I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

EP will have to come to terms with it.
Bliz knows who is playing what…they know solo play is FAR more common than in 2005 or they wouldnt add more SOLO content so quickly.
Follower dungeons we can do SOLO in DF…now delves we can do SOLO in TWW.

its a brand new world…EP will either get on board or go find another game if he cant


Its more that we run into enough obnoxious people in real life…I play this game to enjoy myself…not be subjected to more of that, lol.

IF people want us to play with them, then maybe start out by NOT acting jerkish on a forum demanding everyone do what they demand they do.

Someone TELLING us that we’d better join a group and enjoy it is the very obnoxious behavior many AVOID in the game.

Want us to play with them?
How about acting like a civil, mature human being and INVITING someone to come play in a NICE manner instead of their INSULTING people in here and in game.

They remind me of my ex being a terrible wife and mother and then demanding that everyone treat her respectfully. lmao
they want respect?

Demanding it when they literally prove they arent deserving of it just confirms the diagnosis of the behavior and makes us NOT want to play with them even more.

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I used to play an MMO called T4C ( The 4th Coming) It was all PvP. There was no grouping mechanic or guild mechanic. There were no quests except for the very end where one would “seraph.” It was just plain PvP. But groups still formed. They formed because players naturally, by personality, fell into certain rolls - predators ( gankers) , people who loved ganking predators, and the last group I can only call bait (probably people who just wanted to play the game and level to be gankers or people who ganked gankers). I loved ganking predators. I loved ambushing predators. This was 20+ years ago. What I didn’t like was where it put my head at.

I made friends in that game. One guy called Cugo was from Australia and greeted you with “mon ami!” Another called Namtar I aligned with for years and never realized his name was a backwards spelling of “rat man.” There was Kyla, Jupiter and even Kelvin ( who was sort of a dual agent ( never could really trust them). So we were good game friends and talked about other things. Namtar was a Babylon 5 fanatic and frequently share their philosophy.

But they were online friends. I don’t know what they really were. I’ve been online since 1986. Back then there were only two world wide servers - Compuserve and Geni. There was no world wild web. There was hyper text and later usenet. I learned how to program on Compuserve and tested out of 2 semesters computer science classes. I got so much help. I put a question in the programming forum on Compuserve “I want to write my own graphics program. How do I start?” Answer came back in 1 hour, " Buy the book The C Programming Language by Kernigan and Ritchie. Do all the exercises and come back and ask questions." The only question I had to ask was about bitwise operators. I didn’t understand how 1 AND 0 = 0 ( and in graphics programming you better understand bitwise operators).

So yes, I’ve made a lot of online friends in almost 40 years. PUG’s are nothing like that. PUGs are 5 strangers in an elevator.

Honestly, this probably the saddest first line of a post I’ve ever read on these forums. A person getting to a place where they pick bots over their fellow humans. Where did we go wrong? As I’m writing the post has over 300 likes, so many feel the same. I suppose I can’t relate because I love my guild and I cherish the time I spend with them. I just hope that one day folks have their faith restored in humanity. A great guild is absolutely priceless and not super hard to find.

I also hate the zoomers, and for me low m+ actually fixes it a bit. They’re difficult enough that you can’t pull half the place (usually) but not so difficult that the timer matters. Almost like TBC heroic difficulty.

Also when I tank lfg pugs (which is not often) i just tell them I’m going at a reasonable speed - which to me means constant pulling but not the RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD crap. I.e. i give everyone the chance to hit the mobs.

it’s more fun and not much slower actually, and its just lfg… What are they going to do?

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Seems like literally every guild I join is DOA or super toxic :frowning:

Balders Gate 3 was awesome. really surprised me how different each run through could be.

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Here we have the same misunderstanding that plagues interpretation of the phrase “Legal tender for all debts public and private.”

The phrase means that paper money is a valid means of payment. It does not mean that it must be accepted as a means of payment. It’s an option that the government guarantees, should a creditor accept it.

Likewise, WoW the “MMO” is a game that has a multiplayer option. You do not have to be a “multiplayer” to play it.

