I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

its almost comical that 1 person thinks they are more important than the other 4 that are there…


Basically. Amazing game, people suck. In this case WoW but honestly you can change title to anything that requires you rely on others.

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You ever think that maybe, since you’re always up against groups you dislike that the problem is maybe…

You? You aren’t faced with narcissists, you’re faced with players playing the game the way the game is played and you have a problem with it.

Why even have a problem? That’s basically what this whole thread is over. NPC for those who don’t wanna deal with the noise

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Spoken like someone who never played Vanilla. Or if did you were some anti-social weirdo. There were all sorts of reasons people grouped back then. Quests to kill elites out in the world were hard for many classes to solo. Dungeons before dungeon finder required you to look for party members online on your server and beg them to run a dungeon if no one responded in general/lfg chat. There were groups for rep grinding, groups for world PvP, groups to get a mage portal or enchantment, groups to show others where things were, ECT.

To say people avoided groups in vanilla is a lie, from someone who likely never played it. Groups were needed all the time and people were mostly a pleasure to group with. Everything was so new people relied on each other for help far more often. Thottbot website the helped a lot, but many didn’t use it and quest chains could be long and confusing.

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Or blizzard can treat us like the adults we’re supposed to be and just let us figure that out for ourselves. If the majority are going fast, that means the majority decided they want to go fast. If you don’t like that, make your own groups and set your own pace, or stop playing.

Absolutely not. And I am not imposing anything on THEM. As I said, I am being forced to adapt to THEIR play style. You see how it works? I’m guessing you don’t. Since you say those players are “playing the game the way the game is played”. There is not ONE way to play it. I recognize this, and so play solo to avoid those who, like yourself, find placing themselves in another’s shoes so alien.

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That was 2004. Change. 20 years. Those who want to rely on each other still can! Nothing changes for them.

Those that don’t? They get an equal path forward that doesnt affect you.

I couldn’t disagree more. Solo follower dungeons with no difficulty are so boring that I only did it once or twice and never touched it again. If you want to play a single-player game, play a single-player game. MMOs are supposed to be about community effort. People like you have helped ruin this game.


War, war never changes.

Boring perhaps. But to some, they would prefer boring to elitism and toxicity.

Give me a nice quiet run with my awesome NPC team, Ill rock my music and enjoy.

I know I’m not the only one


The pacing has been set a long time ago with big cool down windows and mob placement. There’s a reason tanks run in and grab massive groups.

What does this even mean? Insta gratification. We play the game in such a way that we can run this dungeon, then move on to the next. It’s a grind, and we’re grinding.

Duh, it’s a multiplayer game. If you aren’t playing the game the way the game is being played…well. You’re wrong.

Agreed but within the confines of context relevant to the thread and to my posting specifically to which you’re responding: There is a way that dungeons are generally played and it isn’t the “take a phone call and make a cup of coffee in the middle of a pull” way.

Great! No need at all to respond to the rest of what you posted, and I can’t really see why you’re bothering to post in the first place given that you’ve already figured out what works and doesn’t work for you.

Hopefully the follower dungeons work out well and the anti social coffee drinking phone call taking afk bots can just hang out on that side of the game.

If there are no other players in the game, it is by definition not an MMO.

It sounds like the game for you is some form of modded Skyrim.

You know what the true fear is?

A path forward happens that doesn’t require grouping, adapting to an elitism mind set
and doesn’t require voice chat.

Then… everyone uses that path and never goes back to the nonsense people are defending now.

Look at ANY game that doesn’t require you to group… Do you commonly see groups Hell no.

Grats, you just described a single player game; which is what a lot of you should be playing instead of an mmo.

Keep everything is game the same, except a different path available to those who take it…

Whole new game in weeks time. Guaranteed.

Partly because people are sick of others telling them what they should be playing.

They provided a different path this go round via delves. The overwhelming majority of players like how WoW is played with other players. Probably why it’s been around for 20 years.

No. majority of players, deal with it and have dealt with it out of love and enjoyment of the game.

Change it up where by choice they group or by choice they take NPC’s with no difference in progression or loot, see what happens.

You’re looking for an elden ring single player type game friend.

Anyway, enjoy the follower dungeons and delves. Hope they get you where you want to be.

Join or start a guild.

Make some like minded friends in game.

Now you can do dungeons with your new nice and patient guild mates.

If you LFG and pug everything you are gonna have a bad time.

Meeting stones and LFG was the worst thing that happened to WoW.