Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

As an orc who was enslaved and used in gladiatorial combat and escaped with Thrall’s crew in the day, I wholeheartedly agree.

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I did the quest on both sides. The rolodex that is my mind is getting kinda old.

For you young people

Rolodex - a small file for holding names, addresses, and telephone numbers, consisting of cards attached horizontally to a rotatable central cylinder.

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It was not a bug.
She still does.

Stop making threads about this. You were literally shut off from the Lore forums because your assumption was bad and people proved you to be wrong.


She should have killed Aethas first and foremost. He’s an absolute weasel of a character.

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For those who wondering, OP lost the argument and decide to make a new thread.

Link to the thread in the Lore/Story forums:



HOW DARE you show evidence its insulting to the OP and jaina simps and stans everywhere.


Damn wish I could post a pic or gif, that’s hilarious :joy:

Those aren’t blood elves haha those are uhh… uhm…

[We’ll Be Right Back].gif

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Alliance players straight frothing at the mouth whenever someone points out the numerous horrible things their faction did/does



Just curious Malgorok, how long did it take you to get that wolf mog in the remix?

I wasn’t even level cap, maybe 30-40?

Its one of the cheaper things to buy only like 2k bronze, but there are 3 versions of it

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I just want it for my shammy, I’ve ran it on live quite a bit and it hasn’t dropped.

You yourself are aserting they act to police mages and magical artifacts. It doesn’t matter how effective you personally believe them to be. It is part of their mission and function.

Deal with the Kirin Tor we have. Not the one you keep wishing you had so your argument would be stronger.

Near mental gymnastics to say Dalaran taking custody of the Bell was to give the alliance a war advantage. The Kirin Tor don’t want any faction using magic artifacts of mass destruction and have been gathering and locking them away for centuries now. Your argument also truly breaks down when Jaina takes the power of the Thunder King and doesn’t do anything with it but lock it away. Nore did she open up the Dalaran vaults and dump magical artifacts into the alliance’s lap.

But sure, let just go completely unhinged and say it was all for the alliance? :roll_eyes:

For Jaina and the rest of the Dalaran leadership they didn’t know if it was a group or even just a single Sunreaver. So a blanket expulsion solve the problem in one go and is immediate without giving time for sabotage, theft, opportunity to do much else.

The actions given the time and place were extremely reasonable. They were not nice, kind, without unfairness.

But hey maby Jaina should have just had a good cry about it all instead like her writing had been before Theremore.

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You think they’re going to change the history of the Silver Covenant under Vereesa who were under Jaina’s authority and responsibility for murdering Sunreavers?
How could they possibly recon that?
Just admit it, Zerde, ultimate authority for the deaths of Sunreavers during the purge rested on Jaina’s shoulders even if were a fact that she didn’t kill anyone with her own hand.


Jaina is bad regardless; she was bat crazy once.

She had an idea it was Aethas. She even calls him out on it. She knew it’d be the leadership. She took out shopkeepers and civilians instead.

Arriving in the Violet Citadel, Jaina slew Aethas’s High Sunreaver Magi and called him out directly. Accusing him of treachery (an accusation Aethas claimed was false), Jaina ordered him to take his people and leave the city. Unwilling to accept her ultimatum, Aethas proclaimed that Dalaran was the home of his people, too; as Jaina herself had said, many of the Sunreavers had called Dalaran home for over two thousand years. Resolved, Jaina simply stated that she would have to remove them by force. She took Aethas captive and teleported out of the fray.

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I’d say go for it, you get a bonus 40k bronze now for hitting level cap so you’ll be able to buy all 3 versions and some other stuff easily

The only really expensive things on it are the mounts from world bosses/rares and the toys that are all still available in live

Most of the transmog outfits are 5k or under

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I love the whole “Jaina is evil because she killed civilians” whining from the Horde.

A) She threw them in jail, Vereesa is the one who ordered some of them be killed, and for good reason. You dont get to pick sides in a war, and then cry that you’re losing it.

B) You’re the freaking Horde. Killing civilians is your calling card. You have more civilian blood on your hands than some real-world dictatorships. Garrosh literally blew up an entire city like two months before Jaina purged Dalaran. The Sunreavers then immediately afterwards violated Dalaran’s neutrality policy and handed Garrosh another superweapon that he fully intended to use.

Jaina was 1,000% justified in being furious. You guys did the equivalent of handing Osama Bin Laden a nuclear weapon a couple weeks after 9/11. Cry about it in the rivers of civilian blood you willingly and needlessly shed. She’d have been well within her rights to pitch every single Blood Elf off the side of the city and let them think about how many people Garrosh planned to kill on the way down.


I posted screens of Jaina killing civilians herself. :dancer: