Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

I did a long time ago, she did kill them. Maybe they changed it now, but I remember what happened when I did it.

yes yes, we get it.

Jaina is perfect and justified and flawless and has never done anything wrong ever in her life.

Same for the Great, Mighty, Powerful, Eternally Honorable and Flawless Alliance Who Has Never And Will Never Ever Ever Do a Single Thing That Is Less That Good.

weeeeeeee get it.


There are hundreds of bugs not added on patch notes. Again, I showed you a video from Remix today. She is just teleporting them.

here is the talk after the quest and she killed the npc
King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina! What’s happening in Dalaran? Has there been an attack?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The Kirin Tor was betrayed from within. I’ve handled the situation.
King Varian Wrynn says: How?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I’ve purged the Horde from Dalaran. You have what you wanted, Your Majesty: The Kirin Tor belongs to the Alliance.
King Varian Wrynn says: But you said-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I know what I said. My trust was misplaced.
King Varian Wrynn says: What of the Sin’dorei - the Sunreavers?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Those that surrendered are being taken to the Violet Hold. I make no guarantees about those who chose to fight.
King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina, you need to talk to me before you act-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: How I run the Kirin Tor is my business.
King Varian Wrynn says: I was trying to negotiate with the Sin’dorei. I was opening discussions to bring them into the Alliance! By attacking their people, you’ve forced their hand-
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: They chose their own path.
King Varian Wrynn says: You’ve driven them back to the Horde.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You’re fooling yourself. Once Horde, always Horde. I see that now. I’m mobilizing the Kirin Tor.
King Varian Wrynn says: Jaina. We’ve got to work together on this. The Alliance must act as one.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Don’t get soft on me, Varian.


Again, even the lore version of it says anyone who surrendered gets taken to the Hold. Only those who resisted could end up dead.

Oh the convenience. If it were a bug they wouldn’t have still been saying that she did kill them in BFA. You showed a selective video. Everyone else is saying in their experience she did kill Blood Elves. You are the only one claiming she did not. You need to give it up.

You tried in the story forums, got owned there, and think you’ll have a better shot in GD. It’s really sad.


God, feels like 10 years ago once again.
Same talking points, just as stupid now as they were then.

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and she was the one who has done the killing
like others have said it was fixed due to uproar from die hard alliance players


the alliance get the full scenario while the horde get an abridged version. so alliance see the ultimatum (leave safely, or risk imprisonment), and subsequent aggressive actions by the sunreavers which result in violence. this wasnt a bug or an error, it was a gross mischaracterization to incite conflict between players.

This has always how it went.

They also have on our side at least, people cowering and civilians. They don’t have all of them fighting. Some of them do.

Yes, some sunreavers take up arms and violence ensues. She just doesnt walk around nuking everyone wearing red like some horde players like to pretend. Those who left, left in peace, the ones who simply stayed were sent to the Violet Hold and those who retaliated were attacked.

Blizzard did this to incite animosity between hardcore horde and alliance players because they know they would never play the other side. Those who played both faction were the only ones who got a complete picture.


And certain people in the story forum are wrong. Just as you are.

And it seems to have been retconned out. This is from Exploring Northrend:

“They(Silver Covenant) helped expel the Sunreavers when Jaina Proudmore became head of the Kirin tor. and I imagine were less then happy to see them come back, but that is mage politics and not my concern. They did support the Alliance during the Fourth War, when we took the battle to Ogrimmar itself.”

We have two months before Chronicles 4. We will see won’t we how Blizz decided to deal with it.

Finally. Someone gets it.

But on our side not all of them are retaliating, she just is mad that they don’t join her side. I do believe they do this at times to pit us against each other. Because they do it again in BFA. We do things in Kul’tiras that on our side we aren’t made aware of. They even had the San’layn join the Horde in the Alliance story. We never find that out.


Multiple people are wrong. You are the only one that’s right, lmfao!

Was retconned out and back in, as the video I posted shows.


I didnt say all, I said some. why do you insist on repeating a point I never challenged.

like that ABSOLUTELY AND POINTLESSLY OUT OF PLACE raid on that one town in Stormsong Valley…

like…why was the Horde even there. It was a random like…farming town in the middle of nowhere, it had no strategic value even if we were at War.

(I’d heard that that whole thing was originally supposed to be like Gnolls or something attacking the village, and they changed it to the Horde at the last minute for some extra “OMG HORDE BAD” points)


Your video was in 2020. The video I showed was today. And as mentioned Exploring Northrend doesn’t even mention any killing, only that the Silver Covenant expelled the Sunreavers(which is weird considering the whole trying to make dragonhawk sleep thing)

Because they are lying. And I just showed you what she is suppose to do. Unless something affects her programming(like a player running by) she is suppose to teleport SC to the Violet Hold.

The video you showed is selective, yet again, and the retcon is still there in BFA story.

No they aren’t lying. You are just bent so you created this thread. People can read and watch the videos and posts from many people that did the instance even after remix. So stop.


How about we kill her off already and be done with it. lol she gets crushed by her water elemental. Who will they focus then? Tyrande? too busy chasing down Malfurion for the 100th time as a night warrior that I almost killed with Nathanos in bfa. The prophet will have to set up again.

I feel like she’ll never get any punishment for anything. Even when we do face off against her in BFA we only defeat her. She has major plot armor.