I've never seen a Mechagnome

  • I know they exist.

  • I know people play them.

  • I know that there are at least a few people who feel strongly (in a positive way) about them.

Look, I’m sure that I’ve “seen” one at one point in Stormwind without realizing it wasn’t a normal gnome. Heck, it’s probably happened in a battleground, too. But I cannot recall a single time that I looked around and was like “oh, hey, look at that weird-%$# little dude with the rotating claw! That seems popular!” They’re just nowhere.

And, of course, it’s made worse by the competition. You stack up Mechagnomes (a race that pretty much nobody ever asked for) against Vulpera (a race that pretty much everyone at least wanted in the game the first time they encountered them), and it’s hard not to conclude that the former represents the biggest non-starter in the brief history of allied races.

Why were mechagnomes ever introduced? I like gnomes. I love my gnome - I think she’s freaking adorable and interesting… and that already makes me a minority, since most people don’t like gnomes. Mechagnomes are asking someone to take that a step further - saying to themselves “man, I love my cute gnome, but she’s just not, you know, Robocop-ish enough. You know what she needs? To sever her own little limbs and replace them with janky looking scrap replacements; like she went wading in the Death Star’s trash compactor for a few hours, and had to build replacement limbs from the crap that people threw down the garbage chute. Yeah. That doesn’t sound horrible or anything.”

Why was this race ever added to the game? Why didn’t the Alliance get something, you know… cool and desirable instead?


How are you able to confidently type this? Do you have some sort of data proving it?


How am I able to confidently type my own experiences? Like this. Clickity click clack clack clickty-do.


Your own experiences lets you speak for “pretty much” everyone? How?


Why are you deflecting instead of just provide some proof to your statement? Or maybe don’t speak for everyone if you can’t.


I don’t like the eye modifications. I just think of them cutting out my little teenie’s eyeballs and it’s super gross :disappointed:

One can imagine that they are goggles but I don’t trust that. I know deep down that the mechanizers slice right into their teeny face like they’re balling a melon.


give it a rest, thanks


When people stop speaking for others, let alone the majority, I will but until then I’ll continue posting how I like.


I can’t speak for everyone else, but I do remember at least a few “ooooh’s” and “aaaah’s” when mechagnomes were shown in game as a race. At the time they weren’t confirmed as playable, but people were definitely excited for them.


What are you on about? People desperately wanted vulpera as a playable race. There were posts on the forums pretty much instantly when BfA released begging for them to be an allied race. My guild regularly begs me to go Horde so we can be vulpera. Obviously it wasn’t literally every single person ever who wanted vulpera, but it’s pretty safe to say from the community response to them that the majority did.


I like them but i sure don’t see many of them either on any of the 10 servers I’m on. I would assert that Vulpera are a new original race while mechagnomes (like a few others) are just rebranding a slight twist of the existing races, so possibly not as exciting.

You already answered why nobody plays Mechagnomes. People like cute, attractive, tough (not in necessarily that order). That’s just human nature we can’t compensate for.

Alliance was able to snag the most popular race in game, and that race was the only one to get extra cosmetics to cater to Alliance players. On top of that, Alliance races are already full of ‘cute’ races.


Again? Do people learn nothing?

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We’re getting married don’t like it too bad we’re engaged and in love


Majority is not asserting everyone. I don’t understand why this is a hill you’re willing to die on when everyone who participated in the community during the first year of BfA saw the response to vulpera. People loved them. People wanted to play them. You know those still regularly seen “Sethrak allied race” threads that pop up? There were way more vulpera ones. There was datamining on Wowhead of the vulpera assets and analysis of whether it meant they would become playable. It was a regularly addressed and hugely popular topic. You are just wrong in disputing this. If you don’t like them, that’s fine. That doesn’t mean most people didn’t want them as an allied race, though. The community response on that topic was quite clear.

Meanwhile, most people that made any noise about mechagnomes complained. They were even used as an example of Horde bias as compared to the vulpera…because people wanted to play vulpera and did not want to play mechagnomes.


Have I at any point implied people didn’t want Vulpera? Please quote me saying this. If this is all you got out of my comments then IDK why you’re wasting both of our times.


If you look at actual race breakdowns, pretty much no allied race is super popular…although Vulpera and Void Elves are probably the most popular

Plus mechagnomes pretty much have the highest DPS racials in the game right now, so they have that going for them.


those mechagnomes you see in BG’s are vulpera mercs mate. mystery solved. always pay attention to what realm theyre from


I haven’t gotten to level my alliance toons yet. Since this expansion has so much anima to farm! Mechagnome suffers from not having as much cool hair colors and styles as the base gnomes. I know I wish my mechagnome could use pink, purple or green hair! They should have been customization tbh. Mechagnomes do have some of the best racials in game though. Scifi mogs are good on them. Which is lacking in WoW.


All you’ve been arguing about is that an earlier poster said “pretty much everyone” but didn’t provide data. Obviously “pretty much everyone” is hyperbole. I pointed that the majority wanted them and you argued again.

No one is speaking for you, dude. Obviously no one surveyed the entire playerbase, or even a statistically significant portion, in order to provide you with peer reviewed references on the topic. The data the community had access to was very clear, though. Most people participating in the community wanted vulpera. If you want harder data, you are more than welcome to dig through the forum posts, Wowhead blog posts, MMO-C forums, from the relevant time period and compile it. Those of us that were paying attention at the time already know it’s true.