I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

I love WoW. I love it more playing solo. My real life is full enough that when I get free time I don’t need that social aspect in WoW. Nor do I want it. I get to log in and immerse myself into the world.


they still provide plenty of cloth for my tailor and I can full clear and loot everything at my leisure.

MMORPG: Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game

How a MMO can be a MMO without the Multiplayer (And Online) part?

It is OK to play and enjoy the game as a Solo Player, and it is great to have content for solos, but avoiding others players in a MMO is kinda against the genre’s purpose…

Sir, u’re looking for a Single Players RPG, there is dozens in the market.

I enjoy so-called “parallel play.” Doing solo content in an MMO is a perfect example of that. I like being in a world with other people while mostly doing my own thing, and occasionally helping out fellow players.


I’d be happy with AI that performs based off how I perform with my class/mechanics, that way when I wipe I know it’s because of my own inability and not someone who is just there to get carried while wasting everyone else’s time, So yea I’d like this too but for the opposite reason to OP, sometimes actual bots are better than the natural ones…

I am only level 74 and taking my time to read every quest, like I do with every Xpack. Blizzard not only lacks the writers but literally their entire game engine… just can’t deliver good in game cut scenes. Until that changes the story will never be gripping

That’s not even to mention the format of kill X, collect X is so over done you can’t write great storys with the same 3 quests used in 80% of all scenarios… There has to be a fundamental change in the way they do questing

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The problem I have with this is not getting the best or good gear which why i won’t be doing follower dungeons. Getting best or good gear will lead me into getting into raids . I will not take the short cut and be disappointed :disappointed_relieved: with worthless gear .

It’s still pretty easy to get in a couple of lower M+ keys at 11PM on the fly.

I wouldn’t mind having follower dungeons available up to M0, but without the affixes I could see those getting pretty stale pretty quickly.


I’m sorry you can’t read in an online forum, probably the same type of player who needs to stay inside the follower dungeon because they can’t read their party chat fast enough :rofl:

Why? I will remind you that when WoW started, it said “soloable” right on the box, and, indeed, Wow became HUGE simply because it was soloable, unlike EQ, etc.


Meh, don’t feed the troll.

Solo or group playing doesn’t define how you, as a paying player, plays the MMO. Enjoy it yourself and how you want people, don’t let the trolls demand how you play. Just ignore them and they’ll eventually go away. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(just kidding with you, Makua… :slight_smile: )


On paper I like the idea of MMOs but in practice I’m mostly solo player. I like how the world feels more alive with others running around doing their thing. Especially open world questing/dailies/farming. I like the random conversations in chat, and random help/helping on quest kills etc. but when it comes to instanced groups… ehhhhh.


I had a weekly to go to Stonevault and clear it.

Easiest 60 Valorstones I ever made.

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All those problems can be solved not just by playing alone in an MMO, but just by playing with friends.

Granted, glad the game itself offers an alternative you enjoy.

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Last night I was leveling my Evoker and ran a few normal dungeons with other people.
The go go go train was in full affect, dragging this massive train to the boss, get in one or two hits and move on to the next one.

I don’t see how anyone can argue that this is any more social than playing with bots, there is no talking, no interaction at all and when you are done with the run everyone leaves without saying a word.

Follower dungeons is the better option, you get to run the content without this gogogo mentality.


I don’t think it should be though. Some of the most difficult games reward players through solo content. This is an MMO should be for everyone to find their own path. Either in groups or Solo. There is no logical reason why Solo content can’t be just as rewarding as group play.


The difference was you could solo to cap but Bothe required groups to see the content beyond that.

This is going to be my last comment on this topic-

I think we are just seeing a symptom of global society’s culture at large. People are becoming much less social, the newer generations have slower typing skills and all of our reading comprehensions are decreasing with attention spans shortening.

It makes me very sad to see people don’t want to socialize in a game that’s entire vehicle was built for socialization… I’ll stick to classic for that I guess


Maybe they just need to put “walls” in. That gives you a set point in dungeons where you have to stop.

In 14, “wall” pulling is the standard, and so everyone knows that’s the expectation for trash. You "wall’ pull to a set stopping point that you can’t progress before killing a specific trash set, then it opens up the next part. In 14 you get a few wall pulls before each boss, then repeat.

That just means a lot of people in the same place, not that you should be required to play with them.