I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

If your talking about Mage Tower level difficulty than you may be on to something, I guess it’s too early to tell how hard delves will be, I do know they have something in mind later in the expansion while not quite like the Mage Tower where it changes depending on class/spec but something where you can’t just power though.

I guess we’ll see in time how hard solo content will be and if it justifies having high level gear

Some of the most challenging games are solo. I’m not sure why Solo content can’t be a pillar in WoW. If players put in the effort and it’s gets to a tier where it’s very challenging then it should reward the highest level of gear.

I also think a lot of other types of players would then be interested in playing and trying WoW. Since they have an avenue to be challenged that is for them.


The best thing about a mmo is the people, and the worst thing about a mmo is the people.


Let disect this maybe just a little.

I love ARPGs which are Solo content games. They have their challenging content to overcome but what makes them great is being online with other players even though you don’t play with them. I love trading, the economy and everything else that the people bring to my Solo ARPG experience.

That’s basically the same in WoW, I want to do World Quest, Solo Dungeons, Solo BGs, Solo farm etc then interact with the people for the Economy, trading, professions etc.

Solo content is the best but it being online is what makes it better. You still need people just not in the content you enjoy. This is coming from someone who has also played WoW for almost 20 years.


Pick up groups in this game are GARBAGE. I just did my first PUG dungeon in WW and WILL NOT be doing any more. I have tried them and 90% of the time they are awful. People rushing through, nobody talks.

The solo game is not only the only part I like, it is the only part I find tolerable. Delves have been ok, but I prefer follower dungeons. If they provided any loot worth a crap. But they seem to have been tuned to be kind of easy, and so provide almost no rewards.


I’m glad follower dungeons have offered a respite from interacting with toxic scumbags. Happy for you, OP


The skilled elite turned it into a single-player game when you cried and cried and cried MaKE tHE GaMe HARDER NOWWWW EXCLUDE MOAR PPL and Blizz listened every time.

There is literally only top-skill multiplayer content, because even the easy content, skilled players invade, and insist FASTER FASTER GOGOGO until all it is, is a slightly shorter race, with the same skill prerequisite.

Until they make content that you get outright locked out of, if you are too good, the OP has a point.


Yeah follower dungeons are great. Probably need to be for Heroics too since they feel just like Normals anyway.


Some don’t like that concept. It becomes “welfare” gear/rewards. You did not earn it. When you did.

It seems part of earning your rewards is to suffer the idiots. that you have no control over. and then they say git gud. when your runs are going to crap for an idiot. And the vote kicks even 100% legit are getting denied.

See even mmo’s like eve can work like this. One can do higher level pve solo there.

Does it go better with 3? Sure. But with skill, effort, knowledge of game mechanics it can be solo’d.

Why we do this is…to make more money.

To pay for pvp stuff. That will get blown up in time. Your goal is to kill a few things before it goes boom! lol.

I want the pay for 3 people…all to myself. And now I go buy my expensive ship to blow up in pvp lol.

It also cuts outs less skilled players or idiots. I’ve done this a few years. I know the trigger npc’s. they die last. When they die the script calls in 20 new targets. I kill the 20 already there. Then I bring them in lol.

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Why have 2 or 3 specific days that all members must log in to play the game at a specific time, like a job, when you can have everyday as that day and its played on your own terms and you can still be rewarded and competitive if you choose.

It sounds like you want to play an RPG with some small group content with people you know in real life. You can find that in dragons dogma if you want that.

The job component that you’re describing is more a personal choice and perspective people take with them into the game than it is the game or blizzard’s “Fault.”

Blizzard can’t prevent people from wanting to be competitive, from wanting to play the game in an extremely efficient manner and perhaps unreasonable to some.

What I “don’t understand” is why so many individuals feel they can’t run dungeons with like minded individuals who want to go their speed and sip coffee in between small pulls. Perhaps because most of the “solo” players are even toxic towards each other and condemn each other’s differences in play style.

The queues for the game will only progressively get worse in the end if delves are prioritized and other content. You will have a “Dead” game. Not in the sense that it is the “Apocalypse and WoW Killer.” I mean more people will play less, and meaningful content will become less relevant. There isn’t a reason for me to log onto a game that wants to become an online “Single player” game with multiplayer facets.

What made the game fun was the community and competitive rewards, and the combination of new abilities and tier sets. Unfortunately we’ve focused more on instant gratification and the intolerances of individuals within the community who dislike each other.

War Within hasn’t been a bad experience yet. But I will say it feels more empty than any of the other expansions releases. That said, I’m less inclined to participate and I get bored more frequently due to the queue times which have seemingly increased due to single player solo content. Following Bots around isn’t entertaining to me.

I wish they expand this feature to the old raids, like in original wow and older expacs, I started to play wow back in BC, and getting a 30 man raid into anything after TK was a pain in the butt. If I can do a 10 man followers raid into one of those older raids, it would be great.


Did they ask for that though? I have yet to see any group of “Elite” individuals push for harder content when they can barely find people to do the normal content.

