Community rumors?

Generally, you have to decipher where to go in the clue and then talk to the people there to get more information.

Wowhead will probably have a writeup on it later today though. These quests were all encrypted so they couldn’t be datamined.

Yep, Wowhead has had details on the stuff that starts in Valdrakken (the ones which begin with the Preservationists) Those are 15 to solve which reward you with the mount eventually and “Whodunnit” (think that’s the achieve name)

What I was asking about was the Community Rumors (linked above by Nikolo)…totally different clues for different dirt piles to find. Blizzard only said in their announcement, “…and even play a little ‘follow the leader’ with some of your favorite community creators to discover some of the secrets Azeroth has to offer.” I’m just clueless which community creators we are supposed to follow to find these dirt piles with the satchels. :slight_smile:


Oh I see. Weird.

I seem to be stuck on one of the most basic steps. I did the first quest and received the Thinking Cap. Two days later and there does not seem to be a continuation from any of the NPCs that sent me around the first day. The Whodunnit achievement shows I have done day one and have the cap.

Go talk to Fangli Hoot again–there’s a second part to the Thinking Cap quest. I missed it too and had to Google it.

This just popped up in a completely unrelated thread that the cm necro’d just a wee bit. Maybe it’s what you’re looking for?
Community Manager


What’s going on in Eastern Plaguelands today?

It in fact was. This post, coupled with a certain post they made on other social media today, was intended to direct us towards a first satchel.

Sadly the achievement is bugged at the moment and not granting credit for looting it.

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The point is to interact with other players not look up a guide lololol

I went to Waking Shores at 67.21, 56.95 and there was a satchel. When I hovered over it it said Riddle Solved. I clicked and got an Old Skull. Following this

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What post was that?

instagram post

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I am extremely out of the loop, because I don’t have any social media. Wish these would get posted on websites. :frowning:

Edit: and Wowhead deleted the Waking Shores coordinates from the comments. :expressionless:

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They do…WoWHead :stuck_out_tongue:

You just have to give them a few minutes

The Community Rumors aren’t on Wowhead that I’ve found. Just the daily secrets.

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As far as I know, this is the only one.

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But that’s not even the first one. The first one was Waking Shores. So now I’m confused.

If there was one in the waking shores, I haven’t seen anything about it. We had the blue post here today, and the social media post both for the EPL spot.

you could always join the secret finding discord! they’re the ones who figure all this stuff out, it can be a lot of fun to watch it happen.


Someone earlier in this thread posted a link to the achievement comments on Wowhead that had the coordinates. And a few others I know said they found that one, as well. Now, the comment was deleted. Maybe it was released prematurely and that’s why it wasn’t counting for anyone.

Thank you! :dracthyr_heart:

I went there, and there is a bag that says riddle solved, but it doesn’t count towards the Community Secrets achievement.

Also, it doesn’t really match how the other riddles have worked. Today’s Community Rumors required you to wear the cap the same way the daily quest did.

So I don’t know what that sack is for, but it’s not for any rumor that has been discovered yet.