I've done it. I've beaten World of Warcraft

ROFL! I remember that!

Everyone in my guild knows how much I’ve wanted Tusks, and everyone kept asking if I was going to bid.

But I have strict limit of 100k for the BMAH. And although it was up like SIX times in a row, the lowest it ever went for was just over 1M. (iirc the first one went for well over 3M)

Which is arguably still cheap, because that was BEFORE THE SKIP. So you could have EASILY earned more than 1M in the time it would take you to farm Tusks.

But … nope. Never more than 100k for me.

That decision paid off. :wink:

Because I’m human, I have to assume that’s true.

But I may not.

There’s a major difference between “oh, cool armor bro, ya I really like this.”, and:

This is a piece of the HISTORY of Warcraft. I remember playing Warcraft 3 RTS when I was little, and my attachment to the Orcs, and how much the moment affected me when Grom sacrificed himself to kill Mannoroth and free the Orcs. ALL of the Orcs.

I remember those first days logging into World of Warcraft, and being immersed IN THAT WORLD I had played as “just another map” in W3. To see an Alter of Storms FULLY REALIZED!!! And when walking through the original Orgrimmar, SEEING that head of Mannoroth and the plaque Thrall put to commemorate that moment and for it to remember Grom.

There’s a moment after leveling in Durotar when most people went West into the Barrens. I went North into Ashenvale. And I remember moving forward down this creepy trench, a demon filled path that … like really REALLY reminded me of that scene from W3. And sure enough… I came upon a shrine, and it was the dedication to Grom, the ACTUAL SITE WHERE IT HAPPENED!!!

This was before it was made into a holiday. I felt like I had found a real secret out in the world. That was one of those truly awe inspiring moments that made Vanilla.

And then when the conclusion of MoP was announced, and I learned we could actually WEAR this piece of Warcraft HISTORY on our character!!! This thing that DEFINES what it means to be an Orc … and after TEN YEARS of wanting this item…


It will take AAAAAAA LLLLOOOOTTTTTTTTT to get bored of this, most iconic, piece of armor. :slight_smile:

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I just had to come back today and stare a bit at that mog! So good!

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110% with you.

bliz should allow past expansion items to be tradeable between accounts or make transmogs unlocks be able to get with any class, even if they can equip the item

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Congrats champ.

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What’s going on in Eastern Plaguelands today?



I don’t understand why this particular blue post is in this thread… lol :slight_smile:


Not to mention he bumped your thread 4 days later too


There’s no way this was an accident :eyes:

What is going on in EPL today? Forumites, assemble!


Good question!

The ONLY thing I can put out there as a GUESS …

Is that I recently made an annoyed post about how we got a “Return to Scholomance” and the “old” scholo, but that there was an event tied to old Scholo as well, and so not ALLLLLL of the xmog that was available was brought back.

There was recently a post about A LOT of pre-Cata things were being brought back and … I just mentally made a note that this could be one of them.

Technically, Scholo is in WESTERN Plaguelands, but you can still see the portal entrance on the Eastern Plaguelands map.

So… I dunno. Occam’s Razor suggests he just posted in the wrong thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I’m very curious atm!! :slight_smile:

It’s part of the patch notes, so it may or may not have been stealth hotfixed in ahead of the release.

He might be talking Strath or something missed from the release of the Vanilla Naxx items… items from rare spawns and quests reintroduced into random places, etc. Guess we’ll find out on Tuesday!

Nah this is his job, he meant to post here. The question is why :thinking:

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You’ve peaked our curiosity.
Garrosh in the eastern plaguelands???

Just wondering if the response being in this thread was purposeful

gz guy!

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If it were up to me, what better place to put a teaser, than in a thread that’s pretty much all positive feedback, the players basically engaging in a big group hug over how much they love the game?

Instead of arguing and bickering and cutting each other down. This entire thread is all of us having a good time with the game we love.

This is where I’d post a teaser, for sure. Haters have plenty of other places to put eyes. This thread of for players. :slight_smile:


That’s a fair assessment!

Also congratulations :clap:

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This feels like it could be tied to the “community rumors” in the Secrets of Azeroth event. The timing is too coincidental since we’re supposed to get 5 of them over the course.


Wouldn’t that have started with reset, some 3+ hours ago?

Maybe, maybe not. The new clues are releasing at 3pm PDT but they confirmed nothing about how the rumors will work.

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hmm well I’m in EPL now and… nothing seems unusual.