I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

I like the idea of giving the single and multiple player option.

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Sounds like youā€™re one of those people that queue into a dungeon and afk and wonder why they get booted. Then come over to the forums to post about how the population is toxic.

The first and only follower dungeon I did was so painful and I wanted to be out of there. Most unfun experience. It goes way too slow.

The problem with AI is that if theyā€™re NEVER able to fail, theyā€™re substantially better than real people. And if they are able to fail, people will complain cause they just randomly died due to AI.

Like, tanks donā€™t taunt swap and one o f them dies. How does one replicate this experience with AI without causing rage?

Sometimes I just wish all the impatient go go go leave after one/two wipe parse obsessed jerks would all just quit and maybe the social atmosphere would improve.

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All the things that were par for course in classic. Going OOM. Chatting about needing sunders.

Each trash fight was as important as the boss.

It is a nice pace. And reminiscent of my college days with a group of friends in a clan/guild and I belonged to ones that werenā€™t super hardcore

Sadly I have no time for a guild. So a warband makes sense to me

Iā€™m not going for AOTC. Iā€™m going for Behind the curve or the Curve before the stoplight

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

The most fun Iā€™ve had with this game, other than just exploring the world and seeing what there is to see, has been with people I already know. Random groups can be okay, but a lot of people donā€™t like to stop and say hello, or even answer a simple question about what to do in the dungeon.

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Can appease both crowds. Gear scaling in the content it was obtained in feeds both casual and the top end.

People just freak out about bag space, even though they threw basically 10 bags of space at everyone.

Im just assuming this is a troll post, but its crazy 250 people upvoted this. Why even play a MMORPG, just play a RPG lmao. Way better RPGS that do RPGS better than every MMORPG.

I would argue that blizzard has failed to create community\guild stuff in the game to help build more friend groups\online communities.

Probably because you tank like old peopleā€¦ wellā€¦ if you know, you know.

Iā€™d rather you continue to just waste NPCā€™s time over mine. Thanks.

I love how some people keep saying this which only prove my points further.

No this is a completely 100% serious post and my views are widely popular on the topic.

There are millions of players that would love to play Solo content in MMOs. Itā€™s a big part of gaming.

Like Iā€™ve said I have almost 1 year in-game play time on my main. (although Iā€™ve skipped most of BFA, SL and DF) Iā€™d say about 85-90% of my play time is Solo. Why do you have a problem with how we love to enjoy MMOā€™s.

A lot of reasons have been highlighted in this thread. One of the main reasons I bought TWW was the addition of Solo content.


Well said. I swear, people have no concept of what challenge is. These are the same types of people who would say ā€œpicture or it didnā€™t happenā€. They think other players have to be present in order for it to count.

Some of the hardest games on the market are solo-only, or mostly solo. Thinking along the lines of Dark Soul games like Elden Ring. Especially games with a NG+ UH mode.

But no, your loot canā€™t be good because I didnā€™t see you earn it. -.-


I wish people would simply play single player games instead of constantly trying to turn mmos into one. It has really hurt the genre. I mean look at WoW now. It isnā€™t an adventure at all, itā€™s a procedure.

Blizz made your pve competitive moving to M+

While I understand this mentality, that isnā€™t what an MMO should strive to do. Final Fantasy is a great example of a game that enjoys a strong single player experience and itā€™s tainted by what they call the MSQ or Maon Scenario Quest and you simply canā€™t do it with friends. You forget that the purpose of an MMO is that it is a Massively Multiplayer Online game and you are forced to interact with those players. Itā€™s fine to want Single Player aspects within the game, hell iā€™ll even support it myself, but it absolutely should not take away from the Multiplayer experience that it originally was intended to be. If you do that, you hurt the core part of what makes WoW, WoW. If you find the multiplayer aspects arenā€™t your cup of tea, thatā€™s okay. You donā€™t have to do them. You as the player do not get to remove multiplayer as it has always existed because you donā€™t care for it. Itā€™s part of the game and if you make all of it essentially ā€œeasyā€, WoW would no longer exist.

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The reason why WoW and the genre of MMOs isntā€™ doing well is because itā€™s still using the same 20 year old model. That is a thing of the past and the next big MMO wonā€™t be like WoW. MMOā€™s need to innovate and change for modern times. WoW needs to adapt and intergrate new design philosophies.

If nothing changes then nothing changes and MMOā€™s including WoW need to change.


Because part of the challenge derives FROM the multiplayer aspect. If you remove that, itā€™s a cakewalk. If you put me into a dungeon and say clear it on Mythic by myself, fine by me. Hell I did it for a pet back in Legion on my Hunter. Thatā€™s a challenge though because it was tuned for multiple players. If they tune the game down so players can just do entire game without other players, it defeats and robs the purpose of an MMO experience. The purpose of it is to see other players and interact with them, not shun and ignore themā€¦

I agree thay change is needed, but it does NOT need to go towards Single Player audiences. Moving it to Single Player changes the tuning and balancing of the game to make if even more brainless than it is. There are people who play it because itā€™s an MMO and I can play it with my friends. I spend most of my time doing guild things and hanging out in discord as we clean dungeons and raids. If you take that away, something that has been a pivotal part of the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMO? The changes you describe need to be more geared toward player interaction, not less. The changes need to be story driven, player accepted, player interactable. If it is none of those things, you WILL lose your player base. I am not a M+ fan but I still do them, I jist make sure to stack it with friends and itā€™s made it 1000 times more enjoyable and fun. Not every game needs to be single player oriented, and not every game needs to be fully accessible

I agree. Going even more single player is the opposite of what they should do though.

I mean if you want to follow bots what are you even doing? Youā€™re watching the game play itself. I think itā€™s a useful tool for learning content, but it should never be endgame. The whole world is already a toothless themepark with zero challenge.

I think single player games would be a better choice.