I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

I was tanking and the npc hunter starting pulling more mobs. It was great to see them keeping hunter’s true nature in game.

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I think the better question/statement is what makes playing an MMO fun that is unique to MMOs. Because, why put up with all the crap that comes along with MMOs if you aren’t getting something unique out of it.

It’s the experiences with other players and the friendships you develop along the way. The same thing that keeps most of us playing long after we’ve grown board with the game itself. It doesn’t matter what our individual motivations are - its finding others with those same goals and creating our own version of the old coffee shop hanging out trading stories and doing things together.

Haven’t any good reason to why not. There are a lot of good reasons as too have them. I haven’t done a M+ in many years. Add a follower dungeon let me maybe try to get into them see the mechanics. I’m a Tank btw and maybe there would be more Tanks/players getting into M+ increasing participation.

Doesn’t have to be. The challenge can be teamwork with AI.


You need both, solo content and group content. Case closed.


I bet you would really enjoy that comp stomp if they made it solo

you forgot semi solo content. Fun fact, Semi Solo was not ever his original name.

Not sure how many of you played Everquest before this game, but WoW was the solo-friendly version that Everquest didn’t try to attain until they realized what a massive success WoW’s easy-mode gameplay was. Not saying one is better than the other, just an observation.


Heroic possibly, especially as the try-hards endlessly say they’re as easy as Normals, but I highly doubt Blizzard are capable of write AI scripts to automate follower play in the environment of M/M+ mechanics.

Oh, and the blow-back from the try-hards if Blizzard ever floated the idea would be enough to bury it immediately.


The PvP community has always wanted Solo bgs. I also really like Island Expeditions.


I mean that’s definitionally the point. Vanilla was literally made to be an easier version of Everquest. You couldn’t even do solo content in Everquest and dying has actual punishment. Where dying in Vanilla is just a time loss. Huge Time loss, but nothing punishing as say losing XP.


I’m not understanding why some can’t seem to understand the intentions and desires of others here. For me, I like being in a world where I have the opportunity to work with others when I feel like it, but not be FORCED to work with others when I don’t. IRL, they pay me for this. In wow, I’m the one paying.

MMOs are evergreen, in the sense that new content comes, and the character(s) I’ve been playing for years can jump right into it.

This character, Ermal here, has been around since vanilla, or CATA, can’t quite remember, and here she is, ready for new content to add to her memories.

THAT’s why many solo players play MMOs.


I’ve played a lot of D&D, some as a DM, and if this is your experience I feel awful for you lol.

I’ve had 8-9 hour sessions with friends that were some of the best bonding moments of my life. Everyone around the table playing, eating, drinking, and having an amazing time.

And your role as a DM is to provide the adventure and setting, but give the players free will in what to do. Expecting/wanting them to go along with your plans is a recipe for disaster. A DM is about improv.


So what you’re basically saying is four other people have to wait for you to drink your coffee, take a phone call, or any number of things. If a dungeon takes on average 15 minutes to complete I’m not looking to set any records but also don’t want to be in there for 30 because you want to sip on coffee between pulls

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I want to remind everyone who wants Delves to flourish not to call out Dungeons, Raids, or M+ Content. That content is valuable for players who enjoy it, just as we are trying to build content for ourselves. Lowering ourselves to criticizing others’ content makes us seem like the attackers, which is not our intention. We’re simply tired of the toxic environment. So, let’s advocate for what we want while respecting every type of player’s play style, as we also want that respect for our own requests.


I miss that from THIS mmo.

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At some point “gameplay” largely took the place of camaraderie. Whether that was a worthwhile sacrifice for a multiplayer game is obviously debatable.


You mean like the plethora of achievements which can be attained by doing the plethora of solo content in-game?

You’re still ignoring the words in front of you. It isn’t about how to play the game, it’s about the toxicity and unnecessary competitiveness when doing any group content.

In some ways. NPCs still make mistakes, but they don’t act like total jerks when you make a mistake. They don’t kick others for having a gear score 1 point below what they think you should have. NPCs don’t kick you for using a rotation being in a spec they don’t agree with. NPCs don’t belittle other group members for their performance.

So, yeah, you’re right, NPCs are light years different than real people.

Again, no one has said they should. In fact, you’re the only one talking about rewards here. Everyone else is just talking about the content being available in different ways.


I’d like to see Blizz add a training mode for M+ using the Follower AI for players to get their feet wet but with no rewards obviously.


It’s nice learning dungeons with the followers, especially since they’re kind of dumb, but ultimately I like playing with other people over that. The good and the bad beats automated bots for me.


This is indicative of the issue with group content in todays game. Most players prioritize their own interests over everyone around them until the people around them have control over and affect that player reaching their own prioritized interests.

This is why you have people in dungeons doing whatever they want because they can, rather than being true to the spirit of what their doing and participating in and honoring the group social contract.

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