Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

I like you, you funny dwarf lol.

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Soooo you defend the killing of civilians when Alliance do it.


Those are Sunreaver Magi.

I just think its very funny that the Horde can blow up entire cities and burn down Teldrassil in malicious acts of attempted genocide, and then start clutching their pearls and sobbing into their hands when a bunch of traitors get their deserved comeuppance.

Pick one, either its acceptable to kill civilians or it isnt. Dont play the concern troll while the ruins of Theramore are still smoldering. No one in the Horde had a problem with what Garrosh or Sylvanas were doing until after they started hurting the Horde too.

No they are not.


I mean yeah, you.
Zerde started this topic and it’s being pointed out Jaina’s responsibility. Can’t help it if he won’t admit it.


I think it’s more of an accuracy thing. There are Alliance here claiming she didn’t kill civilians, and she can do no wrong. Well that’s just not true. Both sides have done horrendous things in times of war, which is expected. At least I expect it and am fine with it, even though I am Horde biased.

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I just think its very funny that the Horde can blow up entire cities and burn down Teldrassil in malicious acts of attempted genocide, and then start clutching their pearls and sobbing into their hands when a bunch of traitors get their deserved comeuppance.

Acts? Theramore wasn’t a genocide, and no one in the Horde knew what was going to happen with Teldrassil until Sylvanas had a spur of the moment idea to burn it instead of the original plan to occupy it.

No one in the Horde had a problem with what Garrosh or Sylvanas were doing until after they started hurting the Horde too.

No one? No one? Vol’jin, Baine and others were constantly questioning and challenging him multiple times. Hell, Vol’jin threatened to kill Garrosh and as for Sylvanas there were multiple instances of people having a problem with what she was doing.


The Alliance extremism I see sometimes is wild. Jaina objectively handled the Sunreaver situation extremely poorly. Even Varian called her out on it for basically ruining his diplomatic attempts.


No they did not. It was literally a blood elf spy for Garrosh. It was not some Sunreaver sanctioned action. They didn’t even know about it.


As a Horde player, I recall taking the bell from Teldrassil, not Dalaran.
Jaina brought the Bell to Teldrassil using Dalaran, as the alliance used to move their troops via Dalaran.


Regardless, Jaina is still a hypocrite.

She outright states that the Sunreavers helping the Horde steal the Divine Bell was a betrayal and violation of the Kirin Tor’s neutrality. However she as the leader of the Kirin Tor, actively helping keep the Divine Bell in Alliance possession somehow wasn’t? She actively aided the Alliance war effort, in helping them oust Horde agents that sought to claim the Divine Bell. She admits this herself and still acts as if she wasn’t hypocrite.

The smarter thing to have done would have been for the Night elves to deliver the Divine Bell directly to the Kirin Tor. Then they could have personally set it up in a safer location, perhaps even in the Chamber of the Air where only the Council of Six can enter. Aethas, who personally detested Garrosh, wouldn’t follow any order to retrieve it.

Remember Aethas, only discovered that Sunreaver agents helped the Horde, after the theft, and when given the choice between Garrosh and Jaina, knowing that Hellscream wouldn’t have any qualms over dead blood elves, decided to look the other way, deciding that Jaina’s wrath wouldn’t be as severe. After all while it’s implied that Garrosh didn’t have issues with the Sunreaver involvement becoming known, there is a difference between nameless agents aiding the theft and Aethas committing the deed himself.

Meanwhile I still maintain that Sarannha Skyglaive was a moron for outright telling the Horde where the Divine Bell was going. The Alliance had already claimed it and even if the night elven presence would have been a clue, she could have lied. Claimed the Bell was sent to Stormwind, which would make sense, Ironforge, which had never fallen to the Horde in it’s history, the Exodar, for it’s remoteness, or even some random town in the middle of nowhere
 leaving the Horde on a goose chase as they try to discover where it is.

But no
 after securing the Bell, her dying words are “My death
 nothing. The Divine Bell is already in Darnassus.”

One of the first things Horde players see is an ignorant innocent civilian getting fed to a shark, that personal sight captures us. In contrast why we know that Theramore was destroyed, the casualties aren’t shown in-game, just Theramore getting nuked. The Tides of War novel, covers it, and captures that horror but not everyone reads the books and so it’s more something known, but there’s not that emotional connection to it.

And even the reveal of the Theramore Citizens in the Siege of Orgrimmar, doesn’t take away from that first hand emotional experience.

Sadly, I don’t see that ever happening.

Follow that chain and we should just blame the Mogu for creating the Divine Bell.

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And Lother’mar would be responsible for the blood elves stealing the bell. Afterall they are his people or so your logic goes that anyone in your authority(even though they violate your orders) would be your responsibility.

and the alliance would be responsible to hide it in darnassus also

True; an oversight on my part from adressing the previous poster.

If im not mistaken Jaina isn’t involved untill after the theft of the bell. It is taken straight to Darnassus first by the night elves.


No, she does kill them. I watched them die myself.

Why do Alliance players always try to call anything they don’t like depicted as a “bug” despite never being changed, or fixed after countless years. In fact NPCs and dialogue were changed and fixed but Jaina killing innocent Sunreavers has always remained.

In fact, this was even touched up on in BFA when Magister Hathorel show up to enact justice on Jaina, and he literally calls her a murderer, and how she will watch her friends die just as he did.

“Have you forgotten the purge of Dalaran, murderer? Today the Sunreavers will be avenged.”

Just because she teleports some, doesn’t mean she didn’t also kill others. You can’t just call anything you don’t like a “bug” unless a dev comes out and confirms it as such. Don’t try to misrepresent your conjecture as fact.


You’re right. One should have more then that as basis. The thing is I have a Horde toon as well and did the Purge in Dalaran when it was current and that is why I always knew the civilians were being ported/my Horde player got teleported to Violet Hold when I attack her.

Now I can’t prove what happened in the past. I can prove what is happening in the present:


So people like him:

Are lying though their teeth and saying Jaina is still killing Civilians. It took forever and a day to do the interminable questline but there, proof that the Sunreavers are being teleported by her. And not killed by her. Yes some SC are still killing Sunreavers, but her orders were to lock them up/kill them only if necessary. Those who did not do that were not following her orders.

Oh, heck no. You started this topic, we’re discussing Jaina and her responsibilities. That’s the subject. I’m asking what you believe Jaina is responsible for. Is it so hard to express your views on it?
Yes or no.
In your view was Jaina responsible for the Silver Convenant’s murder of Sunreavers?


No, but in these same vein that is the reason why I am not going around asking for Aethas head(he certainly deserved what happened in MoP) or Lother’mar, Baine etc.

I believe she could have done better. But that like it or not the Purge was forced on her by events out of her control and she did the best she could. And if anyone should be punished for it, it should be the perpetrators of stealing the bell/helping Garrosh get it in the first place.

“That’s a bug, otherwise it’s real, and I don’t like that”

This thread.


Ok, thanks for answering this clearly.
I don’t agree but you already knew that.