I've tasted classic. Find it hard to go back to BfA

I lovdd playing beta. I want to play more.

After stress was over, i logged into bfa. Ugh. Logged out.


Careful, last time I tried that, there was this whole part of the game that I could never access because it required a legendary cloak.

What bothers me is that there’s an entire Azeroth that is largely almost forever untouched.

They destroyed it once, but instead of changing it back, or changing it again, they left us with a continuous and ugly reminder that we couldn’t have our memories back.

If you’re going to revamp it once, at least keep revamping it. That way, it could make the world feel more alive. If you can’t do that, you defeat almost the entire purpose of keeping the old world around when you make new content.

There was even a continuous need to expire old content as if there was no value in it afterward. Imagine a pattern that actually required gold filigree… actual gold. Why expire gold? It was never hard to find and keeping it relevant could have allowed low-levelers to earn a living while questing. Every expansion had to have new metals for literally no reason.

After several generations of new, unimaginable materials taking root, it became extremely hard to suspend disbelief. You know they were just thinking “alright well f* we have to rename all the metals. How about tazninium, oranite, phlobixnium, and true granite. That last one I know isn’t a metal, but… it is in Azeroth, because… creativity… yay…”


Dude this has driven me nuts for a long time now. Realistically, sometimes all you really need is a handful of copper bolts and a couple of bolts of mageweave, even if you’re building a legendary level 150 Grand Ultimate Whatchamahoozit. There’s no good reason the game can’t reflect that.


I made a rogue on the stress test, maxed it out at 5. Did professions etc.
Then made a priest, was having a blast, almost got to lvl 5 before I had to go to work.

Logged in tonight after work, started trying to level my now lvl 111 priest, for like the 5th time since this xpac launched, and played for about 10 min or so and logged out in disgust.

Heading to cancel sub until mid august, i’ll come back then, not interested in this garbage anymore.


Yeah, I feel ya there. I feel so empty honestly, I had no idea I was going to feel this way after playing in the stress test. It was only to level freaking 5 and I am left here now craving more. I really hope I get into the beta now, after playing the stress test I crave more :frowning:


To be quite honest after playing the stress test it made me fall in love with wow agin so while i wait for classic to come back ima lvl the rest of my toons to 120 and gear em out with mythic runs and such i had stoped playing a week after bfa came out

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I go back to bfa every day…to farm gold for wow token :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welcome to the promised land brother.

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I really hope Blizzard learns something from Classic and applies them to modern WoW.

I can’t wait for classic, but…I also love my DK, or at least used to. The same goes for professions. I also really like the art direction in the modern game; the only thing that’s truly gotten better every expansion(for the most part. I do appreciate the sharper and cleaner weapons of vanilla.) Player agency, real choice in creating your character through talent/gear builds, every piece of gear being unique in some way - there was a genuine want to play the game as it was something I liked to do, not a feeling that I needed to as if it were chores. It was more organic and less rigid. I feel so restricted and ‘on rails’ in modern WoW.

I wish they’d try to move more towards being an RPG as the primary focus, with competitive PvE/PvP as a secondary. There will always be min-max players, but it gets so tiresome when the game is nothing more than pushing leaderboards/meters or racing for records.


Yeah got a day of sub left myself, think I’ll wait out until Classic release. Been subbed entire BFA and my legion playthrough, but the game just isn’t in a good state, hope they’ll fix it someday.


We are almost half way through it. I think its just like WoD, ride this thing out and hope for a better xpac next year.

I found it fun enough but there are things I started remembering that I had not liked and things I did. Just like the current interpretation.

Welcome to how I feel in BFA every time I log into it. I mean the only reason I’m even posting on these forums because BFA is boring.


Be careful with Classic! There is a reason people complained of WoW being like heroine. It can and has been extremely addictive for some.

We might all need to start a WoW Anonymous group


The cravings are real lol. I can’t wait til August. I watch streams, I watch youtube, I read reddit, I frequent this forum. I need Classic!!! Seems so far away but I’m so hyped!! :station: All aboard the HYPE TRAIN!! :bullettrain_side:


Yeah I can’t wait to enjoy the feeling of building a character again honestly. It won’t be like it was for me when I leveled through nilla zones in Wrath, but it’ll still be fun nonetheless!


I felt the same way, I don’t think I will go back to BFA after classic is out.


dont unsub . we get 5 more levels next week, up to level 10. :yellow_heart:

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Ehh, doesn’t seem worth resubbing for a day of stress-test.