their heritage armor pretty much achieves this look
Same. If Blizz ever adds more customization to them that allows them to look fully robotic (other than having to be locked into their heritage armor) like classic mechagnomes I’d play one. It would be fun to play a robot (even if it still has a gnome brain in there somewhere).
That’s basically the same for horde, with a huge majority of blood elves. Orcs are second and represent slightly more than a third of the number of blood elves. (Of course this is based on 2019 stats, pre-vulpera.)
But I cannot recall a single time that I looked around and was like “oh, hey, look at that weird-%$# little dude with the rotating claw! That seems popular!” They’re just nowhere.
See the mechagnome. I am the person who runs the mechagnome discord. A lot of people do like them. Most of the hatred is being spread by people who just wanted something else. Most others people just recognize them as an inevitability and the rightful gnome AR.
And, of course, it’s made worse by the competition.
There was never a competition. No other race was really ever on the table for “Gnome AR”. People who expected something else have themselves to blame.
and it’s hard not to conclude that the former represents the biggest non-starter in the brief history of allied races.
Catering to popular requests comes with some serious downsides. If blizzard catered to every popular request then there would be a new standard for unpopular. Races that are now considered popular may seem pretty much in line with mechagnomes if blizzard always catered to popular request.
Why were mechagnomes ever introduced?
Because they are gnomes and the only thing we were going to get for the Gnome AR was some kind of gnome. People who believed otherwise were setting themselves up for disappointment.
Why didn’t the Alliance get something, you know… cool and desirable instead?
A lot of people are happy with Mechagnomes. This idea that something else would have been better is mostly spread by people who don’t like gnomes to begin with.
See these threads.
You post like someone who raises his fist at people in their yard. You’re a computer hall monitor like a lot of “ohemgeeee” people in these forum halls.
Hes not wrong though. Just that people don’t like what he has to say.
He’s just being a cry baby and making an issue out of thin air.
Same for me but also Kul Tirans. Literally zero in 6 months.
I like Mechagnomes. I made one and it was a Warrior. But I am more of a Hunter. I could have made Mechagnome Hunter but I fear the pet would just eat her. LOL.
I know a pet that would not eat her… a robobunny. But that’s too much. Imagine, a Mechagnome BM Hunter with a Robobunny eating Heroic Nzoth alive for breakfast. It would be unfair. LOL.
I see a lot of KT Shaman and Druids but outside of that combo they are pretty rare. MGs are also rare but they attract some people because of their racials.
Reg trolls are one of the things I barely see anymore as Alliance since they added the Zandalari. I am curious just how many of them are left.
I loved my gnome mage. When I could make a mechagnome, I thought sweet, the next step from gnome.
I miss my gnome now. Mechagnome customization is just not good.
As far as racials go, they’re okay. You have to stay in battle constantly for the benefit of primary stat. So on long bosses and quick dungeon pulls, it’s good. Otherwise it’s not any better or sometimes worse than some. Terrible for PvP.
The heal is okay I guess, but you never really see it happen. You just notice the debuff it gives you afterwards.
All in all, I’m hoping mechagnome gets more customization options. Like being able to keep my arms. Like Mechatorque. All he had replaced was his heart.
Story fit for them to join, blizzard thought it’d be neat and they are a neat AR version of gnomes.
At least that’s probably the reasoning.
Since blizzard doesn’t come out and say specifically why they did any of the AR’s you can only make guesses.
Ultimately if you don’t like them then don’t play em, if you do like em enjoy it.
I highly recommend anyone who hasn’t given them a shot to really give them a shot. I hated gnomes before I got into my mechagnome. Now I have ten of them.
Love these guys.
Creates a thread saying she’s never seen a mechagnome. Proceeds to say she has
I think that’s the whole point of the mechagnome heritage armor - it makes you a complete robot.
Yeah. I actually hate the mechagnome theme. But I love those racials. Been trying to find a spec/mog that I feel happy with playing so I can have those.
Take a look at the screenshot in the very first post on this page. This, in my opinion, is why you don’t see more mechagnomes. Transmog options get very limited very fast. And when the transmog “doesn’t work” it fails spectacularly.
For me, it’s because they can’t be shamans… They can be such a small selection of classes, it’s unbelievably frustrating.
I got the impression that Allied Races were intentionally providing alternatives to core races. If that was the original intent, then it makes sense we’d get something Gnome-related eventually, and Mechagnome probably makes the most sense. Although I’m almost surprised they went halfway with it rather than full on “Gnomes that avoided the curse of flesh” or something.
Not sure how sound that reasoning is, since we never got Worgen or Forsaken alternates. Everything else DID get something, sans Pandaren which are on both factions anyway so at least that balances out.
Worgen and forsaken are already human alternatives.
The original idea for Allied Races was subraces. But Blizzard made it clear they didn’t want to be tied to this notion that every core race would get a sub race. And that’s largely I think where a lot of the complaints against Mechagnomes come from.
They are essentially just a added customization option for Gnomes. They only look bad in contrast because their Horde alterative was for all intents and purposes a completely new race. Had the Horde just gotten Kelfin then I don’t think you would of heard even a fraction of the backlash against MGs as you did.