I've moved on from this

there are no factions, just races of the good or evil or neutral alignment. in the classic version which is the og, plus 2 expacs, they have wood elves, high elves, half elves, dark elves, ogres, trolls, humans, halflings, erudites, dwarves, reptiles and gnomes. each of them have their own racial rep, which effects how their guards, trainers and merchants treat you. the more your alignments differ, the harder it is to get near their cities, so the idea is to grind rep with them until they no longer try to kill you lol

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So then you are aware it’s actually Alliance that sucks not Horde because people prefer Horde and not Alliance or Alliance races except a small minority like yourself to the point you even use the Dark Ranger theme which is a Horde theme.

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one of my favorite meme’s when used well, like here

Alliance is the better faction.
Better aesthetics, better races, better people, better cities, better racials, better honestly everything.
Horde live in mud huts and eat straw. Except belfs, yall are alliance who are too scared to join us.

Maybe if you RP but anything else that actually matters game wise is dead it’s the whole reason they needed crossfactioning from Horde and Horde players.

If you like the nonstop and lame Human potential all over everything sure.

The faction with bargain bin Blood Elves and Mechagnomes is better, are you serious right now?

Like after that I just can’t take you seriously at all now.


not better, no, but not worse either.

Mechagnomes vs Vulpera enough said.

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I never took you serious bc you are being hostile for zero reason.
Take care.

Telling the truth isn’t hostile, stating facts isn’t hostile either, learn the difference especially if you are gonna spout nonsense that Horde is the faction that sucks.


If I didn’t know better I’d say you were either trolling or just jelly of Horde elves.

Step 1: I hate the Horde and all of their races.
Step 2: Give access to Horde Elves to the Alliance by making them neutral.
Step 3: Somehow this improves things?

You simultaneously hate all of the Horde races but are arguing for access to some of them?

Can someone make it make sense?


Thank you for your post I’m glad I wasn’t the only one rolling my eyes nonstop.


without a doubt belfs are the best aesthetic race added to the game as all the rest are satirical caricatures. sure belfs have a bit of satire but their claim to fame, besides rescuing the horde’s plummeting numbers back in tbc, was their good elf gone rogue theme. sort of dangerous beauty. of course the alliance was jealous. doh

Once the Sunwell reignited the Blood Elves abandoned all their shady stuff and were just High Elves with different political leanings and green eyes. We cannot even say that anymore as they can also have blue eyes now. If they were still channeling subtle Warhammer Druchii vibes with what they were willing to do in the name of power and survival then it make sense to keep the elves divided.

But They aren’t.

Tauren are my favorite horde race if that is a consolation to you
 and the only Horde race I’ll play now that I got to race change my rogue.

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I agree. WoW has High Elves and the Horde got them.

I’d be mad if I stanned Alliance as well I guess.


After Garrosh, it honestly felt a bit strange that the Tauren remained in the Horde. And then especially after the whole Sylvanas stuff, which pretty much goes against everything the Tauren stand for
 but that’s Blizzard and their questionable storytelling. :sweat_smile:


woulda been perfect opportunity for tauren and nelfs to form their own faction, especially after teldrassil and considering their druids share moonglade.

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we were. on top of that their paladins got seal of blood, which was superior to alliance equivalent. they aoe silenced and mana tapped, too. they not only rescued the horde, they launched it into the stratosphere.

I’m not going to lie.

I would not be totally upset at all the Elves coming together to make a third faction separate of the Horde and Alliance. I don’t see how we get there narratively though, but I suppose for most people the narrative doesn’t matter in this case.

I’m just not sure how one would justify the Blood Elves leaving the Horde after all this time without some more silly Villain-batting. Lor’themar for example, is fiercely loyal to the Horde as a concept, I think.

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You made your choice, now you have to deal with it. I’m happy being Horde.