I've moved on from this

this will never happen. blood elves have had to defend their position in the horde for 12 years and many of them think alliance are a bunch of losers, which, frankly, the devs encouraged

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Pandas and Dracthyr as neutral

I’m not TOTALLY against it.

It won’t happen (far too much foundational gameplay mechanic work would need to be done for this to happen). BUT IF IT DID, I wouldn’t cry about it.

(three-way PVP as an added bonus

i made a thread on this, back in like legion or thereabouts, with suramar being their capital, divided into quarters for each race, and visiting each other on the swan boats .

the main issue with this, disregarding the sheer amount of foundational game changes that would need to be done to make this happen

is that the Elf faction would have 3x as many players as the other two factions combined.

here it is

I doubt they’d ever go for a third faction. They’re trying to erase the two they have now. lol

Pass, no one wants to be around Void Elves.


Depending on how they handle it
 so far not particularly well
 that would probably be the best solution. All races for both factions.

With the cities, you just have to figure out how to do it. Two Alliance cities are now more or less neutral, precisely those of the races that have suffered the most under the Horde, so there’s not really much against Horde cities opening up either. Whether that’s good or bad


oh i see what you mean. not a bad idea.

Ok, what have you got? Remember, not everyone sees everything.

teylari is saying you could play any race on either horde or alliance

Yeah, not clear they are headed in that direction. But what does that have to do with elves? Granted they are included but so isn’t everyone else.


Whenever you try to merge two elven races, I’m pretty sure you end up with three elven races.

aye. you could be alliance tauren or horde night elf. alliance nightborne or horde dark iron. alliance blood elf or horde worgen. etc

Also merge all the customizations, wifey needs horn jewelry to take this natural 11 to a 12.


Replace all elves with the MOP era puntable marmot, complete with the sound effects.

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I would not mind if the game overhauled the character creation into something like:

‘Where do you originate from?’ Or ‘What are you?’

Human → Kul Tiras, Stromgarde, Stormwind, etc.
Elven → Quel’dorei (With a follow-up for Ren’dorei and Sin’dorei specificity), Kaldorei, Shaldorei
Eredar → Lightforged, Eredar, Draenei
Dwarves → Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Earthen
Orc → Mag’har & each clan, etc.
Trolls → Zandalari, Darkspear, Revantusk, Sandfury, etc.

So on and so forth with light intros! It feels cleaner/more organized than the cluttery selection we have now, and merges quite a bit into a better format. The character creation system is a major eyesore that could be cleaned up a lot.

Edit: Edited for clarity! : ) Whether ‘Where are you from?’ or ‘What are you?’ it would bundle races together into a cohesive thought process versus what we have now.


this, but also center the Narratives around the individual Kingdoms/City-States instead of just the two big mega-factions like we have now.

It would add a lot of possible new angles for the Narrative to explore.

Blizzard could enhance the already existing Reputation system that kinda seems to serve no current purpose other than time-wasting. Give it some new purpose.

and breath some life into lesser used Cities that got abandoned in Blizzard’s decision to make Orgrimmar and Stormwind the only non-expansion-hub cities that matter.

In my opinion.


Amen to this! Literally the dream and allows more compelling stories to be told at this level.

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