I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Wholeheartedly agree, the AI are ten fold as fun as being placed with a bunch of crackhead human beings that rush through every dungeon like a bunch of rats looking for some cheese.


I couldnā€™t agree more with what youā€™ve said. The current state of dungeons, especially with the ā€œgo, go, goā€ mentality, has really taken the fun out of what used to be one of the best parts of MMORPGs like World of Warcraft. Iā€™ve shared my thoughts on this issue in another topic thread, The people happy about tank nerfs donā€™t understand, but Iā€™ll summarize here.

The problem is deeper than just DPS pulling ahead of tanks or healers struggling to keep upā€”itā€™s a reflection of a broader cultural shift in the game. Years ago, MMORPGs were about taking your time, strategizing, and working together as a team. Players would carefully plan pulls, use crowd control, and sometimes even wipe and come back stronger, learning from their mistakes. Nowadays, the mentality has shifted to a relentless ā€œgo, go, goā€ pace, where any delay is met with frustration or hostility. This mindset is toxic to the community and undermines the very essence of what an MMORPG should beā€”playing with friends, exploring the world, and enjoying the journey, not just rushing to the finish line.

The experience you describe in follower dungeons is what many of us miss: the slower pace, the camaraderie, and the chance to actually enjoy the content without feeling pressured. I support the idea of expanding delves, but the gear rewards should cap at LFR item level.

An improvement Iā€™d love to see is the ability to take your alts along on these runs, not just NPCs. Imagine being able to bring your other characters along, leveling them up together, or just enjoying the game at your own pace with the characters youā€™ve spent so much time building. It would add a whole new layer of personalization and enjoyment to the experience.

While this idea might not directly bring back guilds, it could certainly appeal to more old-school casual and midcore gamers who might be interested in joining like-minded guilds. Iā€™m trying to bring back my own guild, and I need players who share this mindsetā€”players who value camaraderie, a slower pace, and the enjoyment of the journey, not just the destination. Iā€™m not against content for different playstyles, including solo players, but I believe Blizzard needs to add more for midcore/casual guilds and open-world content for these players. The shift in how people play today has led more to play solo, which is why itā€™s crucial to create content that encourages group play and supports the kind of community many of us miss.

Iā€™m okay with not giving solo players gear for hardcore content, and hereā€™s why. I never suggested rewarding people just for being in a guild or participating in specific content types. Everything I proposed involved new content that players would engage with and work towards, just like any other system in the game where you get a reward for completing it.

I would never advocate for removing rewards from PvP, raiding, or any other challenging content just because I donā€™t personally enjoy it. Itā€™s perfectly fine for different content types to offer unique rewardsā€”after all, variety is what makes the game enjoyable for different players. If someone doesnā€™t enjoy guild content, they donā€™t have to participate in it, just like I donā€™t have to engage in Hardcore PvP to get the mounts I might want.

This idea aligns with what Iā€™ve been advocating for in my post, Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft. Iā€™m trying to bring back my guild, which was built on the foundation of old-school camaraderie and loyalty. To do that, I need like-minded players who appreciate the slower pace and social aspects of the game. While I support more content for solo players, I also strongly believe Blizzard needs to add more midcore/casual guild and open-world content for players who enjoy these aspects of the game. More people are playing solo because of the shift in how people play today, but that doesnā€™t mean we should forget about the community-driven experiences that made MMORPGs great in the first place.


I agree with almost everything you posted. Perhaps itā€™s because I havenā€™t done alot of pugging but when I have grouped up with people I didnā€™t know I canā€™t say that it was an ā€˜abundanceā€™ of people who made the run terrible.
I just really appreciate being able to take things at my own pace by myself. Iā€™m so grateful Blizz has implemented more solo opportunities and I would love more.


I blame Blizzard.

They encouraged competitive WoW with arena then took it much too far with Mythic tournaments. Running anything with a group you know and trust can be fun but, the game has a whole other reality which is LFG/pugging.

Trying to run anything, regular dungeons, heroic dungeons/raid, or mythics with a random group is a nightmare. Regardless of what you are running, the expectation is speed and even the layouts of dungeons and raids have changed to accommodate this trend by having less trash and less space from boss to boss.

I would fully support solo options in higher difficulties just to avoid the toxicity of randoms as it is today. Thereā€™s just no more enjoyment in LFG for me either, and I know many people that feel the same and would take advantage of solo content.


I think like you, but im in my 40ā€™s.
Im glad we can have followers, im glad we have delves

My guess is mythics are for younglings 20ā€™s -30ā€™s


Using the same thought process, solo players only exist because they tried to walk into the burger joint and ask for a special order (dietary reqs, perhaps), and the clerk and other people in line are all screaming at them to hurry up, and calling them a tard.


Lost Ark also released solo raid content recently. Now if you want a true grind that can be done solo then Lost Ark is there also.

