I've never seen a Mechagnome

I’ve never understood why people want to toggle the limbs. It would become a gnome at that point.


I’d compare it to so-called leper colonies spread across the world. Those afflicted by the illness isolate themselves into small communities. On a micro scale, if those colonies continued to be self sufficient and confined, they would legitimately be called a race. After all, what is a race except a group of individuals who grow and change together over time.

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Mechagnomes have some solid racial abilities. That stacking main stat is very powerful. Their emergency heal is life saving. It turns out though people don’t like them because (imo) they look awful. Regular gnomes are cool, mechagnomes look like the 6 million dollar man on a budget.

Oddly vulpera have some of the weakest racial abilities, simming lowest for all the dps classes I play. They’re adorable though and that’s what matters to me.

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Azeroth belongs to us now

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It’s less having NO mechanical limbs, and more choosing which ones are mechanical. Part of it for me is from an RPer’s perspective. In Mechagnome lore, the degree of mechanization was a reflection on status, was it not? Some “lesser” mechagnomes may only have a single augmentation on their arm…others might be almost fully mechanized.

As for Locutus’s (nice name btw) comment. Honestly? “No one” rolls off the tongue better than “less than one percent of WoW’s current gaming populace”. :stuck_out_tongue:


I really dislike how transmog on them looks. You lose a solid amount of slots due to your robotic limbs. I’d wager a fair amount of people love Barbie doll simulator and collect a bunch of old mogs. I know I do. I want to see the transmog, not half of it meshing poorly with my cyborg leg.

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Ah, I can understand that part from the rp perspective as it is a gradual transformation but that might affect animations.

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Since we’re talking opinions here is mine: It doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter how many cool and diverse races you put into the Alliance because it’s player base are obsessive traditionalists. They will never pick anything outside of human (or slightly purple human) if they can help it. The Dark Iron are living proof; the Alliance asked for them for years and now that they got them they’re represented as much as dwarves, less than 1% each.

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Partly true. There was a huge request for High Elves. How many normal void elves do you see compared to high elf skins, now?


We separate orcs by skin color. :man_shrugging:


Ive literally seen more Mechagnomes than HMT and Maghar Orcs to be honest.


The Mag’har one surprises me.

HMT less so.

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What’s that? Never seen one of those.

All orcs belong in cages equally, we Zandalari shall inherit the horde and lead it to the foundation of a new, Troll Empire!!!


When I’m on the horde I rly love playing all the horde allied races
But ally allied races are just meh besides the void elves for me, the only one based off a horde race loul

  • mecha tmog is so limiting

The only reason I haven’t levelled my mechagnome yet is because I don’t have much time to play these days and I wanted to complete the cov campaigns before working on alts. I love the variety of allied races, both factions.

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Also I keep thinking to myself, ooh I’ll level alts when flying gets here.

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There’s was an old thread and rather popular thread on subraces on MMO Champ. They pretty much took a lot of the fan concepts from there when they decided to make Allied Races for BfA. Mechagnomes or referred to as Junker Gnomes in that thread.

So it was something community inspired. I think however it would been much more popular if they were fully robotic. Which is in my opinion something they can still fix in the future.

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If they looked like Jeeves or Blingtron I’d want to play one. I’d love to see them kind of like shape shifted druid where you just don’t see their armor

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Honestly they’re both are so small that mogs don’t show that well, it makes it hard to tell the difference.

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I saw one in Eastern Plaguelands once, months ago. I cheered at them.