Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

After the Divine Bell is brought to Darnassus, Jaina got involved in ensuring it remained in Darnassus. She outright states: “I had Darnassus LOCKED DOWN! Every fumbling rogue that tried to sneak into the city, I CAUGHT them! I snatched every two-bit charlatan that attempted to teleport through my traps!”


And I am ok with you not agreeing. My point still stand that this particular lore has been twisted for more then a decade. That due to the fact the quest was so grindy and had no rewards aside from the mount no one had a reason to redo to verify. Now I have proof.

Even now people are willing to ignore(or worse lying) about what happened ingame and say Jaina was going around killing every civilian she could find as oppose to what she is doing. Teleporting them to VH.

It would be funny if she only captured them during the Alliance quest, but killed them during the Horde quest. That would be wonderfully intriguing because it implies that Jaina only does that when there are no witnesses on her side.

The Kirin Tor had effectively taken over the mandate of the Blue Dragonflight after Cata. It was suppose to be a magical police force trying to make sure NO ONE abuses magic/magical items.

Saying she was “aiding the Alliance war effort” is not correct. She was making sure NO ONE uses the bell. And she knew the Alliance would not because she was in the meeting declaring it.

Why would Tyrande do that? If anything she would have been fearful(rightfully so) of Horde agents trying to take the bell in Dalaran. Yes, it was still stolen in Darnassus but she would have likely thought it would be safer in her city then in one with Horde forces.

We will see what the “canon” events of all of this soon enough. Two month and we will hopefully see the resolution to quite a few Faction War question from MoP to BFA.

She does not. This is the Horde side of the quest: https://x.com/emperium108/status/1794418294910599175

Saying she was “aiding the Alliance war effort” is not correct. She was making sure NO ONE uses the bell. And she knew the Alliance would not because she was in the meeting declaring it.

She’s not aiding the Alliance War Effort in spite of hiding it in… an Alliance City. Yeah, nah; hiding it within the Chamber of the Air like Gornur suggested would have unironically been the best solution possible. for the reasons he stated: Aethas personally detested Garrosh, and would not follow his orders to steal it himself.


And kills others. We’ve done the Horde side of the quest. She killed shopkeepers and civilians. This is major cope for the Alliance.


He is repeating this rhetoric that “it was a bug fixed” between BFA and shadowlands.
It is clearly a bug, or the result of spell scaling taking place. She used to 1 shot them but now Jaina takes like 4 casts to kill one of them.

But he clains “it was a bug fix” without any resource proving his claim.
He claims the fact she killed them was a bug, also, without any source proving his claims.

He is that kind of player that seethes and malds at the thought any alliance character doing anything evil or morally wrong.

It is more simple to actually simple and more plausible to understand that Jaina simply snapped. She saw Theramore being destroyed and she lost it. She was still carrying the guilt of being responsible for her father’s death and everything crumbled upon her.

Denying her actions in Pandaria and the Purge of Dalaran makes her development in BFA meaningless.


The night elves got the bell. And I doubt Tyrande was willing to let Jaina take it back to her city filled with Horde.

The night elves got the bell. And I doubt Tyrande was willing to let Jaina take it back to her city filled with Horde.

The Horde were not Dalaran’s only denizens.

She telports them! Yes she randomly throws fireballs but she never kill them and teleports them at half health/full health randomly.

That’s alright, I do enough for the both of us.

No in the scenario she kills some of them and teleports some of them away. And when she’s confronted about it in BFA she doesn’t deny it.

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Again, I just did it, she DOES NOT kill them short of the Alliance/Horde player being nearby to accidentally change her programming. I followed her for a good 10 mins to make sure. She teleports all of them.

Then you played through it with your eyes closed or are using selective memory.

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I literally made a Horde toon and did that stupid questline just to prove it. She does not kill them.



If Blizzard wanted to convey that Jaina was about making sure no one used the Divine Bell, then we should have seen that in action. For example how about having some Alliance prisoners, from those who felt like Rogers and wanted to use the artifact against the Horde, or the Mogu seeking to reclaim it. Otherwise it just really feels like, she’s actively helping the Alliance in their war against the Horde, while citing neutrality.

I’ll concede here, my focus was on more about how the story could have been shifted so that Jaina wasn’t involved in shielding one faction capital against the other side, over how Tyrande actually responded.

Hopefully. Though I have a feeling that Blizzard would leave things somewhat vague since Blizzard did described the Purge of Dalaran as a good example of grey morality in Warcraft.

If video is correct, they changed it so their precious Jaina could not kill anyone. Can’t have alliance look bad right at least not Jaina. lol

They did later on after Alliance players complained about it. But then reverted it for BFA.

Ahh makes sense. smh