Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

new players who dont know the lore.

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I’m saying that the initial mission of the Kirin Tor was to be a place of learning. It left us with many unhinged mages and never focused about controlling them. It made Kel’thuzad, Kael’thas and Jaina. Jaina which made it into a police force and caused an all-out civil war.

I think it’s pretty relevant of the fact that it has many times not successfully defended those artifacts, it’s also questionable with Jaina involvement to claim neutrality. Depending of your bias I think it’s not too far reach to say that putting the bell in Dalaran was an alliance ploy, trying to abuse Dalaran neutrality to stop the Horde from getting it.

This was a small exaggeration but you’re being picky about numbers. The Sunreavers were an important part of the Kirin Tor enough to rivalise them on the battlefield on the Isle of Thunder.

The Sunreavers as a whole didn’t forment a rebellion, some individuals stole an artifact. I think it has been shown ingame and made obvious that Jaina overreacted that’s not just headcanon. I don’t believe also that the Kirin Tor was fully neutral when Jaina supported the Alliance many times.


Well, since this thread is here because he didn’t get the reaction he wanted from the story forum, it didn’t have much of a chance.


I wouldn’t call the purge a meme. It was still an attack on a group that was ultimately not only innocent but in talks to join the Alliance. False imprisonment is pretty bad regardless. Even if she didn’t murder them. Jaina had decent reason for believing the Sunreavers were using Dalaran resources to aid the Horde but she didn’t even give them a chance to prove themselves innocent. Had she done so, they likely would have found the real culprit AND the Alliance would have probably gotten the Blood Elves.


Well we needed more wood for our war machines too :joy:

They won’t learn anything from this circle of nonsense because nothing was learned way back when. This is not a dumpster fire we want to reignite.

Wait why not? lol

i think these players need to accept the fact that horde and alliance cannot be friends and incidents in the lore if we go by the ingame characters perspective are to big and leave to long lasting impact that there is no possible means for peace jaina’s actions have left a major stain on dalarans reputation that was already slightly stained due to the whole imprisonment of another of their leaders of the past kael’thas who was a member of the 6 the leaders of dalaran. so her actions caused her too look bad made the alliance more untrustable to the horde and soured alliance and horde relations and much more .

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I have completely forgotten that. As players we were always meant to be on the opposing side to Sylvanas so having us do that would not work. Now if the actually let people choose to be on her side, then have to work to earn back their spot in the Horde after it was all said and done it would have been shocking. But you can go to the BfA zone and kill the rare trying to protect the people there from the Horde invasion. I killed that rare once before I realized what was going on and that was just not the story telling I was into.

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It’s funny the Horde gets accused of killing civilians in Darnassus, it’s like a Mandela effect lol. Well Sylvanas did, but us as player characters didn’t.


technically speaking us players did most of the killing but sylvanas gets blamed for our actions that takes all credit i rightfully earned away which i am not for. sylvanas did nothing wrong i did everything they blame her for i want some credit.

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We didn’t kill civilians, we killed their generals and military leaders.

i killed their civilins when they were in my pressence idk about you . i targeted shop keepers.

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Which event you taking about? In Darnassus at start of BfA event. We couldn’t target civilians to kill. We picked them up and helped them evacuate.

every war i was in ingame that i could.

Ok so head canon, gotcha :+1:

I like you. lol down with the alliance.


in kul’tiras i targeted the civilians as they were killable in teldrassil i killed any alliance that was killable in mop any alliance i met i killed. it doesnt mater if they are soldier or civilian if they are not horde and are civilians of the alliance they are there by soldiers and my enemies and to be put down like all alliance.

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I like your head canon, but in the events we couldn’t actually target civilians like shop keepers. Trust me I tried lol. It was still a fun event nonetheless.

my character is a light using undead pally who is in constant pain but hates the alliance so much and sees them as the greatest evil putting them down is the greatest show of faith and loyalty to the horde. i do sorta go overboard but hey alliance are not people they are monsters.