I think not interacting with other plays does make MMos pointless and boring but I don’t think you have to group with and do activities with others to enjoy an MMo. I play exclusively solo and enjoy myself but I do interact a lot in all chat channels I have available. It is after all a social experience. Don’t go to a bar if you don’t want to communicate with others while drinking. Doesn’t mean you have to take someone home and have a group activity together though, just means social is important. Activity together though is questionable and probably depends on the individual.
M+ is the ultimate casual content. The gamer dad who can’t commit to a raid schedule can slam a couple keys each night after work and on the weekends and progress his character and still hang out with his friends.
And you can be self-reliant and recognize what you want to do is not team oriented. People explore at different paces. Teams have their own pace an their own goals.
Why do people always assume that. You really don’t have to group with people to socialize with them. You don’t need to hang at the bar with someone to be a friend. Why do you have to try to define the joy of an MMo to someone. I think people know what they want better then you know what they want.
No definition of an MMo states that the massively multiplayer online experience means those multiple players must be in an organized group. The only definition of this experience is they are all online in the world at the same time. The social interactions can be what ever you desire to make them be. Rather its interacting with the economy, adding to the cultural experience by communication exchange in various channels, doing group content is just one of the many parts of what a person can choose to do but it alone does not make up a multiplayer experience nor does one need to desire that aspect to desire the multiplayer experience. Just like you can have friends that are online only and never desire to go hang at the bar with them.
LMAO…because we dont NEED that ‘best loot’ to play the SOLO parts of the game…duh.
People saying nasty trash in PUGs ISNT communicating or talking son. Its being malignant.
Yeah truth to be honest, the only thing we was missing was a progression path and now we got that. So no longer need to feel forced into doing something I don’t want to do.
It was not always like that OP and I feel that people miss out on a huge benefit by playing without others.
When I started playing MMO´s, the actual interaction with other humans was so fun, that I was hooked and did focus on making social connections.
I did not play for rewards, not to gain “fame”, no, I did to meet people from all around the world, to talk with them and experience their life & culture.
At one point I did knew people in many parts of the world and so I did visit them when I did my world tour. You won´t believe how many countries I did visit at minimal costs, simply because I had a place to crash everywhere.
And if I had to travel from one town to another, there was always someone willing to take me for free. At the same time, I could work in so many different branches / fields that I still profit from that today.
I experienced life on a cattle station in Australia and actually did learn how to ride a horse. I went to Texas, South Carolina, NY and LA, South America, Sweden, Capetown, the UK, Melbourne, Spain … From surf shop, to plantages, wild life parks, deer farms, hollywood and so on.
You may be suprised what a huge variety of people play video games and if you know people then they may offer you work, a place to sleep or just a free house at a lake in Canada for your next holiday.
People pay tens of thousands for work and travel, I got it all for a “dime” just because I was lucky and tried an MMO, where I met so many people.
Ofc. times change and I guess that people are less trusthworthy these days and also more careful, after all we have too many dangerous people around.
But damn… the internet and things like MMO´s, offer such a huge opportunity, if used well that I am shocked how easily people give away that, by either not interacting or simply put not caring about others.