I can agree with that. Maybe its best said that I don’t like dealing with the drama or dynamics of grouping. It makes my game less fun.
Then you will have another demographic condemn you for being “elitist.” Even if you’re a casual just trying to run a dungeon.
After 20 years of WoW, if people still have no figured out that pugs are the worst way to play this game, there is no hope.
learn to act like adults and people wont avoid you and you wont have to come in here begging for someone to play with you
yeah…I havent missed running dungeons all day long like I did in Legion AT ALL.
They make it miserable, lmao…then they come in here whining 'WHY WONT ANYONE PLAY WITH ME??"
If they werent, they wouldnt be in this thread doing it right now lmao.
OBSESSED that we arent playing with them in Muh MMO’z’ lol
Look more slander and personal attacks because I disagree with your prejudice against everyone. You’re projecting your toxicity, and its showing.
You mean your empty accusations which literally even invalidates Mathray’s opinion because he has only some 16 posts and how you berate everyone else?
You are imagining situations that don’t exist due to your bitterness lol. I haven’t seen a single post bemoaning the lack of people to play with. You’re here screeching about fantasies you have.
Don’t do content if you don’t want to. You’re missing out. I wouldn’t have someone like you in a group with me for any reason.
Sure there is hope. It’s called follower dungeons and now it’s also called delves.
Not all of us have enough time for joining a guild and bothering with all that. When we play content like that we want to get in get it done and get out and pugs are the way to do that
The point that no one wants to wait for an incompetent tank?
Yeah I’ve run a few delves since yesterday they are actually a lot better than what I thought they were going to end up being. I kept thinking torgast. But they are more like a dungeon than torghast
this is the way! and it doesn’t even have to be a fixed group. make a bunch of friends. join a community or two. pretty much any time i log in, day or night, i get whispers from people asking if i want to do keys or heal a raid or group for a rep farm or something.
So basically OP is asking for reduced human error with equally high level gear.
Stopped reading at that point.
Lot of bait threads from classic players.
Muted this one as welll.
I agree, I like seeing people run around and making it feel alive, but I also enjoy not having to mess with people unless I want to. It’s about having the option. I also want to get back into tanking, and I don’t want to cause of people’s attitudes, I’d much rather run with NPC’s. “Go run it with guild mates” isn’t a thing either. It’s no different. People’s true colors come out quickly if you don’t know every single mechanic for every single fight as a tank, or if you don’t know the “proper” quickest routes for every single dungeon, or don’t pull half the dungeon to the first boss instead of taking your time to make sure you don’t die.
It’s a better way to learn. Follower dungeons help with that but it’s not the same, as even the NPC’s melt everything. You are in real danger tanking. You can not grab all aggro and be all right, I want it more so you can learn to grab all aggro and if you don’t you get punished a bit more, it forces you to get better. Build up confidence. That would go a long way.
Exactly. Especially when so many of them have such malignant personalities.
They say they dont, but here they are, hanging on my every word, behaving exactly the way that drives other players off. lol
Thank you Ion for Delves and Follower Dungeons!
lol…most are pretty good in the game and in here, but yeah.
Im sure the reason might be that some who dont interact in person with people and dont have very good social skills end up behind a computer monitor screamng “MUH MMO’z” at some point, lol.
I think they THINK they are behaving in a socially acceptable manner when they just arent.
Without the single player content and playerbase WoW would be dead. The old crowd left and haven’t even stuck around for Classic. People moved on again, and so they’ve shown that they’re financially unreliable and unable to be catered entirely to.
Ya’ll bark but your wallets ain’t biting and that’s what corpos want. MMORPGs reflect the userbase willing to stick around and pay for things.
no, you arent. lol.
I ran dungeons and LFR all day long in Legion.
Towards the end, I dont know what happened but player behavior turned rancid in groups.
I thought it was just an end of expansion thing but it only got worse early BFA.
Cussing at a couple players for not moving fast enough…though they literally told us they were newer players.
If youre cussing at players in LFR, lmao, its time for some therapy, lol
‘Eh, it’s justifiable that people want to see the content. But we do also have systems in place for that entirely now, so I don’t really get the complaints of people not being able to get / do end-game content when it’s meant for premade groups.
I get the sentiment that people would like to play a single-player variant of M+ / Mythic raiding (with reduced rewards) but that’s honestly out of scope for the decent future. That also could end up hurting the raiding / M+ scene which is not a good thing.
LFR and Follower dungeons already serve that purpose, there isn’t any content locked exclusively to harder difficulties other than gear and some cosmetic rewards. Single player variants of harder content might be interesting, but I don’t think there’s a way for them to balance these systems as they are where a single person is responsible for covering everything.
Even with an NPC party in place, it would have to be difficult enough that the single player messing up makes or breaks the run, otherwise it’s not the same as m+/mythic raiding, and people would continue to complain