such thing as a blood elf “civilian.”

Then there is no such thing as Night Elf civilians.


The entire story of the fight in dalaran is “Jaina issues ultimatum, those who leave will leave in peace, any who stay risk imprisonment in the Violet Hold. SOME sunreavers took up arms against her, they were dealt with violence for violence.”

Meanwhile, the Horde dont see the ultimatum or its casually brush to the side, they just see the subsequent violence.

This was all due to Blizzard trying to incite animosity between hardcore players, because they know you would all rush to the forums to voice your anger. Since there will be conflicting opinions, it would just degenerate into angry words and arm flinging.

As was in the past, as it is today.

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Jaina is Perfect and Flawless and Justified in everything she does, and nobody will ever question it.

She could Personally nuke Orgrimmar into the ground right now, and she would face zero judgement or punishment ever, and Alliance players will trip over themselves to make excuses for it.


The video that shows her killing Belves and the BFA stuff that I had already posted. If you are gonna play dumb, I’m just gonna put you on ignore. No one has time for this.


That is exactly the horde mentality, yes. Orcs have been well known war criminals since before they ever had a drop of demon blood.

You said a video from Remix, not the past. The video I posted is on live servers. Which mean that one you showed was corrected/that bug was fixed.

I’m not denying at all that the Horde did awful things, even to civilians.


No, I said people’s posts from their experience with remix. And again, it wasn’t a bug.


No, I understand. I was just trying to get across the point that all horde, including the disgusting and monstrous blood elves, are enemy combatants at all times, and it is impossible to commit a crime against a member of the horde, as they have no rights.

That’s very extremist, lol.


it just occurred to me that canonically, Jaina Proudmoore is the lore reason the Alliance doesn’t have Playable High Elves.


War is our way of life, war solves everything. Therefore there is no crime.

The first time I did it in MoP, Jaina just went on a rampage. I imagine they changed it later.

stir all the pots.

“Those who left?” How did they leave? Wasn’t one of the first things the Alliance did to drug/kill* the Sunreaver’s dragonhawk mounts to cut off escape? And with the uproar, I don’t think anyone had time for portals.
*iirc Alliance-side, the player chooses, Horde-side, the latter is what happened


I don’t know for sure, but isn’t remix kinda like a alternate timeline? So what happened in this one might vary from the original one.

There 10 of Jaina “killing” civilians.

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So you go from she teleported them 100% to she killed ten… you are joking with everyone. Putting you on ignore.