Jaina Basically Murdered All the Night Elves

Someone is dying from poison right in front of you and you have the antidote in your hands, readily available, and you know you won’t need it for yourself. It’d be as easy as pushing a plunger to administer it. Would ignoring them not be murder?


But Jaina wasn’t in Teldrassil at the time of it’s burning. She was out getting that ship

War of Thorns was fairly long (weeks-months). Jaina was AFK a long time preparing to attack UC solo, not just for the day of BURNINATING.


Yes, but was she in contact with any members of the Alliance? I doubt Anduin had any contact with Jaina when she left in Legion. How would Jaina know? (Idk how she even knew about Lordaeron for that matter)

It would not be murder because I didn’t poison them. It would be the wrong thing to do but I would not have killed them myself.

Another great bait post by Hahahahaha

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That might be going a bit too far. But Jaina always being AFK whenever someone on the Alliance could be saved by a teleport is kind of like a Fire Department that is mysteriously unreachable at a picnic every time there’s a fire.

Like so much in BFA, there was a great solution lorewise, but the writers weren’t creative enough to think of it.


If he hadn’t, the airship would not have made it out. Jaina needs fairly close proximity to teleport other people with her. And that’s assuming that she wasn’t fully spent from the battle or knocked out herself. With Varian down on the ground being literally swarmed by the Legion, that wasn’t going to happen.

I dunno, she teleported the entire Alliance army out of UC during Wrath when they were currently engaged in combat. I many were far away and out of her line of sight.


That was only the heroes and Varian and they were all in immediate proximity to her. In Icecrown Halls of Reflection, she couldn’t save any of the slaves that were murdered in the closing moments of the instance.

Maybe she didn’t know about it at the time.

Maybe the range and power of Jaina’s mass teleport and frost magic is wildly inconsistent.


Perhaps so. Jaina could have tried to freeze the Fel Reaver to let the Alliance escape, or attempt a mass teleport to get everyone on the skyship (including Varian) to safety, but she apparently could not do so. And in the recent cinematic, she seems to be struggling very hard to hold off a few cannon blasts for even a minute.

Lorewise she could have easily, and it’s weird she chose to let Varian die. Meta-wise, she didn’t save the day because it would have ruined the story they wanted to tell. Much like how she could have saved Teldrassil 50 ways with her godlike powers…but just didn’t.

One other thought: Did she still have wards all over Teldrassil from the Divine Bell indecent and choose to let them all die for failing to protect the Bell when she gave it to them?


I seed what you did there.
But have you tried running from the start area to the Darnassus? Takes forever yo.

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Some of those mats are hard to come by, usually have to end up farming them yourself and that takes forever.

She was in combat guys, and Invis was on cooldown.

Velen should have had the orcs pacificed on Draenor. Would have saved everyone trouble.

And don’t give my that crap, “if the orcs didn’t do ‘so and so,’ the End Times!” nonsense, cause that’s just artificial convenience. Even Khadgar was able to make Deathwing whimper with a little magic.

The Legion says hi.

High Priest Garrosh of the Lightforged says hello as well.


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