I've Realized that What Makes MMOs FUN is NOT Playing with Other People

This is such an old head incorrect take. I promise you, no one over at Blizzard is balancing around E-Sports since WoW left the MLG circuit over a decade ago.

Just say you’re one of those players whose bitter he wasn’t ever as good as the competitive players and so blame everything on them.

If anything the last 3 expansions of WoW are without a doubt the most casual and accessible the game has ever been.

The glory of choice is something I always fully support in WoW. It’s so important that people have the ability to choose why type of playstyle they’d like to focus on, and the fact that we’re getting more solo options is awesome. That’s why I hated plunderstorm so much because forced pvp – forced anything really – is sucky and annoying.

That is what is best for you. You’re not everyone. What you really want is a single player live service online RPG themed to Warcraft.


Jesus christ you are thickheaded. The op is about ALL types of group content, not just M+, being toxic. It’s pretty simple.

Did I say that?

It’s not, it’s the reality. The obviousness is all around you in this thread but you’re so stuck on M+ rewards you are blind to it.

There’s no need to because I’m tired of dealing with pugs. I’ll run with people I know and trust when they are on, but pugging is out because they get so toxic and I want to enjoy what I do in the game. Having to play “daddy” in a video game is not something I am interested in.

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I think this displays exactly what’s wrong with random groups and has been for a while. Getting something done as quickly as possible. I also like the fact that Follower dungeons and delves provide a calm pace to playing the game. I would think most of the community would appreciate to some degree getting back to that. Slowing down to enjoy the content.

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I always stay next to my tank. Even mark them. They just… stand there half the time.

There was nothing in my chat for the Rookery. I just jumped and hit glide to get to the feathers then had to read the tooltip to figure out what to do from there.

And yes, my chat has NPC chat in it. I think the only thing they said when I got to the part for the second jump down was, “the lift is out, we need to find another way down.”


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I get where you’re coming from OP but the post is still unreal to me. I’ve been playing MMOs since the 90s, and by far the best part of the genre was (emphasis: was) the other people.

Blizzard forgot how important the social fabric is to the genre, and the players forgot how to make positive social connections in a game.

So many people are logging in for increasingly fast dopamine hits. Queue-> teleport-> rush through the dungeon → no one talks → get reward → click ilvl upgrade. The whole experience is just so damn hollow.

The random gear I get is insignificant. What was much more impactful, memorable, and entertaining was meeting some of the zany characters I’ve encountered over the years, having my whole guild come out to celebrate assembling Rhok’delar, helping my friends learn how to play for the first time, getting to know my online friends as real human beings, etc.

It’s crazy that we have entire forums of like-minded people hating the community so much that it borders on sociopathy. It’s ironic isn’t it? So many people spending so much energy hating the situation and being unwilling to do anything about it.

WoW is one of the worst offenders when it comes to this. FF14, ESO, GW2, and likely others still have real communities. WoW does only in small, nearly invisible pockets these days.

All that said, I think they should reward solo players. But believing that people are the bane of MMOs is myopic and ignorant.

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Well, that is frustrating! I’m certain my tank told me what to do on the Rookery, so obviously this is hit and miss. I hope they can fix it up, it is a hyped feature of the expansion!

OP mentioned M+. I responded with a point about M+. I did not and am not addressing all types of group content, because that is beside my concerns and my point. I don’t care about Heroic follower dungeons, or extra hard follower Delves, or M+ follower dungeons that yield lesser rewards. So this strikes me as a straw man or red herring. However, if you’d like to talk about my original point, you can, but bringing up other stuff that I never argued either way about doesn’t seem productive in a discussion about my original point, to which you earlier responded.

I’m sorry that your PUGs have been toxic. I don’t see M+ leadership as “playing dad,” but rather being a good leader and decent person – the kind of player I would want to group up with, if I were applying to a group. I think therein lies your problem. Wanting a good experience, but viewing active participation in the good experience as a chore.

I will say that the WOW forums aren’t the best representation of the world of warcraft community. Some of the takes people have in here are absolutely insane, and the toxicity expressed here in particular is crazy. I also do think a lot of it is realm-exclusive. If you’re on more chill realms, the people you’ll find will be a lot more chill. So there is still some decent community to be found, especially on my realm and similar realms like it, but because a lot of us are old, grumpy, and jaded, we’re more likely to be hostile.

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It confirms my disappointing outlook on humanity that I agree with you.

TBH most groups I’ve been with are either friendly or just quiet, but it’s the restaurant experience: 99 good meals, and you get sick one time, and the place sucks forever afterword.

Timed group content should be removed from the game. It may or may not be too late to reverse that plague and its consequences on gameplay, but Blizzard should at least try.

There are plenty of opportunities for difficult solo content (maxed out delves, treasure scenarios, Brawler’s, etc.) and plenty of other ways to score difficult group content. Timed group content is Lazee Mode design.

Likewise, an account should only receive XP from, let’s say, two group instances per hour, so that there is no point in running them as quickly as possible.


I wish I could plant little steam awards on this comment.


Yeah, I definitely agree, and it’s why I settled on MG. Players are willing to interact and see the game as more than just a Skinner box.

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Yeah, it may just be bugged. Like half the things I run into now.


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Oh nice another MGer! Yeah, things have been so much better for me when I moved over a few years ago. People are more willing to help, invite you to groups, help you with anything you need, etc. I think the only thing I don’t like is that MG has a bad rep with some folks and people automatically think you’re useless or weird or whatever, and sometimes it can cause you not to get invited into mythic pugs with folks from specific, more…toxic realms.

Life on SH/FS is fine too, although more population would be nice.

I’d have trouble belonging to a guild on my mains as they are all tmog crafting toons hooked up with a maxed out vault (that used to be) full of mats, so that’s a little bit of a bummer. I guess I could move all that stuff into banks and enlarge the warbank a tab or two for the shared mats.

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Play with friends and you won’t have any of the problems you describe

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They are competitive for what they are though :thinking:

This would be cool.

Lol MMO is massively multiplayer though? Go play a single player game? There’s lots of good ones out there. There’s lots of great people playing this game that make it more fun to play.

MG is?.. Moon guard?