I've never seen a Mechagnome

I’d make a distinction between having a limb amputated through trauma or birth deformity. Mechagnomes themselves suffer from a form of surgical addiction.


hi bb love u


I have my own blacksmithing station, I can unlock anything with my hand, I can self heal once every 3 min to save my butt, I can also gain primary stat in long fights.

Yeah, I wear diapers…what’s not to love?

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Real mechagnomes live in northrend, with their lord and savior Mimiron, who they remade in their own image upon his death.

The Self-Mutilating-Diaper-Sadists of Mechagon, are NOT mechagnomes.


I have two of them, a hunter and a warlock, but I’m not currently playing alliance. Gnomanity in general is fun as a novelty but I always get bored of them.

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It’s called “anecdotal evidence”. A source of information usually not backed by enough data to state as fact, but can form a hypothesis or theory that can later be tested to validate that evidence.

I myself just finished a quick census, using this thread as a sample size for the population, and while in statistics that is not a one for one representation of the audience, that in 47 posts, I saw 3 unique mechagnome characters. 6% In a thread specifically about them. And I see someone else (a goblin) replying now, so that will lower the percent further.


You’re doing god’s work, keep it up.



What about the modifications to the ears?

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I’ve never seen a WoW classic dwarf before.

Kind of wish I didn’t now. Those polygons, man.

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Nowhere in the OP’s post did I get he was speaking for anyone but themself… Its called an opinion, stop being so obtuse in all your posts.


Unfortunately stupidity and ignorance will never go out of style :frowning:


If they looked more like Jeeves or Blingtron I’d love to play one. I main horde and was excited to play one then I saw them and quickly changed my mind. IMO they just look bad, and nothing like I imagined.


But is that enough to be called a separate race?

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They have good racials, that’s a start.

Plus don’t Alliance already have enough cool and desirable races? Looking at Humans, Elves and Draenei.

They really need to add a lot more customizable options for Mechagnomes honestly. People are missing out on Combat Analysis, a free heal, a free lock pick, bootleg fade and universal profession tools otherwise.


Love you too good morning

I haven’t seen any in a long time, either. I can’t recall the last time I saw a player mechagnome.

Totally agree with that last point. Mechagnomes might have at least had a niche if you could give them normal vs mechanical arms, normal vs mechanical legs, the kind of “no two robo-gnomes” are alike deal…and if the transmogs didn’t make them into the underpants gnomes.

They still wouldn’t be a fan favorite, but maybe they would have had a cult following.

As it is right now, though–not only did no one ask for them, but the lazy, limited approach to them made it so they basically could have just made a customization option for gnomes and call it a day.


I wish we had OP’s problems over on the horde, but the Vulpera menace is everywhere.


If they would have looked like the Mechanomes from Northrend I’d make one in a heartbeat. But Gnomes given the Borg treatment don’t appeal to me.


Saying the race that nobody asked for is a bit far fetched. Same thing could be said about Vulpera except people asked for them and look how people make stereotypes of them just wanting to yiff people. :joy:

If only Mechagnomes are more popular though, I’d make a movement against the Scarlet Scourge in Ravencrest by mirroring their roster by naming Automatons with Mechagnomes only.

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