I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

If you can find a good long term group situationship, playing with people can be amazing. If you want to solo and join random groups. You probably going to have a bad time. my groups lately with random people have been okay. But you get people who try to pull the fun out of it and ruin it for everyone. Either they are talking about dps numbers or blaming everyone else for their mistakes.

Keep getting tanks that want to pull entire dungeon and rush through it. then blame everyone else when it fails. The rookery dungeon is example this demon hunter tank kept pulling everything and no one could keep up. he would run in boss rooms with all mobs too and try to solo fight. Then it was everyone elseā€™s dps or healing when we were locked out of room or dead from aoe. we finally kicked him, but he kept being toxic until we did.
Another dungeon tank kept making big pulls like huge ones and wiping us. just to do same thing again. Like everyone else sucks not them.


^ This. 1,000x this for me. It is the randomness that makes the game so fund! I was out in Panda land as my Alliance priest alone for a whole day, then out of the blue a whole group of Horde players showed up, one guy waved at me and walked towards me. I watched him, he hopped on his mount, waved again and took off. I followed him out of curiosity and him plus his buddies landed at a world boss, they let me hit it first, then they killed it and flew off to the next - BOOM! Randomness suddenly thrown into my normal farming day.

I love the random and honestly fun interactions you can have some times.


Oh sorry I wasnā€™t aware Multiplayer didnā€™t imply play. Its not in the word or anythingā€¦ Again I need to stop lol you guys canā€™t be helped very different view than mine

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A game can have 100% solo content and still qualify for that ā€œMassively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Gameā€ because it offer the OPTION to do content with real life people as well.


Guild Wars 1 is a perfect example of a MMORPG where you can outfit an entire party of NPC/AI characters to play specific roles and not need to play with any other real players. BUT the OPTION is there for a full party of real people too.


Yes, we all play differently, and we all want different things. There is no rational usefulness in attacking people with different ideas of fun than yours.


I doubt there is any way to get those bots to perform good enough for high keys and certain specific pull planning, interrupts, stun sequences etc. Mythic+ is so much harder that solo follower dungeons or delves that they are not really comparable one of the devs said on one of their live play streams months ago. Which makes sense. That being said, delves do go up to tier 10 or 11 (starting season 1) which are super hard and give decent end game type gear.

This is a very left of bell curve take and ignores what happens very commonly in mid to high end content even at the pug level. Food is very often provided (not that it is hard to just bring your own) and very rarely is buffs not provided and often because of simple forgetfulness along with your normal pleasantries. Sure if you invite a 3k IO mythic raid geared person to a +2, you run the very decent risk of them acting like they are your lord and savior who you should grovel before. Ask yourself WHY they are there in the first place. If they donā€™t have a good reason or you canā€™t think of a good reason, then decide if it is worth risking the ā€œfunā€ of the run for the power and experience they bring.

I next to never have problems in keys I host or join because I try and avoid joining groups whose scores are way above mine or inviting people with scores way below mine unless Iā€™m beyond confident I can cover for their expected lack of output (more often Iā€™ll do this with healers). People at similar scores can be reasonable assured to be comfortable with pulls youā€™ll do/see and have similar boss/trash experience and mutually understood responsibilities (like what are the key interrupts and moments to use mass CC).

Exactly Litharinari. I mean, tanks understand - your healers can only heal if you allow them to.

My most favorite thing I learned a long time ago as a healer was:
If you are in my range then you get healed, out of my range whilst Iā€™m trying to keep someone else up (i.e. frantic tanks or a very squishy mage/warlock/warrior), that is on you and you do not deserve my heals. Stay in range or drop to the floor - I cannot be in multiple places at once and you have to understand that. Learn how to be a team player and cooperate or leave.

And if youā€™re interacting with people youā€™re no longer playing solo.

I agree, but hereā€™s been my social experience when I whisper people out in the world: silence. When I go into an instance, hereā€™s how much chatting happens: none. The biggest social experience is all the people randomly spamming me to join their guild! SO maybe a reason the social experience is popular is because itā€™s on par or better than the social experience.

Multi player just means the option to play with other people.

You know you can play other multi-player games with all bots, right? This isnā€™t unique to WoW.

And for the multiple people saying to go play a single player game, itā€™s not the same. WoW is a living, breathing world that is constantly changing, evolving and updating. You simply cannot get the same experience from a single player game.


You can interact with people casually without doing content with them. A lot of solo players enjoy the gameplay but donā€™t like having to navigate around the trolls and nerd ragers


I like solo play but I also do like being able to interact with other people when I want to. When I tried doing PUGs in this game, I was horrified. I used to play Everquest 2 and thatā€™s what my friends still play so I donā€™t know anyone who plays this game. When I played EQ2 I did group content with my friends, I raided too. I played healer classes though. In this game I play DPS classes because Iā€™m on my own.

Yes, I could make friends in this game, but so far I havenā€™t met people who Iā€™d like to play with. I have played MMOā€™s since they first came out and I enjoy them. I see no problem with people playing MMOā€™s for the solo content. I donā€™t see group content suffering because of it. And it must be popular because they keep adding more.


Man THEREs a throwbackā€¦ love that game. Still play GW2 to this day.

Another good example is Lord of the Rings Online - HUGELY MMO but due to the story and all, it is actually mostly played on the solo end by players (until you get to the end game stuff I mean, of course).


I have been playing MMOs as single players games for over 20 years now. Other players just get in my way mostly.


Cannot argue there, I still enjoy them even with the lower XP payout because I can run them over and over again as I please and still not deal with horrible people.

Still annoying though to have to do this when I can get 55k XP with a group and get only around 20-30k in my follower dungeon. But none the less, still easier to do it myself than deal with people.


Passā€¦ never touched M+ and never will.


Playing a mmo with good friends is a great experience. Playing a mmo in a pug can be a terrible experience. The problem is that in a pug people donā€™t want any fails everything has to be perfect, this isnā€™t how it works when youā€™re playing with friends because youā€™re all having fun(hopefully).


When I go into keys the mages drop tables, locks drop rocks, and people buff. We then proceed. I am also not understanding how NPCs are in a good mood.

People arenā€™t mad you arenā€™t zooming, people are probably just disappointed that you are wasting their time when you grab a phone call or a cup of coffee/snack in the middle of (timed) content.

Itā€™s fun to play with others if you know them. If you donā€™t then itā€™s a hit or miss experience.