I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

I could not have said it better myself . I have been playing wow since the start and this is the most fun i have ever had . I always said DPS meters and players would turn this game into a Toxic mess and i am now glad i do not need to group with any of them ever again.


That’s probably still a lot less than many people have put into WoW :wink:


… then play the countless incredible singleplayer RPGs that are available, my (insert a bunch of curse words) God. There has literally NEVER been a better time for singleplayer RPGs in history and yet here we have people wanting to transform a MMO into a SP game.

Listen you guys may not know this but you’re playing the wrong video game genre. MMORPG, have we forgot what MMO stands for???

This is insanity. It’s the equivalent of going to a seafood restaurant and demanding they serve you sashimi instead.


Might as well just make a single player wow and be done with it


Right? I don’t think people realize that’s what they want…


be mad at Bliz then- the veteran player base is already tied down in 6 to 12 month subs, Bliz is courting solo players now because they need to ever increase their revenue, and the existing players are already tapped.


no need to tell other players where to go . everyone deserves the right to play the game they enjoy without players just like you getting all angry and telling them to go away. not cool man not cool.


I wouldn’t lay all the blame on the players, but probably half of it anyway. When you are in a guild that suits you, it can be fun and engaging enough to make IRL tradeoffs to show up for raid progression.

I’ve been out of the loop for awhile so I’m not sure raid progression is a thing anymore. We used to spend 3-4 hours per raid, 2 raids per week. And failing on the same boss 3 weeks in a row was par for the course. No screaming, gkicks, or ragequits, half the fun was the group itself. If I could get back into that kind of emotionally mature, responsible, disciplined, and good natured environment, I would.

But how do you find those guilds and players?

The other half of the problem is design and vision. It used to be that the devs mattered and they had some say and their opinions mattered, which is how WoW got as far as it did, up to 12m subs. But the power is now concentrated in narcissistic upper management, who are never going to admit they do not have the vision to fix the problems, or declining subs.

I can recognize problems and come up with solutions, and so can 1,000 others players and devs. But it’s never going to happen. If you have ever worked for a narcissist or been in a relationship with one, how did that work out for you?

Bottom line is just enjoy as much as you can, with the knowledge that eventually this game will die with not much more than a side-comment at the annual board meeting, and then more discussion about other revenue streams.


That’s not true as I am someone who was playing Elden Ring and the DLC on NG+3 before coming here. I’m also someone that doesn’t summon or use cheese. I use night comet.

I was actually just thinking to myself that playing WoW right now feels like tuning into a sitcom that’s in a late season. It’s like a guilty pleasure. I totally find solo play too easy, but I know the characyers, I know the surroundings, so it’s not a bad time while I’m just trying to relax. I also posted previously that I think the solo play could be more challenging, which is why I’m hoping that will somewhat be provided by DELVS.

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Yeah hard agree.

It’s sad that the general community has become so toxic with it’s Dungeon/Raid Culture that group content is no longer fun for me. And it’s kind of always been that way just somewhere in the last 10 years it intensified.


Here’s the difference FF14 is designed from the ground up, to be a quote “Final Fantasy game FIRST MMO second”

What are FF games famous for? Narrative storys.

WoW has spent 15 years floundering their story, mismanaging their franchise characters and building a game engine that isn’t designed for cinematic in game cut scenes.

There is no way WoW turns this around and turns into some amazing vehicle for story telling when most of their player base won’t even read a quest.


I put my followers on lead. And they don’t lead.

I’m new to this dungeon. I don’t have a freakin’ clue what to do or where to go. So lead, ya silly dwarves!

But noooooo… they stand there and ping something. Okay. You want me to figure out how to jump down a three story hole and not die with zero communication as to how.

And then there’s Brann. He tells me where to go or what to look for.

Or he tells me to get out of stuff… and then stands in it and dies himself.



I cannot express how much I agree with you OP.

I LOVE tanking and healing, but the PEOPLE are such a problem these days. The mad amount of speed people are blasting through dungeons and even raids are just ridiculous! I just want to try and and enjoy the dungeon/raid and would like to have the time to pick up my loot and grab my quest loot, etc.

The Follower Dungeons are AMAZING and I really love them, you do sadly get less XP I’ve noticed, but it is highly less stressful and I have freedom to step away as I need for in-home issues. Shoot, I can run a dungeon whilst in the middle of making dinner or taking care of an injured dog (have an elderly dog, important to be able to get up for him quickly and suddenly sometimes for health reasons). These FDs are great and I really hope they expand on them, make the rewards a little more ‘rewarding’ and worth it.

This is a GREAT thread, OP, hope Blizz see’s the love for the Follower Dungeons here. :slight_smile:


This is 10000% correct . thank god for Follower Dungeons


no, they won’t but they’ll still chase the money, that’s all it ever is with them. No integrity, only shareholders.

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I’m not telling them to go away, I am simply recommending games that in every way would fit their style and wants better.

Arrow head studios “A game for everyone is a game for no one”

I’m first and foremost asking, if Blizzard wants to turn this into a game with zero MMO or social aspects required, remove my sub fee. I pay to play on a live server… with OTHER humans.

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I meant to add in there, I hope they include Raiding and other levels of difficulty for dungeons as well. :smiley:


MMO’s are constantly being updated though and the world seems bigger when there’s other people in it. Single player games are closed systems that feel dead because you can’t interact with anyone


How does the game having solo content affect people who like group content? Why do you or anyone else care if it’s there as long as there is content for groups/raids?


Why is this a problem for you?