I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

Congratulations, target audience 2024. Enjoy your delves and follower dungeons.

When can we lose our sub fee because this is just a singleplayer RPG


I enjoy both. I think the toxicity has gotten worse in recent years. I def get wore out in groups and gereral/trade chat.


If this is the kind of gameplay you enjoy, you might want to check out FF14. It’s a single player game with multiplayer elements.


Thank you for the warm welcome.

How about the same price as Elden Ring plus the DLC?

Cause I think that’s pretty on par with a year tbh.

Like, it’s so much cheaper to play WoW tbh.

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as a tank in follower dungeons, i wish the bots wouldn’t butt pull everything in sight. it infuriating. i also wish they would target tank target. if youre pulling a group to los, they go ham on their first target till its dead.

it’s getting there though.


Yeah, I noticed that about follower dungeons.

It’s a bit sad that the best people are fake people lol


or just wait until WoW has basically morphed into a version of FF14 >.>

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They both admit to borrowing heavily from one another


They definitely beat having to wait in a queue for 30 minutes.


Elden Ring-

I can buy once and put 2000 hours into.

WoW I have to buy every year on top of a $120 sub that offers me no support (automated bot GMs) no stable servers (sharding and less people around than ever) and a game engine thats from 2004, that is still somehow a walking Grafted zombie and hasn’t been replaced


I think it would be cool if delves could offer the difficulty and rewards offered to M+ players. It would give people who don’t want to deal with the toxic cesspool an option for progressing and continuing to challenge themselves.

If they did increase in difficulty, then there IS a reason for solo players to have better gear.

As for follower dungeons… I’ve only done one of them so far and I didn’t find it all that fun. I am leveling up a tank and pulled pretty much everything up to the bosses… and while I survived fine (and eventually killed everything), all the followers were face down because they can’t handle it.


I honestly think that leads to both games being better.

Competition is good for invvocation.


I like playing group content with my friends. I like playing alongside my wife, and nobody else. I also enjoy playing by myself.

I enjoy matchmade content, but I don’t want to invest in relationships or deal with PUGs. This expansion is amazing for me.


The community and the go go go game design have turned me away. I barely touch the game anymore. I started in Nov 2004. Its just not a great game these days.


It does. 14 only was able to have their Realm Reborn by essentially taking what made WoW good and putting in 14.

And WoW seems to be trying to follow the narrative focus and self expression from 14.

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These people don’t play Elden Ring because they’re bad at gaming and that’s why groups are stressful. Elden Ring would be too hard. There’s really no other reason to play this instead if you only solo.

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Exactly!!! They should!! Why not? I’ve never heard of any good argument against this.

Also then why not have Herioc and M+ follower dungeons. You now have a means to get players into doing dungeons. Since the followers can take the lead and show you where to go. You can learn the dungeons Mythic mechanics without people being lunatics. You can actually enjoy the content the Devs created.


!!! A complete sentence

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Im enjoying the solo content. Me and my wife both like to play the game and the delves are something that seem to hit the spot where torghast failed too, with rewards and such. I know its taboo and everyone is against rewarding solo play, but i think this is a step in the right direction. Why have 2 or 3 specific days that all members must log in to play the game at a specific time, like a job, when you can have everyday as that day and its played on your own terms and you can still be rewarded and competitive if you choose.

Sounds like a win to me.


Actually, no there are not. The solo rpgs are all once and done. No persistent world that gets new content year after year. No playing the same character(s) for years as new content gets released. No dynamic economy where I can sell my surplus stuff to other players. Solo rpgs lack so many things that a lot of solo players want.