I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

op, you need to play with people who match what you’re going for. If you aren’t enjoying content because of the pacing, it is up to YOU to say something about your expectations before you start the dungeon.


God Almighty are you for real? Wow. :exploding_head:

Not wanting to become buddies with strangers in an internet game needs no justification. People professing their love and “marrying” character they only game with is a little weird in my book.


Getting back to the topic here.

I quit playing group content end of Legion / early BFA literally BECAUES of the foul behavior seen in this thread and others just like it.
Little tantrum tossing juveniles screaming at some new player over making a mistake, acting like spoiled 5 year olds if a tank took a wrong turn, vote kicking players I could literally see hadnt done anything worthy of a kick.

They like to PRETEND that THEY ARENT the reason so many of us hate playing the game with them…but they are.
They NEED it to be about some personal issue so THEY dont have to take the blame for ruining group content inthis game

  • questing
  • pet battles
  • delves
  • follower dungeons.

we dont NEED to group to enjoy this game, lol


I like to play wow co-op with my wife. We’re looking forward to gearing up together through Delves.


100% , you don’t get to generalize an entire community as “Foul mouthed” when they haven’t even met .0001% of the community. If generalizations are acceptable, then racism must be too, and I strongly disagree with both entirely.

If they can’t make their point without belittling other players, and their only concern is about making their strong opinionations “winning” sentiments, then there is nothing to discuss.

Yep it’s ignore-a-ganza today

Yep ignore-a-ganza day it is.

Everyone is toxic, we only do solo stuff. (Generalization/prejudice)

“Facts don’t matter.”

Age fallacy: “I played longer.”

Slavery was legal for thousands of years, it doesn’t make it correct.

Not my argument at all (strawman fallacy/adhominem–personal attack).

Lets see what Enlightening topics of discussion she/he introduces to us next.

Yep so because one person of one group said some mean things to you, they all must be bad, so lets avoid them (Anxiety).

No one SAYS it DOES. THEY’RE saying IT’S an MMO and NOT a SOLO player GAME. If YOU want TO progress THEN you WILL hit YOUR progression LIMIT sooner AS a SOLO player THAN you WOULD as AN mmo PLAYER.

See how annoying it is when people caps lock words like you do?

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They’re only here to “Win” arguments, they have nothing to add, just negative/cynical inputs and prejudices against everyone.

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Calls people out for little tantrum tossing…

…tosses big tantrum while calling imaginary people names.

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Funny because he has 16 posts.

Bruh WTF are you even screeching about? You have 4830 achievements you don’t even play this game lmao you’re here to post on the forums and do nothing else.

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Yeah. They have to be the Victim and the hero in their own delusional stories. This is narcissism 101.

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This is why I play. Its a big world and it gives the illusion that is all connected. I also used to like to monitor the different channels. It was sort of like listening to talk radio radio while you played. Sadly , I don’t see any traffic on channels anymore. Still, I like seeing other people in game trying to do the same things I’m trying to do. I like bailing them out if I can, and I like when someone bails me out of a tough situation.

I don’t play to make friends or for social interaction. I take care of that in real life. This is my play time. I want to get on and get off when I want to. I don’t want to show up for meetings. I don’t want to be told how to play. I’m just here to play a giant MMO.

It doesn’t mean I don’t like people. I like people. I like meeting people face to face, not in games or chat rooms/twitter etc. Those are personas people put up. I have my own persona in MMO’s and it is SOLO!


And that is fine.

You’re not berating or belittling people for doing so. Most of us don’t care what others do, as long as it isn’t harmful to the game or the community.

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I agree no one should belittle anyone. Its a poor way to make a point. I did not see the OP belittling and specific person, but the toxic player who is going to start criticizing a member of the group for not being good. I’ve seen it. I can’t give you a name. Many years ago when the group finder first game out, I tried a few PUG’s. But I’m not a good player and I don’t have good gear. Some of the groups were nice players but some had extremely toxic players. The toxic players stand out in your mind.

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I have seen toxic players as well, but my solution is to block that player and give everyone a fair chance. I’m not going to generalize an entire community. Just like I wouldn’t generalize one person of any race for the actions of one person.

It doesn’t bother me that people want to play solo.

What bothers me is when people try to use prejudice to justify their behaviors and wrongly accuse people for the actions of the few.

If someone doesn’t like to socialize, that is okay, there is nothing wrong with that. I’m extremely introverted and I work as a security guard. But I’d rather someone own their own reasons for doing something than trying to scape goat an entire community or group of people.

“I don’t go to the store because of person X” — No, its because we choose not to and because we feel that way. I’m a strong believer in owning up to our own decisions and not blaming others for our choices. We do what we are comfortable with and that is fine.

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You know what’s even better? do group content with friends.

you can do the exact same and actually enjoy the company of people, which is the whole point of MMOs.