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Playing with other people are great. When they are the same skill level as you, have your schedule, don’t need the same loot as you and aren’t annoying.


yeah…it IS the saddest thing when BOTS behave BETTER than human beings…I agree.
Whats sad is blizzard having to take the time to create AI dungeons because PLAYERS are so toxic that group content is suffering and many players want SOLO content to get away from them…THAT is what is sad.

tell your fellow humans to NOT ruin the experience for others…and maybe we’ll prefer them over NPCs.

You know what the NPC group DOESNT do?
It DOESNT cause time wasting wipes.
It DOESNT screech at players for its own mistakes.
It DOESNT vote kick the healer for kicks.
It DOESNT blame the hunter when IT over pulls…oh wait…thats right…it DOESNT overpull in the first place, lol

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If I wanted to play a game without other people, I’d go play something like Civilization or Skyrim. One of the major reasons I started playing WoW was the crazy, helpful, funny group of real people who got me into it, taught me how it worked and dragged me into dungeons and eventually raids. I will remember forever the wonder of playing with those people as we finally killed Arthas, the exhuberant cheers and joy of it will be there with me when I finally stop playing.

I wouldn’t do without that companionship and friendship for all the Follower dungeons and solo gaming. It’s there, I don’t begrudge it for others, but it’s not what drew me to this game I have loved for 16 years.

Thats because you are clearly a very nice human being who respects other folks choices in life. Feels very much like people can be comfortable around you without feeling like youre a powder keg ready to start firing off from the balcony at them if they make different choices than you do.
You are very enjoyable to read in here. its a pleasure every post you make.

Played skyrim…many times. Done with it for now.
WoW has a ton of content to keep me busy. Ive roll around 100 alts over a few accounts and run the hell out of the questlines over and over solo, and clearly enjoyed every second of it or I would have moved on by now.

What irks me is the fact that some make it THEIR business how I CHOOSE to play my game, lol…as if it affects THEIR ability to go find a guild and have fun THEIR way.

I dont know…that just seems a bit egotistical / Arrogant / OCD…and a dozen other descriptive words and phrases Im sure I could comeup with.

VERY disturbing behavior when I can actually feel the rage projected by some in here over MY CHOICE to play MY GAME SOLO…know what I mean?

When they get to the point of having to insult us enough that Im reciprocating the insults, Theyve crossed the line from curiosity to some brand of disorder, Id suspect.

No one cares. Trust me.

You’re screeching about things that don’t happen IN THE most ANNOYING way POSSIBLE.

You all seeing that :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

THAT guy is THE reason why no one wants to play with you now lmao
funny part is…hes clearly UNABLE to figure it out

MY game, MY choice…period…cope.

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I have played that one, and I do like it.

But the single player games you are referring to have completely different content than WoW. What single-player games offer the combat design and class design that WoW does? As well as the gear and cosmetics grinds?

The whole point of this thread is how great an MMO like WoW could be if solo players are allowed the same experiences and rewards as group content players. Players who enjoy playing in groups are obviously struggling with the concept.

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Yes good. They have given more options to enjoy the game.

As always though, rewards will be commensurate to challenge. And if they can get AI to replicate the challenge of managing mythic levels of difficulty, go right ahead. As it stands though, if comp stomp is any indicator, we would just faceroll any companion dungeons.

It is great for the reasons you stated. I like follower dungeons for quests only the first run through to see the nooks and crannies and to actually watch many rp.

After that though, I just love the speed of m+.

no…it sounds like you have your nose in other folks business where it dont belong.
We dont owe YOU ANY explanation, son. lol
WE enjoy THIS game and we aint going anywhere…you’re just gonna have to cope.

  • questing…current AND old content we enjoy.
  • pet battling
  • farming mats and crap in old AND current content
  • Follower Dungeons
  • Delves
  • How many character slots we got now to roll alts to do it all again? lmao.

We have plenty to do SOLO in your precious “MMO” here lol

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Again, no one cares. Someone like you with your clear antisocial behavior display wouldn’t be invited to any group I was ever in for any reason.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:
THERE ya go folks…THAT is the guy who makes us HATE grouping with you all lmao