Jaina Basically Murdered All the Night Elves

No judge on earth would says she has culpability on what someone else may or may not do. She did not know about the whole invasion of Tedrassil. By the time any information got to her it would have been too late.

As for her teleportation powers even that has limits. As I recall back in Cycle of Hatred she couldn’t mass teleport a bunch of thunderlizard without being totally drained. Hell, the whole battle for undercity teleportation was her just teleporting Varian and a bunch of his soldiers out of the room(I assume lorewise they didnt get too far with that teleportation and when the initially chance to kill Sylvanas/Thrall was lost, Varian pulled out of Undercity via regular means of transport)

Why do you assume Jaina even had the strength to cast any major magic abilities at the time? The entire thing was already a desperate battle, I assume off screen she used up most of her mana just trying to stop the Legion.

Well, that’s not correct, Jaina it’s a very very powerful mage, but she is not a goddess. If you read more about the lore you could see that all mages, even the more powerful mages like Jaina, they can’t make what you say.
Mages (also probably any other kind of thaumaturge) when they make an spell that require an effort and a lost of energy or power, they will lost an amount of power more or less equal that was used for casting the spell. While more porwerful is the spell, more of that energy will be lost, and while more energy the thaumaturge lost, more time will need to recover his energy to do a similar spell.
Jaina could do an spell to teleport a significant amount of people, surely, as she did in other situations. But for get back at Teldrassil and do the same spell again, would need a lot of time to recover.
She could saved several people, but not avoid a genocide by her self.

Maybe not pacified. But he could have at least bothered to tell them about the Demonic Legion chasing them that had destroyed the numerous planets they’d been to before.

Not really more or less artificial than most of the story.

That was before N’Zoth gave him a power boost in Deepholm.

N’Zoth fed its own dark energy into Deathwing’s heart, infusing the black Dragon Aspect with a power unlike any that he had ever known before.

Not if she had been responsibly staying in contact with her allies should such a thing arise.

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She was angry at the Alliance for not doing more regarding the Horde and did what she thought was best. Not to mention she wasnt exactly in the best state of mind.

If you want to play the blame then I say lets blame the Horde for causing her to be in that state of mind!

And if she had stayed in contact with the Alliance, she would have known about Teldrassil and been able to help. So what she thought was best ended up meaning less people were saved. Sometimes it is better to think past your emotions.

I don’t. My comment wasn’t about blame.

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In WOW, portals cost more the more “power” of things you are sending through them. A highly magical monster causes reverb so bringing through something like Archimonde takes huge power.

Jaina has teleported ENTIRE elite armies with all their magic gear before. Teleporting some lvl 0 kids should be child’s play.

No she hasn’t. Mos of her major feats are one off accomplishments which implies that she had to burn irreplaceable resources to accomplish them. That’s why she hasn’t pulled any Flying Canonneer Dutchman stunts after Lordaeron.

WAAAAYYYYYYY back in Wrath of the Lich King, Varian took an Alliance army that he felt was large enough to defeat a Burning Legion rebel army and the Horde armies into the depths of UC. Jaina teleported them all far away instantly, while they were in combat.

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A troop, an squadron, a big bunch of 400 soldiers as much. The whole population of Teldrassil, that’s impossible. As i said before, she is not a goddess.

PS: All elite armies are small groups. That’s a fact in WoW universe and in real world.

Jaina is powerful but she isn’t a god. Hell the Hordes champions would’ve taken her head if she hadn’t planned the diversion herself after Dazalors siege.

It stands to reason that if Jaina was a true target of interest for the Horde in the open field then magics and powers would be bent to effectively neutralise her escape card tricks but then we can never be sure if Blizzard would be ballsy enough to kill off such an iconic character.

She’ll probably just be sidelined like Thrall. To be reused or utilised once the writers can find another ham fisted plot twist to throw at our heads.

This is hilariously dangerous logic.

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Jaina was no longer an Alliance leader, she had no obligation to stay in touch with anyone.

She was no longer an Alliance leader because she gave it up. I suppose she had no responsibility if she truly has no care as to what happens to the Alliance. In which case, I don’t know why she’s back.

She’s a private citizen.

Are you trying to argue that as a private citizen she has a responsibility to keep tabs on the goings on in every Alliance land at any given moment? Does she need to portal into Stormwind Keep once a week to see what’s going on?

And if she fails in this “responsibility” it means she doesn’t care what happens to the Alliance?

That’s a big leap.

And she’s also an extremely powerful, if not the most powerful, mortal archmage.

Every Alliance land at any given moment? No. But if she wants to protect and help the Alliance, then yeah, it is her responsibility to keep in touch. Not in a moral sense, but in a sense if she wants to help it.

There are a myriad of ways to keep in touch. Visiting is one. She could also have a magical device for such a purpose. I don’t find these particularly onerous if her goal is to help them.

I’m not saying if she fails, she doesn’t care. I’m saying if she cares, then it is her responsibility to stay in contact. If she doesn’t care then sure, it isn’t her responsibility.

So basically you are saying that she isn’t free to live how she desires, and if she does she’s just being selfish, negligent and irresponsible.

I’m saying if you have a goal (like keeping the Alliance safe) and you don’t make a good effort at upholding it (like not keeping in relative contact, which seems the case here) you’re negligent in your responsibility towards that goal.

Again, this isn’t a moral judgment. I’m not saying ‘if she doesn’t stay in touch, she’s irresponsible as a person, end of story.’ But if she wants to to keep the Alliance safe, yeah, her duty is to stay in touch. Just seems like you’re really trying to strawman what I say on the topic. Especially since I made no comment about it being selfish.

She does use the ship as part of her boss fight.

Wow this is actually an incredible point. She just stumbles out of nowhere to attack Lordaeron.


I just fought the chick two days ago. Yeah, she can do some wild stuff.

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