Yea. The WoW community(or any online community) is just plain garbage 99% of the time. It is rare to meet anyone who is worth anyone’s time.
I hope we continue down the path of making WoW almost entirely soloable. Groups and guilds can seethe or quit since they’ve told me to do that for 10 years.
I dunno man, when you think the majority of people are “plain garbage”, to the tune of 99%, you have to start questioning what the common denominator in that equation is. Maybe there’s a single constant cause of all your terrible interactions with people and everyone telling you to quit.
I mean that’s just the reality of it. It’s the internet, it’s a game, and people who lurk in these places tend to be terrible on purpose because they’re hiding behind anonymity.
Hasn’t been my experience. Awful people exist everywhere you go, yes, but they’re an exception, not a rule. Seek out like minded people and use the tools the game provides to block out the problem players.
lmao…see my list above…there is MORE SOLO content in this game than GROUP content lol
I don’t really need to seek out anyone. They can provide more solo content, that’s how I prefer to play MMOs. I don’t care if it’s an “MMO so you need to play with others”. I actually don’t need to or want to.
So what’s your point? Keep doing your solo content, no one is forcing you to come do group content. Most of the complaining from “solo” players is always that there is content for multiplayer groups in this multiplayer game. No one is trying to take your content away from you.
Or allow those who wish to experience solo play, solo and you keep group play.
No harm at all to you.
But you and I both know, if you can accomplished things solo, very few people will put up with group.
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You really have to wonder why they are so clearly OBSESSED with how you choose to play this game. lmao.
Feels like some kind of personal issue with them.
This game has plenty of solo things to do to keep busy
- questing
- pet battles
- delves
- follower dungeons
- farming old content for mogs, pets, etc
What do they have to group ?
thats pretty much it, lol.
I think most of the complaints come from Blizzard putting exclusive rewards(usually fomo related items) behind group content. Thankfully they finally decided to add something with delves that is also exclusive since you have to solo to get said item.
However, I do think they should lessen stuff like that so it doesn’t feel unfair and ridiculous when people do not have the time or the want to deal with this awful community.
Then make it accessible solo. That is if your not trying to take content away.
How i experience my game should be my choice. Just as your game is yours
Yea, why do I have to group up to get elite pvp set appearances or ksm mounts. These should be on a vendor for me to obtain through solo play.
They’ll say they arent obsessed with your game…how you play…but then they cant help themselves but come into these threads perpetually telling you that youre doing it wrong…that you need to find some friends…that this is an MMO…lmao.
IF they werent obsessed with your game, theyd never say a word about it unless you were literally ASKING them about something to do with it.
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If people didn’t feel the need to go the same pace in regular dungeons, you’d be right.
Different rewards for different content is perfectly reasonable. If anything, maybe remove the time gated part of it and add ways to get it later down the line after it is past its relevancy, like they do with mythic raid mounts.
Delves and stuff like that are neat additions, and I’m all for more challenging solo content. It’s just that M+ and the like aren’t designed to work as solo content, and a majority of the playerbase likes that content so it has a place in the game as it is.
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Because IF when solo becomes reality. They lose purpose
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Im undecided on that one.
Maybe the ‘hard to get’ mounts could be on a vendor, just make it comparable to the work required to get that mount in the content that its in.
Personally, I like that there are mounts and mogs I’ll never get because I dont do the content. Makes the game feel…undone…like Ive still got a lot more to do…even if I actually didnt.
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Then redesign it with both playstyles in mind.
Now sit back and see which flourishes.
I got a good guess
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How am I trying to take content away? If they make it soloable somehow, then that’s what they do. I’m saying that the excuses I hear, namely “the entire community is terrible” is such a lousy one. It is not that hard to make friends and find like minded people. If you are just that antisocial, that is fine, I am just left to question why you want to play such a social heavy game if that’s the case.
There is a ton of soloable content as is, and they’re making strives to add more of it “See: Delves”. No one is taking your content away, or trying to police how you play the game, despite what some vocal trolls might be saying.
Diablo exists with M+ like systems. I think we could have a solo m+ mode someday.