I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

I get what they are saying.

I play both regular RPGs and MMOs and regular RPGs just aren’t the same. Not by a long shot. They don’t have that persistent, populated world and continuously expanding adventure. There is also no one to trade with and I don’t know, it just feels very different… it just doesn’t scratch the same itch. :woman_shrugging:

Many people play MMO’s solo for various reasons. Do you think you should be telling people how to play? Why do you think Blizzard is addressing solo content?

no …that makes you here to push your make believe nonsense that anyone in wow is FORCED to play with others.
They arent.
I just ran the main questline…not a single interaction.
running side quests now…not a single interaction.
If I want to pet battle…or farm for mats…not a single interactoin
World quests…not a single interaction

we done here?

That is a strawman, you’re not making any points other than expressing you have mental health issues that prevent you from functioning in a community that is predominantly based on the “Three pillars.”

Yes you can play the game how you want, but you’re generalizing everyone because of your own health issues.

I’m not telling you to do anything. I’m asking or suggesting.

Maybe some people don’t want to play with others for a variety of reasons…It’s wrong for you to shame someone. You haven’t been through what that person went through. So perhaps keep your suppositions and diagnosis to yourself.

THERE you have it folks…the last deperate act of someone who knows hes lost the debate.
Flagged and blocked. :wave: :wave:
YOUR foul mouth sort is why people stop likng group content.

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And all you are doing is sounding like a 16 year old internet tough guy.

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That is fine, but that doesn’t mean you get to slander everyone because of your personal "reasons’ or even because of health reasons.

You are becoming obnoxious. Personal attacks?

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dont waste your time with that one
They troll for attention. the worst thing you can do is give it to them.
I should have taken that 30 posts thing more seriously than I did.


That isn’t a personal attack, its calling someone out who is stating that everyone is aggressive and “mean” to them and being prejudice towards them, then playing victim.

ya’ll seeing the hypocrisy? lmao

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So you get to accuse everyone of being “foul mouthed” and making prejudice sentiments, and anyone that calls you out is a hypocrite for holding you accountable?


I wouldnt sweat it. HIs sort isnt capable of shaming anyone. Theyre all alphas behind the monitor lol.
Not worth your time

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if you generalize an entire population to justify your own behaviors that would be a cognitive distortion.

They literally stated they avoid people because they are anxious about "mean’ interactions.

As I said above…there is TONS to do solo in this game

  • delves…NO interaction required
  • Follower dungeons…NO interaction required.

There are literally MORE SOLO options in this game than group at this point. lol

Your reasons were a generalization, or equivalent to a racist prejudice statement, against an entire community. I.e “Foul mouthed players.”

I did not attack you, I called you out on your fear and anxiety of these individuals who are a minority in the community.

Anxiety is a mental health issue.

However you have attacked me more than once and have played victim because I literally corrected your false definition of an MMO.

You’re free to do as you wish, but don’t wrongly accuse EVERYONE of being “Foul mouthed” and mean. IF you like to play alone then own up to it, don’t justify it by kicking everyone else in the gut.

You lost son…I won…its over…get over it. lol


That is perhaps the most narcissistic thing i’ve read.

You only cared about 'Winning" and completely had no points.

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