I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Fortunately, since I’m playing solo, I’m only competing with myself.

MMO player discovers that he hates MMOs.

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I love playing new zones early in the morning, like 4am when no one is around. Talk about a vibe.


Because everything here suggests with enough popularity the content for groups, raids and everything else will suffer in quality as resources are dedicated to solo content.

This is common sense Lyrial, its how a business operates time and money/resources are a limited thing

Both games need to continue to evolve if they want to remain relevant.

Look at FF14…they rely on story to sell. Dawntrail was terrible. I finished the game, and because it lacks the thing that makes WoW great (endgame) there was no reason for me to remain subbed to that game. And I didn’t even leave feeling satisfied as a single player RPG experience.

There’s no downside for WoW to have a more narrative focus, as long as they don’t skimp on endgame content. Having more immersion is just better than having less.


Read all of my other replys then

I would have rather played FFXI instead of wow. If it didn’t favor Japan at release I would have been there. It was group required.

don’t worry, they’ll pay attention to you for a week or two around the 6 and 12 month resub marks, just to keep you locked in, but the rest of the time you don’t matter, you’re a sure thing for the profits.


AGREE 100%.

Follower Dungeons/Delves makes me want to never join a group with real humans again LOL

I think other players are good enough to just be for the economy/auction house stuff.

Give me that AI group all day long!

I hope they make Follower RAIDS too.

Guild Wars 1 was the first “MMO” to let you run a whole AI Party. I hope that trend returns/continues with GW3 - and hopefully WoW.


Yep. Playing MMO content with friends is the whole point of the genre and makes the game better.

I’m always stunned how many people appear to play WOW alone since there are so many better single player RPG’s out there.


Imagine how solo players have felt for several expansions…


I enjoy quests with others around and group up from time to time. I have not played a dungeon with other people since Legion as it was a miserable experience start to finish.


Wouldn’t count on it. Might eventually get a couple weekly type things like a dreamsurge, or rift, or soup event lol, but wouldn’t expect anything else. Adding delves to go along with all the other instanced content this game already has pretty much tells you where they want you spending your time. I also am having a blast with follower dungeons. I doubt you will ever see them go beyond normal mode though.

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Well, I know a lot of players don’t take the time to read the story, but if they would I think they’d find the story is actually half-way decent - for the ‘most’ part. Some areas are real questionable, but it can be great in other areas; it’s almost as if they had different writing teams for different locations and they didn’t really communicate too well with the other teams half the time, lol! But none the less, sometimes the story can be good, I wish players would slow down enough to actually read, but that would require them not blasting through at 1,000% speed at all times. shrug


100% Solo players do not belong in a “Massively Multiplayer Online RPG”

Again its like showing up to a burger joint and demanding that they serve you sushi…

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You mean how they felt since Launch Day 2004.

“Solo” in those days meant just dancing on the mailbox hoping for tips to buy stuff off the AH.

In spite of my above content, I do like the solo content and joined a community for something I love to do.

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The funny thing about followe dungeons providing less XP is that a common reaction is shrug - still worth it :stuck_out_tongue:


None of my friends play this game anymore. Hell even I don’t play enough to be a “gamer.”

The player base is aging and as they’re the primary demographic (compared to new players) the focus on solo and casual content increases since older people just don’t have the time.


Sorry, no time for that. You seem to be doing rather well so far, so why are you after everyone else?