What changed was the methodology of the game. It went from the “Elite” hard sweaty end game grinding for the reward in vanilla to the less sweaty grinding game it is now-- which it really isn’t comparatively to what it was over a decade and a half ago.

Some people want to spam frost bolts for an entire fight and have someone listen to their life story.

Some want flashy graphics.

Some want solo content that excludes everyone, and wants the same reward of team based content that requires coordination and socializing.

The “Faster gogogo” stuff originated more with the creation of M+ and timers. But its much easier to gain entry to and do than assembling a 20 man raid, or 40 man raid praying that someone shows up and doesn’t dip out. WOTLK was a guild killer and caused a lot of issues, yet so many people remember how great it was.

Unironically, most people who refer back to vanilla or otherwise are usually the sweaty, “no-lifers” who want to grind for weeks to get a reward. People in Retail are so casual and spoiled they get rewards after their dungeon and in a vault.

Exactly. People don’t remember how much they had to lower the standards for someone to even do 30-40 man raids. It wasn’t an easy task because there was never a chance you would ever get “elitist” into the raid back then AND be successful. Usually there was flexibility and allowance for people to die in raid, and there was a lot less complexity.

Granted finding people who aren’t so exclusive in the current game ina 10-20 man raid is going to be a chore.

I love follower dungeons. I can go at my own pace, and take my time
without complaints.
Long after no one else is running those dungeons. I can still run them
for the quests, and get some gear with good RNG luck. I dont need for
them to expand it. But I would run them if they did expand.
I would however, love to see all normal dungeons in the game have
the follower option. So if we want to level in a different expansion.


I think people die on this hill of “Earned” gear and when in reality noone has “Earned” gear in the content they do. It’s really a misconception.

Just because someone does M+ they didn’t “Earn” anything. They really didn’t and this entire misconception that started in certain communities (elitist trying to place value on what they do) is what hurt the WoW as an MMO the most.


I don’t think elitists caused this issue. I do think you’re attempting to white wash 99% of the community for a very small minority that is pushing keys that the average player will never get to.

Are there toxic try-hards? Yep. But usually those are the average players or “Casuals” in the community. There might even be some toxic individuals in that .001% but its almost unheard of due to the fact they won’t be running with most everyday people.

Suffice to say, they did earn their gear, because they had to perfectly time some of the most challenging level content without dying, without missing interrupts, without mismanaging cooldowns, and performing it to almost robotic levels of efficiency.

But for the casual 99% of people? Yeah probably not. I don’t think they really care whether someone earned the gear, or whatever. A lot of the times its usually being upset that the gear dropped for someone else and greed becomes more of a toxic factor in their interactions in the community.

Someone probably mentioned it, but I haven’t see it yet, so I’ll include my guess as to why solo stuff will just simply never really be as important to Blizzard as 20 man raids. It boils down to economic.

Blizz makes money by keeping people busy. If they create a single 20 man raid that takes 3 hours to do, not including all the prep. grinding to make elixirs, or flasks, or whatever they call them now, then they keep 20 people busy for probably 300 hours. Because those 20 are going to have to repeat that raid 100 times to get everyone geared up, in order to move on to the next raid.

You might think, a single delve could keep those same 20 people just as busy rerunning it individually, but you would be wrong. Twenty people running an instance by themselves will be MUCH more efficient. They will each run it until they get the full set of max level gear they need only for themselves. None of them will need to make any extra runs to help their buddies who have yet to get the last random drop they need.

Single player content is, by its very nature, more efficient, and THAT is why Blizzard HATES it. Not just because of the efficiency. They hate it because it lacks the other key element in gajillion man raids. Peer pressure from your guild mates to keep you playing. You’re character is the tank/healer/crowd control/dps or whatever who has the gear to make that section of the raid go smoothly. You can’t just quit on us bruh!

I’m simplifying a bit, but not much. There is a method to Blizzards madness and it is monetary in nature. They will throw the solo players a bone now and then, but raids will ALWAYS be king. Don’t fool yourselves.

That sounds depressing

Raiding as a whole is antiquated aspect of MMO’s. It’s not the future. Don’t get me wrong some people enjoy Raids but it’s really not the focus of players anymore. The next big MMO won’t focus on Raiding/Dungeons. That is the thing of the past.

I think a lot of people refuse to take a birds eye view because they are limited to WoW as a game. It’s all they know or mostly all they have done. Not saying that is you. Except people are unable to look past WoW and what has always been. Instead of what WoW can be.

If Blizzard is smart they will make WoW the next big MMO first. These Solo features are a great start. You will bring in more players by creating content they are interested in.

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I think you’re going a bit deep on the conspiracy end of things.

Everyone who is selling a service or product is doing it for money.

They literally can’t make people play raids they don’t enjoy. Raids have declined over time, especially higher level raids.

This literally sounds like a lot of speculation and circular reasoning.

Single player content in an MMO where people play for the human interaction because most of them either A. Lack it in their personal lives, or B. Want to have some fun people to do activities with, that isn’t going to strain them financially or require them to drive somewhere.
That said I don’t believe that a lack of a community and single player content will be more “efficient” for a game that depends on player interactions.