I finally came back to both games because of the solo content. I enjoy playing my build at my pace and now having dungeon content to putter around in. No one screaming at me because my dps isnā€™t optimal - of course i still yell at the screen when i die to something, but that will never change.

Followers vs. Humans

***If you need to go to the bathroom, attend to a child, let your dog out to pee, want a sandwich, want to look up boss strategies or hidden loot locations or guides, etcā€¦ Followers WAIT PATIENTLY.

**Real players will vote kick you after 1 minute and make you go back to the queue.

-50 Humans

Followers win.


Iā€™m in my 40s too - you can still have some fun in lower keys. In those groups players tend to be more chill and ā€œin their laneā€ in terms of competitive skill level.

Oftentimes if youā€™re even a semi-okay player you can become a big fish in a little pond. And still get ahead with some gear upgrades.

As long as you are okay with knowing there are always going to be (lots) of players who are better geared (and more skilled) than you, you can still take your own personal wins and be satisfied with that.

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Youā€™re missing the point.

Real life happens at all times. Plenty of players have families and other responsibilities. Sure, we do our best to set aside WoW for when those obligations are least likely to interfere but, interference happens and it doesnā€™t hurt anyone to stop for a few minutes while you deal with real life things.

This desire to rush through everything is not from a place of ā€œdonā€™t waste my timeā€ but from the desire to get it over with to go to the next thing to rush through. There needs to be a reset in mindset and we need to get back to enjoying what weā€™re doing instead of being concerned with doing as much as we can in the shortest amount of time possible.

If people want speed runs, they should stay out of LFG and create their own groups instead of corrupting the general pool.


Blizz has made it clear that WoW is meant for everyone who enjoy all different kinds of play. And itā€™s clear they have created ways for solo players to find even more ways to enjoy the game.
So time to pack your misinformation away.


Man do I miss these daysā€¦ Naxxramus as a group back in the old days was AMAZING! Today though? People just blast in and bail, your job to keep up. What a different era and group of people these days. Sad, really. I actually ENJOYED playing with people in the past, but the shift in players and Blizz has made it no fun for me, therefore - Solo play.

Wow, I didnā€™t think I could see what I wanted to badly in a game written out - but here it is. Iā€™d LOVE to run a Delve or Dungeon as my healer, but have my lvl 70 geared out paladin pro tank and my geared out 70 paladin ret DPS plus my mostly geared lvl 65 hunter survivalist run my sweet little 68 priest panda through! That would be just amazing! Iā€™d know the team, Iā€™d know their stats and skills, Iā€™d know what they - as a character and build - are capable of. That would be the best thing in the world for me, great idea Keld!
As a side note, do you realize how that would help you get your achievement for your solo/private guild for leveling up a character for each class and each race? That would be SO helpful!


friends make it more fun.

toxic strangers make it less fun.

this applies to anything, game-wise or IRL. itā€™s not a groundbreaking revelation that activities become more enjoyable when surrounded by likeminded individuals and less when they disagree with you.

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All of this.

Itā€™s a nice change of pace to do follower dungeons.


The story is getting better, and I believe Metzen can address some of the issues, but Iā€™m not sure about the rest. Iā€™ve really enjoyed reading the quests and lore in this expansionā€”you just need to be invested in the characters around you.

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Idk. Everyone has a different opinion of fun.

My most fun is doing any content with my best friends. Doesnā€™t have to even be new content. The people I play with make the fun.

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Well said!!! I have my coffee and toke, helps to deal with the other lot online XD I just run around doing things feel happier, I used to be a raider back in the day, nice feeling to relax for once


This is conflating two separate ideas that having multiple players is the same as having to socially interact with them. I donā€™t mind there are other players out there and will often give a hand is someone says in General they need some help. As a retired curmudgeon Iā€™m not looking for company; Iā€™m looking for NPCs, situations, zones, stories and all that good stuff to keep feeding an ongoing 18 year fanfic in my head.

When I first started playing WoW there was a whole group of us friends from other games playing together. It was wonderful until it started to fall apart, then it was the worst. Iā€™m the only one left in two guilds and am not about to recruit or join another as I never want to relive that experience again.

I was never a great player and would be generous to call me a good one. I like taking my time, dusting myself off, leaving a tip for the rez angel and trying to learn how to get over that issue or come back when Iā€™m better geared. No hurry, no stress and no one asking why I havenā€™t finished that quest chain or zone.

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Believe me, I understand how you feel. I really hope Blizzard listens to the casual and midcore players this timeā€”more solo content and, for people like me, more new guild features. Iā€™m trying to bring back my guild, and a huge update to the guild system would be great. Bringing back features from Cataclysm like guild leveling, along with adding new content, needs to happen.

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What you want is a single player RPG. Not an MMO.

Youā€™re just playing an MMO as a single player RPG now, because blizzard provided the tools to be able to do so.