I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Couple of issues with that though. I play WoW almost entirely solo. But that 10% that isn’t (LFR, occasional PUG) makes it fresh. But the most important reason is that WoW is free AND constantly updated. Sure, you COULD play a bunch of different games, but I like WoW so playing a bunch of clones is kinda nonsensical. And sure there are F2P games, but they are generally nowhere near as polished as WoW. And WAY more micro transactions. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:


I need a complete sentence so I’m trying…

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That other thread, the one about what we will never forgive Blizz for, well, it’s this for me. As soon as they decided to try to turn this game into some kind of e-sports is when everything started sliding down hill, both mechanically and socially.

Now, we can’t get away from the concept of self-proclaimed elite players dissing everyone else, including, for the longest time, certain Devs, and we are in a state where everyone is trying to keep score by ilvl and the color of their mounts, and everyone is arguing about who should be able to get what, or do what content.


Let’s not forget that they also dictated everything in the game—your gear, your spec. Enjoying playing a particular spec? Oh no, you can’t come to a raid with that; it’s going to lower our DPS or not be considered BiS. Just try getting a group of three in a dungeon who don’t like low-ranked or off-spec players, and watch how quickly they can kick players from LFR and LFG. They just sit there and laugh about it.


M+ ruined PvE
Arena ruined PvP

Esports ruined what was once a great MMO. Now players like myself don’t want to play with the Esport crowd and want to enjoy the MMO. Blizz created the niche Esport players and this 1% destroyed the game.

The real issue is WoW is now balanced around Esports which is horrendous. The majority of players don’t care about Esports or balance of Arena/M+. It’s largely irrelevant in WoW.


M+ should absolutely not have follower dungeons. Part of the challenge of M+ is teamwork with other human beings. Players who can do that successfully deserve their portals, mounts and titles. It devalues their achievements to allow players to complete M+ with NPCs.

Respectfully, if you want to grab a cup of coffee in the middle of a dungeon with no regard for others’ time in said dungeon, then you aren’t interested in being a team player. Why should you receive team rewards?

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I am having more fun in game right now than I have had in a very, very long time. I have pretty much been playing solo for the last several years because of the mentality of people playing. If I have to do regular dungeons, I damn near have a panic attack because of how people act.

The “You don’t do enough dps” people, the go, go, go, dungeon people, the people who go absolutely nuts if you stop to skin a mob in a dungeon people. I am old…I am 63. My motor skills aren’t what they used to be so yes…I am a little slow sometimes. In a follower dungeon (Thank You Blizzard…I absolutely LOVE them), I can skin EVERY DAMN skinable mob in a dungeon if I want to. I can stop to get a quest if there is one available, or I can sit down and do NOTHING for a minute or 2 and I don’t get harassed or called names or told to go stand in traffic. (That was said to me once in a dungeon).

I am in 100% agreement with you Abombshield. I love them and really hope they expand the feature.


You know this is a game, right?


In the past, has anyone experienced being rejected or told to switch classes because your class got hit hard by nerfs or class tuning for a patch or expansion? Hardcore or elite players would refuse to let you join if you were the nerfed class. Sometimes, they’d even kick you from the group as soon as you joined.


For what it’s worth, I completely agree with you.

I was in 3 random groups yesterday and whether I was pulling one group at a time or three groups, I was getting whined at to go faster, pull harder, etc. Like, it completely took any fun out of going through a dungeon.

I think that the Followers need a considerable AI overhaul so that they’re not randomly pulling, jumping around like a bunch of drug-addled goats, and doing their own thing.

That said, I understand that this is an MMO and we’re supposed to play with one another. I group when I can, but I have been a predominantly solo player for the last 15+ years in this game. It’s my time to do things for me without someone needing to speed-run a dungeon or content that’s only been ‘Live’ since Monday.

I would love to see Follower content expanded to Delves, Heroics, and at-least the earlier Mythics (1-5, for example).

In short, I like having the option to group with others without being forced into toxic and anxiety-inducing situations.


Seems backwards, but the devs definitely favored this crowd at every turn. Likely they are just following the trail of dollars, so it’s kinda inevitable unfortunately. “Give me convenience or give me death!”

Yes, and I have fun doing M+ and Heroic raids. There are even rewards for doing these things, which means it’s part of the game’s design.

He ain’t wrong. Quite frankly, a game should be judged on it’s own merits and not how many players you can bring with. The latter which is pretty much bias.

I mean the game is built in mind that a solo player can play though it and have a good time leveling on it’s own and such without relying on others 24/7.

Close, it’s “Fun is Subjective”.

Cool for you, but if you really feel the need to keep score against everyone else, then perhaps you should be out working on your gig and planning for early retirement, and not working to lord over everyone in a computer game, yes?


I agree with you, Delves should be their own game mode and be highly expanded upon. They could be integrated into all parts of the world, including both old and new zones, with their own distinct rewards and achievement systems. Mixing these systems with M+ might dilute the challenge and satisfaction that comes from successfully completing dungeons with a team of players. Each system should retain its unique set of challenges and rewards to preserve the integrity and value of the achievements earned.


I agree 10000%!! Good news is that it looks like Blizzard is heading in that direction.

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Cough Vanilla.

No, we’re not into turning everything into a competition. This isn’t even a need to read between the lines, we’re flat out saying it and you’re ignoring it.

It doesn’t harm you.

No one is saying follower content should get the same rewards as group content. It doesn’t now in regular dungeons. We’re just saying there should be NPC versions of the higher tiers for people that are tired of the toxicity of pugged groups. A lot of us don’t have guilds or at least large enough guilds to do runs regularly, but we still enjoy WoW and would like to enjoy these things, it’s just impossible to do with how people act like every random dungeon is on the clock.


Or maybe you should work on your insecurities so you aren’t projecting them onto other players, or stop playing a game that has ever and always rewarded skill and teamwork? Or learn to play M+ because you may even like it?

Doing a difficult dungeon with real people is leagues different from doing a dungeon with NPCs. The rewards should not be the same.


The most fun you can have in an MMO is playing with other people to raid and do dungeons. The most unfun thing you can do in an MMO is playing with other people to raid and do dungeons. And that’s the truth.