There really isn’t a choice. You can’t resolve the issue with the choice, because the choice eliminates choice simply based on replacing humans with NPCs.
WoW became popular because of its community, and unfortunately it became infamous for it as well. We don’t retain long term players by eliminating the social components of an MMO. We also can create problems for the content that currently exists which will lead to a deficit.
Do you think I, or any person will wait 1 hour to find someone to do dungeons? Why would I want to play with NPCs when I can play any single player RPG alone and get the same effect? Why pay $15 for a social game, and not socialize?
Path of Exile is free, why should I pay for WoW then? What about FF14? That is free too. Why would I play a single player “MMO”?
To be completely honest, if wow leaned heavily single player, I wouldn’t play it. There are a ton of way better single player rpg experiences out there that I’d much rather play for that. I play wow for the social aspect, which no other game really has.
If that isn’t your thing, I don’t really understand why you continue to play this game. Not every game has to cater to your inability to make friends.
I do not enjoy waiting long periods to experience content or worse being kicked out after already waiting. Or downloading app #6771 this patch or else not being able to experience the content.
It’s rare that someone is kicked without reason. Use WeakAuras, use Details and revisit your rotation and keybinds. That’s what I did when I noticed I was given the boot too many times. Worked like a charm.
Same combat system as WoW but story wise give us the freedom to be the main character. Freedom of choice and the world changes as we make decisions. For example, if I want to murder the Horde leadership and take over I should be able to do that. If I want to unite the nelfs and the taurens into one awesome druid faction, so be it.
Oh well, back to picking up poop and committing mass murder with no questioning because some random NPC told my simpleton character to do it.
It seems like you want the benefit of other players assembling the group and comp without even the slightest effort from you as a player.
Being kicked out?
I don’t think I’ve ever been kicked out of a group. I show up to whatever the content is that I want to do and I do my job, assuming I don’t just put the group together myself first which I frequently do.
You enjoy WoW as a game. We do too, and we enjoy it with friends and guilds. Not liking the MMO aspect of an MMO puts you in a pretty tough spot.
I was making a reference to how dungeons are treated now. They were, along with Raids the keystone to the MMORPG model. Great time and effort were put into their creation and story. Now players don’t even pay attention. Its massive pulls, aoe it all down and move on. Its all so meaningless like D3 rifts. Dungeons are a shell of their former glory.
You have follower dungeons if you want to experience the dungeon and really take in the story. Most people in queues have done the dungeon several times over already and are just working to get it done.
Yes. Realistically, the chances that you ever get a completely solo path toward max progression in an MMO that has been around for 20 years and has more or less existed and succeeded on the same basic formula are probably close to zero.
If it were me and I enjoyed WoW as a game, I’d probably work on picking a desirable spec and learning it to the point where I was an asset to a group to the point where I’d find actual enjoyment in grouping with other players.
It seems more productive than sitting around in an MMO waiting for the day that you get max progression without max game play.